
Word of God

The Wisdom of Solomon

Edits, corrections and cross references by The Firmament

The Wisdom of Solomon, also known as the Book of Wisdom, is contained in a group of books called Apocrypha (hidden or secret), which were once in the canonical Bible between the old and new testaments. This book is in a class called “Wisdom Literature” due to its frequent reference to wisdom. Here’s a taste: “Wisdom is the breath (Spirit) and power of God and a pure emanation of His Almighty glory.” 7:24-25

Chapter 1

Wis 1:1 “Love uprightness, you who judge the land, think of the Lord with goodness, and seek him with sincerity of heart.”
Wis 1:2 “For he is found by those who do not try him, and is manifested to those who do not disbelieve him.”
Wis 1:3 “For crooked reasonings separate from God, and when his power is tested, it exposes fools.”
Wis 1:4 “For wisdom cannot enter a deceitful soul, or live in a body in debt to sin.”
Wis 1:5 “For the holy spirit of instruction will flee from deceit, and will rise and leave at unwise reasoning and be put to confusion at the approach of wrong.”
Wis 1:6 “For wisdom is a kindly spirit, and will not acquit a blasphemer of what he says, For God is a witness of his heart, and a truthful observer of his mind, and a hearer of his tongue.”
Wis 1:7 “For the spirit of the Lord fills the world, and that which embraces all things knows all that is said.”
Wis 1:8 “Therefore no one who utters what is wrong will go unobserved, nor will justice, in its investigation, pass him by.”
Wis 1:9 “For there will be an inquiry into the designs of the ungodly, and the sound of his words will reach the Lord, to convict him of his transgressions.”
Wis 1:10 “For a jealous ear hears everything, and the sound of grumbling is not hidden.”
Wis 1:11 “So beware of useless grumbling, and spare your tongue from slander; For no secret word goes for naught, and a lying mouth destroys the soul.”
Wis 1:12 “Do not invite death by the error of your life, or incur destruction by the work of your hands;”
Wis 1:13 “For God did not make death, and he does not enjoy the destruction of the living.”
Wis 1:14 “For he created everything to exist, and the generative forces of the world are wholesome, and there is no poisonous drug in them, and the kingdom of Hades is not on earth.”
Wis 1:15 “For uprightness is immortal.”
Wis 1:16 “But ungodly men by their acts and words have summoned him, They thought him their friend, and softened, and made an agreement with him, for they are fit to belong to his party.”

Chapter 2

Wis 2:1 “For they did not reason soundly, but said to themselves, “Our life is short and miserable, and there is no cure when man comes to his end, and no one has been known to return from Hades.”
Wis 2:2 “For we were born at a venture, and hereafter we shall be as though we had never existed, because the breath in our nostrils is smoke, and reason is a spark in the beating of our hearts;”
Wis 2:3 “When it is quenched, the body will turn to ashes, and the spirit will dissolve like empty air.”
Wis 2:4 “And in time our name will be forgotten, and no one will remember what we have done, and our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud, and be scattered like mist pursued by the sun’s rays and overcome by its heat.”
Wis 2:5 “For our life is a fleeting shadow, and there is no way to recall our end, For it is sealed up and no one can bring it back.”
Wis 2:6 “So come, let us enjoy the good things that exist, and eagerly make use of the creation as we did in our youth.”
Wis 2:7 “Let us have our fill of costly wine and perfumes, and let us not miss the spring flowers.”
Wis 2:8 “Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither;”
Wis 2:9 “Let none of us miss his share in our revelry; everywhere let us leave the signs of our gladness; For this is our portion and this our lot.”
Wis 2:10 “Let us oppress the upright poor; Let us not spare the widow, or respect the venerable gray head of the aged.”
Wis 2:11 “But let our strength be our law of uprightness, for weakness is proved useless.”
Wis 2:12 “Let us lie in wait for the upright, for he inconveniences us and opposes our doings, and reproaches us with our transgressions of the Law, and charges us with sins against what we have been taught.”
Wis 2:13 “He professes to possess knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord;”
Wis 2:14 “We have found him a reproof of our thoughts, he is wearisome to us even to see,”
Wis 2:15 “For his life is not like others, and his ways are strange.”
Wis 2:16 “He considers us counterfeit, and avoids our ways as unclean. He calls the end of the upright happy, and boasts that God is his father.”
Wis 2:17 “Let us see whether what he says is true, and let us test what will happen at his departure.”
Wis 2:18 “For if the upright man is a son of God, he will help him, and save him from the hands of his adversaries.”
Wis 2:19 “Let us test him with insults and torture, so that we may learn his patience, and prove his forbearance.”
Wis 2:20 “Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for he will be watched over, from what he says!”
Wis 2:21 “So they reasoned, but they went astray, For their wickedness blinded them,”
Wis 2:22 “And they did not know God’s secrets, or hope for the reward of holiness, Or recognize the prize of blameless souls.”
Wis 2:23 “For God created man for immortality, and made him the image of his own eternity,”
Wis 2:24 “But through the devil’s envy death came into the world, and those who belong to his party experience it.”

Chapter 3

Wis 3:1 “But the souls of the upright are in the hand of God, and no torment can reach them.”
Wis 3:2 “In the eyes of foolish people they seemed to die, and their decease was thought an affliction,”
Wis 3:3 “And their departure from us their ruin, But they are at peace.”
Wis 3:4 “For though in the sight of men they are punished, their hope is full of immortality,”
Wis 3:5 “And after being disciplined a little, they will be shown great kindness. For God has tried them, and found them worthy of himself.”
Wis 3:6 “He has tested them like gold in a furnace, and accepted them like the sacrifice of a whole burnt offering.”
Wis 3:7 “They will shine out, when He visits them, and spread like sparks among the stubble.”
Wis 3:8 “They will judge nations and rule peoples, and the Lord will reign over them forever.”
Wis 3:9 “Those who trust in Him will understand the truth, and those who are faithful will cling to Him in love, for His chosen will find favor and mercy.”
Wis 3:10 “But the ungodly will be punished according to their reasonings, for they disregarded what was right and turned away from the Lord,”
Wis 3:11 “For the man who makes light of wisdom and instruction is wretched, and there is nothing in their hope, and their labors are unprofitable, and what they do is useless.”
Wis 3:12 “Their wives are silly, and their children bad;”
Wis 3:13 “There is a curse on their birth (offspring), for happy is the barren woman who is undefiled, who has not experienced a sinful union; she will have fruit when God examines men’s souls.”
Wis 3:14 “And happy is the eunuch who has not transgressed the Law with his hand, nor imagined wicked things against the Lord, for special favor shall be shown him for his, and a more delightful share in the Lord’s sanctuary.”
Wis 3:15 “For good work brings renown, and the root of understanding is unerring.”
Wis 3:16 “But the children of adulterers will not grow up, and the offspring of an illicit union will disappear.”
Wis 3:17 “For if they are long-lived, they will be thought of no account, and at the last, their old age will be unhonored.”
Wis 3:18 “If they die early, they will have no hope or comfort on the day of decision.”
Wis 3:19 “For the fate of an unrighteous generation is hard.”

Chapter 4

Wis 4:1 “It is better to be childless but virtuous, for in the memory of virtue there is immortality, for it is recognized by both God and men; when it is present, men imitate it,”
Wis 4:2 “And they long for it when it is gone, and it marches in triumph, wearing a wreath forever, victorious in the contest for prizes that are undefiled.”
Wis 4:3 “But the numerous brood of the ungodly will be unprofitable, and with its base-born slips will not strike its roots deep, or establish a secure foundation.”
Wis 4:4 “For though it flourishes with branches for a while, it stands insecurely and will be shaken by the wind, and uprooted by the force of the winds; the twigs will be broken off before they are grown,”
Wis 4:5 “And their fruit will be useless, not ripe enough to eat, and good for nothing.”
Wis 4:6 “For children born of unlawful slumbers will be witnesses to their parents’ guilt when they are examined.”
Wis 4:7 “But an upright man, if he dies before his time, will be at rest,”
Wis 4:8 “For an honored old age does not depend on length of time, and is not measured by the number of one’s years,”
Wis 4:9 “But understanding is gray hair for men, and a blameless life is old age.”
Wis 4:10 “Because he pleased God well, he was loved by him, and while living among sinners he was taken up.”
Wis 4:11 “He was caught up, so that wickedness might not alter his understanding, or guile deceive his soul.”
Wis 4:12 “For the spell of wickedness obscures what is good, and the instability of desire perverts the innocent mind.”
Wis 4:13 “Being perfected in a little while, he has fulfilled long years,”
Wis 4:14 “For his soul pleased the Lord; Therefore he hurried from the midst of wickedness. The people saw, yet did not perceive or take such a thing to heart,”
Wis 4:15 “For favor and mercy are with His chosen, and He watches over his elect.”
Wis 4:16 “But an upright man who has fallen asleep will condemn the ungodly who are still alive, and youth that is soon perfected, the great age of the unrighteous.”
Wis 4:17 “For they see the wise man’s end, and do not perceive what the Lord’s purpose about him was, and for what he kept him safe;”
Wis 4:18 “They see, and make light of him; but the Lord will laugh them to scorn; and afterward they will become a dishonored corpse, and be insulted among the dead forever;”
Wis 4:19 “He will burst them open, dumb and swollen, and will shake them from their foundations, and they will be utterly dried up, and they will suffer anguish, and the memory of them will perish.”
Wis 4:20 “They will come like cowards at the reckoning-up of their sins, and their transgressions will convict them to their face.”

Chapter 5

Wis 5:1 “Then the upright man will stand with great boldness face to face with his oppressors and with those who set his labors at nought.”
Wis 5:2 “They will be dreadfully dismayed at the sight, and amazed at the unexpectedness of his deliverance.”
Wis 5:3 “They will talk to themselves in repentance, and in their distress of mind they will groan and say, “This is the man we fools once laughed at, and made a byword of reproach.”
Wis 5:4 “We thought his life was madness, and his end dishonored.”
Wis 5:5 “How did he come to be reckoned among the sons of God, and why is his lot among the saints?”
Wis 5:6 “Then we must have wandered from the true way, and the light of uprightness did not light us, and the sun did not rise upon us.”
Wis 5:7 “We wearied ourselves in the way of lawlessness and destruction, and traveled through trackless deserts, but we did not recognize the Lord’s road.”
Wis 5:8 “What good did our arrogance do us? and what have wealth and ostentation done for us?”
Wis 5:9 “They have all passed away like a shadow, and like a messenger running by;”
Wis 5:10 “Like a ship crossing the billowing water, and when it is gone there is no track to be found or path of its keel in the waves;”
Wis 5:11 “Or as when a bird flies through the air, it leaves no sign of its passage; The light air, whipped by the beat of its wings, and torn apart by the force of its speed, is traversed as its wings move, and afterward no sign of its passage is found there.”
Wis 5:12 “Or as when an arrow is shot at a mark, the air is pierced and immediately returns to itself, so that its course is unknown;”
Wis 5:13 “So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be, and had no sign of virtue to show, but were consumed in our wickedness.”
Wis 5:14 “For the ungodly man’s hope is like chaff carried by the wind, and like hoarfrost driven away by a storm, it is dissipated like smoke before the wind, and passes by like the memory of a stranger who stays but a night.”
Wis 5:15 “But the upright live forever, and their reward is with the Lord, and the Most High takes care of them.”
Wis 5:16 “Therefore they will receive the glorious kingdom, and the beautiful diadem from the Lord’s hand, for He will cover them with His right hand, and shield them with His arm.”
Wis 5:17 “He will take His jealousy for his armor, and will make creation his weapons to repulse his foes.”
Wis 5:18 “He will put on uprightness for a corselet (breastplate), and wear unfeigned justice for a helmet.”
Wis 5:19 “He will take holiness for an invincible shield,”
Wis 5:20 “And sharpen His stern anger for a sword; and with Him the world (creation) will go to war against the mad-men.”
Wis 5:21 “Well-aimed flashes of lightning will fly, and will leap to the mark from the clouds, as from a well-bent bow,”
Wis 5:22 “And from a catapult hailstones full of wrath will be hurled. The water of the sea will be angry with them, and the rivers will roll relentlessly over them.”
Wis 5:23 “A mighty wind will oppose them, and winnow them like a tempest. And lawlessness will lay waste the whole earth, and wrongdoing overturn the thrones of princes (the mighty).”

Chapter 6

Wis 6:1 “Listen therefore, kings, and understand: learn this, judges of the end of the earth;”
Wis 6:2 “Pay attention, rulers of the people, who boast of multitudes of nations;”
Wis 6:3 “For your dominion was given you from the Lord, and your sovereignty from the Most High; He will examine your works and inquire into your plans;”
Wis 6:4 “For though you are servants of his kingdom, you have not judged rightly, or kept the Law, or followed the will of God.”
Wis 6:5 “He will come upon you terribly and swiftly, for a stern judgment overtakes those in high places.”
Wis 6:6 “For the humblest man may be forgiven through mercy, but the mighty will be mightily tested,”
Wis 6:7 “For the Lord of all will show no partiality, and will not respect greatness, for it was he who made small and great, and he takes thought for all alike,”
Wis 6:8 “But a rigorous inquiry is in store for the powerful.”
Wis 6:9 “My words are addressed to you, therefore, you monarchs, so that you may learn wisdom and not go astray;”
Wis 6:10 “For those who observe holy things in holiness will be made holy, and those who are taught them will have a defense to offer;”
Wis 6:11 “So desire my words, long for them, and you will be instructed.”
Wis 6:12 “Wisdom is bright and unfading, and she is easily seen by those who love her, and found by those who search for her.”
Wis 6:13 “She forestalls those who desire her, by making herself known first.”
Wis 6:14 “The man who rises early to seek her will not have to toil, for he will find her sitting at his gates.”
Wis 6:15 “For to think of her is the highest understanding, and the man who is vigilant for her sake will soon be free from care.”
Wis 6:16 “For she goes about in search of those who are worthy of her, and she graciously appears to them in their paths, and meets them in every thought.”
Wis 6:17 “For the truest beginning of her is the desire for instruction, and concern for instruction is love of her,”
Wis 6:18 “And love for her is the observance of her laws, and adherence to her laws is assurance of immortality,”
Wis 6:19 “And immortality brings men near to God;”
Wis 6:20 “So the desire for wisdom leads to a kingdom.”
Wis 6:21 “If therefore you take pleasure in thrones and scepters, monarchs of the people, honor wisdom, so that you may reign forever.”
Wis 6:22 “But what wisdom is and how she came to be, I will declare, and I will not hide these secrets from you, but I will trace her out from the beginning of creation, and make the knowledge of her clear, and I will not pass by the truth;”
Wis 6:23 “I will not travel with futile envy, for it cannot associate with wisdom.”
Wis 6:24 “The multitude of the wise is the salvation of the world, and a prudent king is the stability of his people.”
Wis 6:25 “So be instructed by my words and you will be benefited.”

Chapter 7

Wis 7:1 “I too am a mortal man, like all men, and a descendant of that first-formed man, who sprang from the earth;”
Wis 7:2 “And I was shaped into flesh in my mother’s womb, solidified in blood in ten months from man’s seed and the pleasure of marriage.”
Wis 7:3 “And when I was born I breathed in the common air, and fell on the kindred earth, giving the same first cry as all the rest.”
Wis 7:4 “I was carefully wrapped up and nursed,”
Wis 7:5 “For no king has any other beginning of existence;”
Wis 7:6 “But all men have one entrance upon life, and the same way of leaving it.”
Wis 7:7 “Therefore I prayed, and understanding was given me; I called (upon God), and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”
Wis 7:8 “I preferred her to scepters and thrones, and I thought wealth of no account compared with her.”
Wis 7:9 “I did not think a priceless stone her equal, for all the gold, in her presence, is just a little sand, and silver is no better than mud, before her.”
Wis 7:10 “I loved her more than health and good looks, and I preferred her even to light, and her radiance is unceasing.”
Wis 7:11 “But all blessings came to me along with her, and uncounted wealth is in her hands.”
Wis 7:12 “And I rejoiced over them all, because wisdom ruled them, for I did not know that she was their mother.”
Wis 7:13 “I learned honestly, and I share ungrudgingly, I will not hide her wealth away,”
Wis 7:14 “For it is an unfailing treasure for men, and those who get it make friends with God, being commended to him by the gifts that come from her discipline.”
Wis 7:15 “May God grant to me to speak properly, and to have thoughts worthy of what he has given; for it is he that guides wisdom and directs the wise.”
Wis 7:16 “For in his hand are we and our words, all understanding and knowledge of trades.”
Wis 7:17 “For it is he that has given me unerring knowledge of what is, to know the constitution of the world and the working of the elements;”
Wis 7:18 “The beginning and end and middle of periods of time, the alternations of the solstices and the changes of the seasons,”
Wis 7:19 “The cycles of the years and the positions of the stars,”
Wis 7:20 “The natures of animals, and the dispositions of wild beasts, the powers of spirits and the designs of men, the varieties of plants and the virtues of roots;”
Wis 7:21 “All that was secret or manifest I learned,”
Wis 7:22 “For wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me, for there is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, undefiled, distinct, beyond harm, loving the good, keen,”
Wis 7:23 “Unhindered, beneficent, philanthropic, firm, sure, free from care, all-powerful, all-seeing, and interpenetrating all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and most subtle.”
Wis 7:24 “For wisdom is more mobile than any motion, and she penetrates and permeates everything because she is so pure;”
Wis 7:25 “For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of his Almighty glory; therefore nothing defiled can enter into her.”
Wis 7:26 “For she is a reflection of the everlasting light, and a spotless mirror of the activity of God. And a likeness (image) of his goodness.”
Wis 7:27 “Though she is one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she makes everything new; and passing into holy souls, generation after generation, she makes them friends of God, and prophets.”
Wis 7:28 “For God loves nothing but the man who lives with wisdom.”
Wis 7:29 “For she is fairer than the sun, or any group of stars; Compared with light, she is found superior;”
Wis 7:30 “For night succeeds to it, but evil cannot overpower wisdom.”

Chapter 8

Wis 8:1 “For she reaches in strength from one end of the earth to the other, and conducts everything well.”
Wis 8:2 “I loved her and sought after her from my youth up, and I undertook to make her my bride, and I fell in love with her beauty.”
Wis 8:3 “She glorifies her high birth in living with God, for the Lord of all loves her.”
Wis 8:4 “For she is initiated into the knowledge of God, and is a searcher of his works.”
Wis 8:5 “But if the possession of wealth is to be desired in life, what is richer than wisdom, which operates everything?”
Wis 8:6 “And if understanding works, who in all the world is a greater craftsman than she?”
Wis 8:7 “And if a man loves uprightness, her labors are virtues; for she teaches self-control and understanding, uprightness and courage; nothing in life is more useful to men than these.”
Wis 8:8 “But if a man longs for much experience, she knows antiquity and can forecast the future, she understands the tricks of language and the solving of riddles; She knows the meaning of signs and portents, and the outcomes of seasons and periods.”
Wis 8:9 “So I decided to bring her to live with me, knowing that she would give me good counsel, and encouragement in cares and grief.”
Wis 8:10 “Because of her I will have glory among the multitude, and honor with the elders, though I am young;”
Wis 8:11 “I will be found keen in judgment, and I will be admired in the presence of monarchs.”
Wis 8:12 “When I am silent, they will wait for me to speak, and when I speak, they will pay attention, and if I talk at some length, they will put their hands over their mouths.”
Wis 8:13 “Because of her, I will have immortality, and leave an everlasting memory to those who come after me.”
Wis 8:14 “I will govern peoples, and nations will be subject to me.”
Wis 8:15 “Dread sovereigns (tyrants) will be frightened when they hear of me; among the people I will appear good and in war brave.”
Wis 8:16 “When I enter my house, I will find rest with her, for intercourse with her has no bitterness, and living with her no grief, but gladness and joy.”
Wis 8:17 “When I considered these things with myself, and reflected in my mind that in kinship with wisdom there is immortality,”
Wis 8:18 “And in her friendship there is pure delight, and unfailing wealth in the labors of her hands, and understanding in the experience of her company, and glory in sharing in her words, I went about seeking how to win her for myself.”
Wis 8:19 “I was a well-formed child, and a good soul fell to me,”
Wis 8:20 “Or rather, I was good and entered an undefiled body.”
Wis 8:21 “But I perceived that I could not win her unless God gave her to me (And this too came of understanding, to know from whom the favor came). I appealed to the Lord and besought him, and said with all my heart:”

Chapter 9

Wis 9:1 “God of my forefathers and merciful Lord, Who created all things by Your Word,”
Wis 9:2 “And by your wisdom formed man to rule over the creatures you had made,”
Wis 9:3 “And manage the world in holiness and uprightness, and pass judgment in rectitude of soul,”
Wis 9:4 “Give me the wisdom that sits by your throne, and do not reject me as unfit to be one of your servants (children).”
Wis 9:5 “For I am your servant, the son of your handmaid, a man weak and short-lived, and inferior in my understanding of judgment;”
Wis 9:6 “For even if one among the sons of men is perfect, if the wisdom that comes from you is lacking, he will count for nothing.”
Wis 9:7 “You have chosen me out to be king of your people, and to be judge of your sons and daughters;”
Wis 9:8 “You told me to build a sanctuary on your holy mountain, and an altar in the city where you dwell, a copy of the holy tent which you prepared in the beginning;”
Wis 9:9 “And with you is wisdom, which knows your works, and was present when you made the world, and understands what is pleasing in your sight, and what is in accord with your commands.”
Wis 9:10 “Send her forth from the holy heavens and dispatch her from your glorious throne, to be with me and toil, and so that I may know what is pleasing to you.”
Wis 9:11 “For she knows and understands all things, and she will guide me with good sense in my actions, and will guard me with her splendor.”
Wis 9:12 “Then my doings will be acceptable, and I will judge your people uprightly, and be worthy of the throne of my father.”
Wis 9:13 “For what man can know the counsel of God, or who can decide what the Lord wills?”
Wis 9:14 “For the calculations of mortals are timid, and our designs are likely to fail,”
Wis 9:15 “For a perishable body weighs down the soul, and its earthy tent burdens the thoughtful mind.”
Wis 9:16 “We can hardly guess at things upon the earth, and we have hard work finding the things that are just at hand, but who has tracked out the things in heaven?”
Wis 9:17 “And who has learned your counsel unless you gave him wisdom, and sent your holy spirit from on high?”
Wis 9:18 “So the paths of those who were on the earth were straightened, and men were taught the things that please you, and were saved by wisdom.”

Chapter 10

Wis 10:1 “It was she that protected the first-formed father of the world, in his loneliness, after his creation, and rescued him from his transgression,”
Wis 10:2 “And gave him strength to master all things.”
Wis 10:3 “And when an unrighteous man abandoned her in his anger, he perished in his fratricidal rage.”
Wis 10:4 “When the earth was deluged because of him, wisdom again saved the upright man, steering him with a cheap piece of wood.”
Wis 10:5 “It was she that when the nations were confused, in their wicked conspiracy, recognized the upright man, and preserved him blameless before God, and kept him steadfast against having pity on his child.”
Wis 10:6 “When the ungodly were perishing, she saved an upright man, who fled from the fire that descended on the Five Towns;”
Wis 10:7 “To their wickedness a smoking waste still bears lasting witness, As do trees that bear fruit that never ripens, and a pillar of salt that stands as a memorial of an unbelieving soul.”
Wis 10:8 “For because they passed wisdom by, they were not only made incapable of recognizing what was good, but also left behind them to the world a memorial of their folly, so that their faults could not pass unnoticed.”
Wis 10:9 “But wisdom delivered those who served her from their troubles.
Wis 10:10 “An upright man, who was a fugitive from a brother’s wrath, she guided in straight paths; she showed him God’s kingdom, and gave him knowledge of holy things; she made him prosper in his toils and increased the fruit of his labors;”
Wis 10:11 “When those who oppressed him were covetous, she stood by him, and made him rich.”
Wis 10:12 “She protected him from his enemies, and kept him safe from those who lay in wait for him, and decided his hard contest in his favor, so that he should know that godliness is stronger than anything.”
Wis 10:13 “When an upright man was sold, she did not abandon him, but delivered him from sin; she went down into the pit with him,”
Wis 10:14 “And she did not leave him in prison, until she brought him the scepter of a kingdom, and power over those who lorded it over him; She showed that they were false who had blamed him, and she gave him everlasting honor.”
Wis 10:15 “She delivered from a nation of oppressors a holy people and a blameless race;”
Wis 10:16 “She entered the soul of a servant of the Lord, and withstood awe-inspiring kings with portents and signs;”
Wis 10:17 “She paid to holy men a reward for their toils, she guided them along a wonderful way, and became a shelter for them in the daytime, and a flame of stars at night.”
Wis 10:18 “She brought them over the Red Sea, and led them through deep waters.”
Wis 10:19 “But their enemies she overwhelmed (drowned), and cast them up from the bottom of the deep.”
Wis 10:20 “Therefore the upright despoiled the ungodly, and they sang, Lord, of your holy name, and praised with one accord your defending hand.”
Wis 10:21 “For wisdom opens the mouth of the dumb, and makes the tongues of babes speak plainly.”

Chapter 11

Wis 11:1 “She made their doings prosper by means of a holy prophet.”
Wis 11:2 “They traveled through an uninhabited desert, and pitched their tents in trackless places.”
Wis 11:3 “They withstood their enemies and repulsed their foes.”
Wis 11:4 “They grew thirsty and called upon you, and water was given them out of a rocky cliff, and a cure for their thirst out of the hard stone.”
Wis 11:5 “For the means by which their enemies were punished benefited them in their time of need.”
Wis 11:6 “Instead of the fountain of an ever flowing river, stirred up with filthy blood,”
Wis 11:7 “As a rebuke for the decree to kill the babes, you gave them plenty of water, in a way unlooked for,”
Wis 11:8 “Showing through their thirst at that time how you punished their adversaries.”
Wis 11:9 “For when they were tried, although they were only disciplined (chastised) in mercy, they learned how the ungodly were tormented, when they were judged in wrath.”
Wis 11:10 “For these you tested like a father, warning them, but those you examined like a stern king, condemning them.”
Wis 11:11 “Whether absent or present, they were harassed alike;”
Wis 11:12 “For a double grief seized them, and groaning over the memory of the past.”
Wis 11:13 “For when they heard that through their punishments the others were benefited, they felt it was the Lord.”
Wis 11:14 “For the man who had long before been cast forth and exposed (at the casting out of the infants), and whom they had rejected with scorn, as events resulted, they admired, when they felt thirst in a different way from the upright.”
Wis 11:15 “But for the foolish fancies of their unrighteousness, misled (deceived) by which they worshiped unreasoning reptiles and worthless vermin, You sent a multitude of unreasoning creatures upon them to punish them,”
Wis 11:16 “So that they should know that a man is punished by the things through which he sins.”
Wis 11:17 “For your all-powerful hand, which created the world out of formless matter, did not lack means to send upon them a multitude of bears, or bold lions,”
Wis 11:18 “Newly created wild animals, unknown before, and full of rage, either puffing out a fiery breath, or scattering a roar of smoke, or flashing dreadful sparks from their eyes,”
Wis 11:19 “Which could not only have destroyed them utterly by the harm they did, but have made them die of fright at the very sight of them.”
Wis 11:20 “Why, without these, they might have been felled by a single breath, being pursued by justice, and scattered by the breath of your power. But you ordered everything by measure and number and weight.”
Wis 11:21 “For it is always yours to have great strength, and who can withstand the might of your arm?”
Wis 11:22 “For in your sight the whole world is like what turns the scale in a balance, and like drop of dew that comes down on the earth in the morning.”
Wis 11:23 “But you have mercy on all men, because you can do all things, and you overlook men’s sins to lead them to repent,”
Wis 11:24 “For you love all things that exist, and abhor none of the things that you have made; for you would never have formed anything if you hated it.”
Wis 11:25 “And how could anything have endured, if you had not willed it, or what had not been called forth by you have been preserved?”
Wis 11:26 “But you spare all, because they are yours, Lord, lover of life,”

Chapter 12

Wis 12:1 “For your imperishable spirit is in all things.”
Wis 12:2 “Therefore you correct (chasten) little by little those who go astray, and you admonish them by reminding them of the things through which they sin; so that they may escape from their wickedness and believe in you, Lord.”
Wis 12:3 “(For it was thy will to destroy by the hands of our fathers) those who long ago inhabited your holy land.”
Wis 12:4 “You hated for acting most hatefully, practicing enchantments (witchcrafts) and unholy rites,”
Wis 12:5 “Merciless killing of children, and cannibal feasting on (devourers of) human flesh and blood.”
Wis 12:6 “Initiates (priests) from the midst of a pagan brotherhood (idolatrous crew), and parents who were murderers of helpless lives, You determined to destroy by the hands of our forefathers,”
Wis 12:7 “So that the land which you prized above all others might receive a worthy colony of God’s children.”
Wis 12:8 “But even these, as being men, you spared, and you sent wasps as forerunners of your host, to destroy them little by little.”
Wis 12:9 “Not that you were unable to make the upright defeat the ungodly in battle, or to destroy them at one blow with terrible wild animals or a stern command,”
Wis 12:10 “But in judging them little by little you gave them opportunity to repent, for you were not ignorant that their origin was evil, and their wickedness inborn, and that their manner of thought would never change.”
Wis 12:11 “For they were a race accursed from the beginning, and it was not through fear of any man that you left them unpunished for their sins.”
Wis 12:12 “For who can say, “What have you done?” Or who can oppose your judgment? And who can accuse you of the destruction of the nations which you made? Or who will come to stand before you as the avenger of unrighteous men?”
Wis 12:13 “For neither is there any God but you, who care for all men, to show that you do not judge unrighteously,”
Wis 12:14 “Nor will any king or monarch be able to face you about those whom you have punished.”
Wis 12:15 “But since you are upright, you conduct all things uprightly, considering it inconsistent with your power to condemn the man who does not deserve to be punished.”
Wis 12:16 “For your strength is the beginning of uprightness and the fact that you are Lord of all makes you spare all.”
Wis 12:17 “For when men disbelieve in the perfection of your power, you display your strength, and in the case of those that know, you rebuke their rashness.”
Wis 12:18 “But you, being master of your strength, judge us with fairness and govern us with great forbearance. For the power is at your command, whenever you wish it.”
Wis 12:19 “By such deeds you taught your people that the upright man must be humane (merciful), and you made your sons be of good hope, because you give repentance for sins,”
Wis 12:20 “For if you punished with such care and indulgence those who were the enemies of your servants, and deserved death, giving them time and opportunity to escape from their wickedness,”
Wis 12:21 “With what exactness you have judged your sons, to whose forefathers you gave oaths and agreements promising them good!”
Wis 12:22 “So when you discipline (chasten) us, you flog our enemies ten thousand fold, so that when we judge we may reflect on your goodness, and when we are judged we may look for mercy.”
Wis 12:23 “Therefore you tormented through their own abominable practices those who lived wickedly, in a life of folly,”
Wis 12:24 “For they went astray far beyond the ways of error, accepting as gods the lowest and basest of animals (beasts), being deceived like foolish babies.”
Wis 12:25 “Therefore you sent your judgment in mockery of them, as though to unreasoning children.”
Wis 12:26 “But those who cannot be admonished by mockeries of correction, will experience a judgment worthy of God.”
Wis 12:27 “For because through what they suffered they became indignant at those whom they considered gods, being punished by means of them, they saw and recognized as the true God him whom they had before refused to know. Therefore the very height of condemnation overtook them.”

Chapter 13

Wis 13:1 “For all men are foolish (vain) by nature, and had no perception of God, and from the good things that were visible they had not the power to know him who is, nor through paying attention to his works did they recognize the workman,”
Wis 13:2 “But either fire, or wind, or swift air, or the circle of the stars, or rushing water, or the heavenly luminaries, the rulers of the world, they considered gods.”
Wis 13:3 “And if through delight in their beauty they supposed that these were gods, let them know how far superior is the Lord of these, for the originator of beauty created them;”
Wis 13:4 “But if it was through awe at their power and operation, let them conclude from them how much mightier he who formed them is.”
Wis 13:5 “For from the greatness and beauty of what is created, the originator of them is correspondingly perceived.”
Wis 13:6 “But yet little blame attaches to these men, for perhaps they just go astray in their search for God and their desire to find him;”
Wis 13:7 “For living among his works they search and believe the testimony of their sight, that what they see is beautiful.”
Wis 13:8 “But again, even they are not to be excused;”
Wis 13:9 “For if they had power to know so much that they could try to make out the world, why did they not sooner find the Lord of all this?”
Wis 13:10 “For they are miserable, and their hopes are set on the dead, who have called the works of men’s hands gods, gold and silver, the subject of art, and likenesses of animals (beasts), or useless stone, worked by some ancient hand.”
Wis 13:11 “But if some carpenter saws down a tree he can handle, and skillfully strips off all its bark, and shaping it nicely makes a dish suited to the uses of life,”
Wis 13:12 “And burns the chips of his work to prepare his food, and eats his fill;”
Wis 13:13 “But the worst of them, which is good for nothing, crooked piece, full of knots, he takes and carves to occupy his spare time, and shapes it with understanding skill, he makes it a copy of a human form,”
Wis 13:14 “Or makes it like some common animal (beast), smearing it with vermilion, and painting its surface red, and coating every blemish in it;”
Wis 13:15 “And making an abode for it worthy of it, he fixes it on the wall, and fastens it with iron.”
Wis 13:16 “So he plans for it, so that it will not fall down, for he knows that it cannot help itself; for it is only an image and needs help.”
Wis 13:17 “But he prays to it about his property and his marriage and his children, and is not ashamed to speak to a lifeless thing,”
Wis 13:18 “And appeals to something that is weak, for health, and asks something that is dead, for life, and supplicates what is itself utterly inexperienced, for aid, and something that cannot even take a step, about a journey,”
Wis 13:19 “And he asks strength for gain and business and success in what he undertakes from something whose hands are most feeble.”

Chapter 14

Wis 14:1 “Again, a man setting out on a voyage, and about to travel over wild waves, calls upon a piece of wood more unsound than the ship that carries him.”
Wis 14:2 “For it was designed through the desire for gain, and wisdom was the craftsman that built it.”
Wis 14:3 “And Your providence, Father, pilots it, for You give a way even in the sea, and a safe path through the waves,”
Wis 14:4 “Showing that You can save from anything, so that even without skill a man may go to sea.”
Wis 14:5 “But it is Your will that the works of your wisdom should not be idle; Therefore men trust their lives to even the smallest plank, and cross the flood on a raft and get safely over.”
Wis 14:6 “For in the beginning, when the haughty giants perished, the hope of the world took refuge on a raft, and steered by Your hand left to the world a generating seed.”
Wis 14:7 “For blessed is wood through which uprightness comes,”
Wis 14:8 “But what is made with hands is accursed, along with the man who made it, because he shaped it, and what was perishable was called a god.”
Wis 14:9 “For the ungodly man and his ungodliness are equally hateful to God.”
Wis 14:10 “For what is done must be punished with the man who did it.”
Wis 14:11 “Therefore there will be an examination of the idols of the heathen, for although part of God’s creation, they became an abomination, and snares to the souls of men, and a trap for the feet of the foolish.”
Wis 14:12 “For the devising of idols is the beginning of spiritual fornication, and the invention of them is the corruption of life.”
Wis 14:13 “For they did not exist from the beginning, and they will not last forever;”
Wis 14:14 “For through the vanity of men they came into the world, and therefore a speedy end for them was designed.”
Wis 14:15 “For a father afflicted with untimely grief, made a likeness of his child, that had been quickly taken from him, and presently honored as a god him who was once a dead man, and handed down to his subjects mysteries and rites.”
Wis 14:16 “Then the ungodly practice, strengthened by time, came to be observed as law, and by the orders of monarchs carved images were worshiped.”
Wis 14:17 “And when men could not honor them in their presence, because they lived far away, they imagined how they looked, far away, and made a visible image of the king they honored. So as by their zeal to flatter the absent one as though he were present.”
Wis 14:18 “But the ambition of the artist stimulated, even those who did not know the subject to intensified worship;
Wis 14:19 “For he, perhaps wishing to gratify someone in authority, elaborated the likeness by his art into greater beauty;”
Wis 14:20 “And the multitude, attracted by the charm of his workmanship, now regarded as an object of worship the one whom they had recently honored as a man.”
Wis 14:21 “And this was an occasion to deceive the world, because men in bondage to misfortune or royal authority, clothed stick and stones with the Name that cannot be shared with others.”
Wis 14:22 “And then it was not enough for them to go astray about the knowledge of God, but though living in a great war of ignorance, they call such evils peace.”
Wis 14:23 “For neither while they murder children in their rites nor celebrate secret mysteries, nor hold frenzied revels with alien laws,”
Wis 14:24 “Do they keep their lives or marriages pure, but one man waylays another and kills him, or grieves him by adultery.”
Wis 14:25 “And it is all a confusion of blood and murder, theft and fraud, depravity, faithlessness, discord, perjury,”
Wis 14:26 “Clamor at the good men, forgetfulness of favors, defilement of souls, changing of kind, disorder in marriages, adultery, and shameless uncleanness.”
Wis 14:27 “For the worship of the unspeakable idols is the beginning, and cause, and end of every evil.”
Wis 14:28 “For they either rejoice in madness, or prophesy falsely, or live unrighteously, or readily forswear themselves.”
Wis 14:29 “For since they believe in lifeless idols, they do not expect to be harmed for swearing wickedly.”
Wis 14:30 “But justice will overtake them for both matters, because they thought wickedly of God and gave heed to idols, and because they swore unrighteously to deceive, in disregard of holiness.”
Wis 14:31 “For it is not the power of the gods men swear by, but the penalty of those who sin that always pursues the transgression of the unrighteous.”

Chapter 15

Wis 15:1 “But you, our God, are kind and true, You are longsuffering, and govern everything in mercy.”
Wis 15:2 “For even if we sin, we are yours, and know your might; But we will not sin, for we know that we are accounted yours.”
Wis 15:3 “For to know you is perfect uprightness, and to recognize your might is the root of immortality.”
Wis 15:4 “For no artful device of men has led us astray, nor the fruitless labor of scene-painters, a figure smeared with varied colors,”
Wis 15:5 “The appearance of which leads to desire in fools, and they long for the form of a dead image, that has no breath.”
Wis 15:6 “Lovers of evil and deserving of such hopes are those who make them and those who feel desire for them and those who worship them.”
Wis 15:7 “For a potter, molding the soft earth, laboriously shapes each object for our use; Why, from the same clay he forms dishes to serve clean purposes, and those of the opposite kind, all alike; But of what use shall be made of either, the potter is the judge.”
Wis 15:8 “And with misdirected toil he shapes a futile god out of the same clay, and having himself shortly before sprung from the earth, after a little while goes to that from which he was taken, when he is called upon to return the soul that was lent him.”
Wis 15:9 “But he is concerned, not because he will grow tired, nor because his life is short, but he competes with gold and silversmiths, and copies those who mold brass, and thinks it a glory that he can form counterfeits.”
Wis 15:10 “His heart is ashes, and his hope cheaper than dirt, and his life more worthless than clay,”
Wis 15:11 “For he has not recognized the one who formed him, and inspired him with an active soul, and breathed into him the breath of life.”
Wis 15:12 “But they consider our existence play, and life a lucrative fair, for they say, one must make money any way one can, even by evil.”
Wis 15:13 “For this man knows better than all others that he sins, producing from earthy material fragile dishes and carved images.”
Wis 15:14 “But most foolish, and more wretched than a baby’s soul, are all those enemies of your people, who oppress them.”
Wis 15:15 “For they consider all the idols of the heathen gods, which neither have eyes to see with, nor noses to inhale the air, nor ears to hear with, nor fingers on their hands to feel with, and their feet are of no use to walk on.”
Wis 15:16 “For a man made them, and one whose own spirit is borrowed formed them; for no man can form a god like himself;”
Wis 15:17 “For mortal as he is, what he makes with his lawless hands is dead; for he is better than the things he worships, for of the two, he has life, but they never had it.”
Wis 15:18 “Why, they worship even the most hateful beasts; for by comparison, they are worse than the animals in their lack of intelligence.”
Wis 15:19 “Nor are they in their appearance as animals so beautiful as to be desired, but they have escaped both the praise of God and his blessing.”

Chapter 16

Wis 16:1 “Therefore they were punished as they deserved, by similar beasts, and tormented with a multitude of vermin.”
Wis 16:2 “And instead of this punishment, you benefited your own people, and to satisfy the desire of their appetite, you prepared meat with a strange taste, even quails for food,”
Wis 16:3 “So that those others, when they desired food, because of the hideousness of the things sent among them, should lose even the smallest appetite; While these, after being in want for a little while, should partake of something with a strange taste.”
Wis 16:4 “For it was necessary that an unescapable penury should come upon those others for their tyrannical behavior, but these should only be shown how their enemies were tormented.”
Wis 16:5 “For when the terrible fury of wild animals came upon them, and they were perishing by the bites of wriggling snakes, your wrath did not continue to the uttermost,”
Wis 16:6 “But they were troubled for a little while to admonish them, for they had a token of preservation to remind them of the commandment of your law;”
Wis 16:7 “For the one who turned toward it was saved not because of what he saw, but because of you, who are the preserver of all.”
Wis 16:8 “And by this you persuaded our enemies that you are the one who delivers from every evil.”
Wis 16:9 “For they were killed by the bites of locusts and flies, and no cure was found for their life, for they deserved to be punished by such means.”
Wis 16:10 “But not even the teeth of venomous serpents could overcome your sons, for your mercy came to help them and healed them.”
Wis 16:11 “For it was to remind them of your oracles that they were stung, and they were quickly delivered, to keep them from falling into deep forgetfulness and becoming sundered from your kindness.”
Wis 16:12 “For it was no plant or plaster that cured them, but Your Word, Lord, that heals all men.”
Wis 16:13 “For you have power over life and death, and you take men down to the gates of Hades and bring them up again.”
Wis 16:14 “A man may kill in his wickedness, but the spirit once it is gone out he cannot bring back, nor can he release the imprisoned soul.”
Wis 16:15 “But it is impossible to escape your hand,”
Wis 16:16 “For ungodly men, refusing to know you, were flogged with the strength of your arm, pursued by unusual rains and hailstorms and relentless showers, and utterly consumed by fire.”
Wis 16:17 “For, strangest of all, on the water, which quenches everything, the fire had the greater effect, for the universe is the champion of the upright;”
Wis 16:18 “For now the flame was quieted, so that it should not burn up the beasts sent against the ungodly. But that they, when they saw it, might recognize that they were pursued by the judgment of God;”
Wis 16:19 “And again it blazed up in the midst of the water, with more than fiery power, to destroy the products of an unrighteous land.”
Wis 16:20 “Instead of these you gave your people angels’ food, and untiringly supplied them with bread from heaven, ready to eat, strong in all enjoyment and suited to every taste;”
Wis 16:21 “For your support manifested your sweetness toward your children, and the bread, responding to the desire of the man that took it, was changed to what each one desired.”
Wis 16:22 “But snow and ice endured fire without melting, so that they should know that fire was destroying the fruits of their enemies, blazing in the hail, and flashing in the rain;”
Wis 16:23 “And that this again, in order that upright men might be fed, had forgotten its power.”
Wis 16:24 “For creation, serving you who made it, increases his strength against the unrighteous, to punish them, but abates his strength to benefit those who put their trust in you.”
Wis 16:25 “Therefore even then, assuming all forms, it served your all-sustaining bounty, according to the desire of those who were in need,”
Wis 16:26 “So that your children, whom you have loved, Lord, might learn that it is not the production of the fruits that supports man, but that it is Your Word that preserves those who put their trust in you.”
Wis 16:27 “For what the fire could not destroy, melted away when it was simply warmed by a fleeting sunbeam,”
Wis 16:28 “So that it might be known that we must rise before the sun to give you thanks, and appeal to you at the rising of the light.”
Wis 16:29 “For the unthankful man’s hope will melt like the wintry hoarfrost, and run off like useless water.”

Chapter 17

Wis 17:1 “For your judgments are great and hard to set forth; therefore uninstructed souls went astray.”
Wis 17:2 “For when unrighteous men thought to oppress the holy nation, they lay shut up under their roofs, exiled from the eternal providence,”
Wis 17:3 “Prisoners of darkness and captives of the long night. For when they thought they were hidden in their secret sins by a dark veil of forgetfulness, they were scattered, terribly frightened and troubled by strange apparitions.”
Wis 17:4 “For even the inner chamber that held them did not protect them from fear, but appalling sounds rung around them, and sad visions appeared to them with heavy countenances.”
Wis 17:5 “No power of the fire might give them light, nor could the bright flames of the stars undertake to illumine that hateful night.”
Wis 17:6 “Only there shone on them a fearful flame, of itself, and though dreadfully frightened at that sight when it could not be seen, they thought the things they beheld still worse.”
Wis 17:7 “And the delusions of magic art were prostrate, and their boasted wisdom suffered a contemptuous rebuke,”
Wis 17:8 “For those who claimed to drive away fears and troubles from sick souls were sick themselves with ridiculous fear.”
Wis 17:9 “For if nothing alarming frightened them, yet scared by the creeping of vermin and the hissing of reptiles,”
Wis 17:10 “They died of fright, refusing to look even upon the firmament, which could not be escaped on any side.”
Wis 17:11 “For wickedness is a cowardly thing, condemned by a witness of its own, and being distressed by conscience, has always exaggerated hardships;”
Wis 17:12 “For fear is nothing but the giving up of the reinforcements that come from reason,”
Wis 17:13 “And as the expectation of them from within is deficient, it reckons its ignorance worse than the cause of the torment.”
Wis 17:14 “But they, sleeping the same sleep that night, which was indeed intolerable, and which came upon them out of the bottom of inevitable Hades,”
Wis 17:15 “Were now driven by monstrous phantoms, and now paralyzed by their soul’s surrender; for they were drenched in sudden, unlooked-for fear.”
Wis 17:16 “Then whoever was there fell down, and so was shut up and guarded in a prison not made of iron;”
Wis 17:17 “For whether a man was a husbandman or a shepherd, or a laborer whose work was in the field, he was overtaken and suffered the unavoidable fate, for they were all bound with one chain of darkness.”
Wis 17:18 “Whether there was a whistling wind, or a melodious sound of birds in spreading branches, or the regular noise of rushing water,”
Wis 17:19 “Or a harsh crashing of stones thrown down, or the unseen running of bounding animals, or the sound of the most savage wild beasts roaring, or an echo thrown back from a hollow in the mountains, it paralyzed them with terror.”
Wis 17:20 “For the whole world was bathed in bright light, and occupied in unhindered work;”
Wis 17:21 “Only over them was spread a heavy night, a picture of the darkness that was to receive them. But heavier than the darkness were they to themselves.”

Chapter 18

Wis 18:1 “But your holy ones enjoyed a very great light; and the others, hearing their voices but not seeing their forms, thought them happy, because they had not suffered the same things,”
Wis 18:2 “But they were thankful because the others, though they had before been wronged, did not hurt them, and prayed to be separated from them.”
Wis 18:3 “Therefore you provided a blazing pillar as guide on their unknown journey, and an unharmful sun for their honorable exile.”
Wis 18:4 “For they deserved to be deprived of light and imprisoned in darkness who had kept your sons shut up, through whom the imperishable light of the Law was to be given to the world.”
Wis 18:5 “When they plotted to kill the babes of the holy ones, though one child had been exposed and saved, to rebuke them, you took away the multitude of their children, and destroyed them all together in a mighty flood.”
Wis 18:6 “That night was made known to our forefathers before-hand, so that they should know certainly what oaths they had believed, and rejoice.”
Wis 18:7 “The preservation of the upright and the destruction of their enemies were expected by your people;”
Wis 18:8 “For in punishing their adversaries, you called us to you and glorified us.”
Wis 18:9 “For in secret the holy children of good men offered the sacrifice, and with one accord agreed to the divine law, that they should share alike the same blessings and dangers, and were already beginning to sing the praises of their forefathers,”
Wis 18:10 “When there echoed back the discordant shout of their enemies, and the piteous sound of lamentation for children spread abroad;”
Wis 18:11 “But slave was punished with master, with the same penalty, and the commoner suffered the same as the king,”
Wis 18:12 “And all of them together under one form of death had countless corpses. For those who were alive were not even enough to bury them, for in one instant their most valued children were destroyed.”
Wis 18:13 “For though they disbelieved everything because of their enchantments, when the first-born were destroyed, they acknowledged this people to be the sons of God.”
Wis 18:14 “For when gentle silence enveloped everything, and night was midway of her swift course,”
Wis 18:15 “Your Almighty Word leaped from heaven out of your royal throne, as a stern warrior, into the midst of the doomed land,”
Wis 18:16 “Carrying for a sharp sword your undisguised command, and stood still, and filled all things with death, and it touched heaven but walked upon the earth.”
Wis 18:17 “Then suddenly apparitions in dreadful dreams startled them, and unexpected fears assailed them,”
Wis 18:18 “And one thrown here half-dead, another there, showed why they were dying,”
Wis 18:19 “For the dreams that had alarmed them warned them of it, so that they should not perish without knowing why they suffered.”
Wis 18:20 “But the experience of death affected the upright also, and a multitude were destroyed in the desert. But the wrath did not continue long.”
Wis 18:21 “For a blameless man hurried to fight in their defense, bringing the great shield of his proper ministry, prayer and the propitiation of incense; he withstood that wrath and put an end to the disaster, showing that he was a servant of yours;”
Wis 18:22 “So he overcame the destroyer, not by bodily strength, nor by force of arms, but with a word he subdued him that punished, when he appealed to the oaths and covenants given to the forefathers.”
Wis 18:23 “For when the dead had already fallen on one another in heaps, he stood between, and cut the wrath short and parted the way to the living.”
Wis 18:24 “For on his long robe was the whole world, and the glories of the forefathers were in the carving of the four rows of stones, and your majesty was on the diadem upon his head.”
Wis 18:25 “Before these the destroyer gave way, and these he feared, for that experience of wrath was enough by itself.”

Chapter 19

Wis 19:1 “But on the ungodly, wrath came upon them without mercy unto the end, for he knew before what they would do.”
Wis 19:2 “That after permitting them to go away, and sending them off in haste, they would change their minds and pursue them.”
Wis 19:3 “For while they were still busy with their mourning, and were lamenting beside the graves of the dead, they involved themselves in another foolish design, and pursued as runaways those whom they had driven out with entreaties.”
Wis 19:4 “For the fate they deserved drew them to this end, and made them forget what had happened, so that they should fulfil the punishment that their torments lacked,”
Wis 19:5 “And your people should experience an incredible journey, while they themselves should find a strange death.”
Wis 19:6 “For the whole creation in its own kind was reshaped anew, in obedience to your commands, so that your children might be protected unharmed.”
Wis 19:7 “The cloud was seen that overshadowed the camp, and the emergence of dry land where water had stood before, an unobstructed road out of the Red Sea, and a grassy plain out of the raging billow;”
Wis 19:8 “Through which those who were protected by your hand passed over as a nation, witnessing marvelous wonders.”
Wis 19:9 “For they ranged like horses and skipped like lambs, praising you, Lord, who had delivered them.”
Wis 19:10 “For they still remembered the things that were done while they sojourned in the strange land, how instead of the birth of cattle, the earth brought forth gnats, and instead of fishes, the river vomited up a host of frogs.”
Wis 19:11 “But later they saw a new production of birds also, when moved by appetite they asked for delicacies;
Wis 19:12 “For quails came up from the sea to their relief.”
Wis 19:13 “And those punishments came upon the sinners, not without premonitory signs, in the violence of the thunders; for they suffered justly through their own wickedness, for they exhibited a more bitter hatred of strangers.”
Wis 19:14 “For the Sodomites would not receive men who they did not know when they came to them, but these men made slaves of strangers who showed them kindness.”
Wis 19:15 “And not only so, but those others shall have some consideration for the men they received with such hostility were aliens;”
Wis 19:16 “But these men, though they had welcomed them with feasting, afflicted those who had already shared the same rights with them, with dreadful labors.”
Wis 19:17 “And they were stricken with loss of sight too, like those others, at the upright man’s door, when, surrounded with horrible, great darkness, each one sought the way through his own doors.”
Wis 19:18 “For the elements changed in order with one another, just as on a harp the notes vary the character of the time, yet keep the pitch,”
Wis 19:19 “As one may accurately infer from the observation of what happened; for land animals were turned into water creatures, and swimming things changed to the land;”
Wis 19:20 “Fire retained its power in water, and water forgot its quenching property.”
Wis 19:21 “Contrariwise, flames did not wither the flesh of perishable animals that walked about among them, nor was the easily melting ice-like kind of immortal food melted.”
Wis 19:22 “For in everything, you, Lord, magnified and glorified your people, and you did not neglect them, but stood by them at every time and place.”

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The Second Book of Baruch

The Second Book of Baruch also known as The Apocalypse of Baruch the Son of Neriah
Edits, corrections and cross references by The Firmament

Chapter 1

1:1 “And it happened in the twenty-fifth year of Jeconiah, the king of Judah, that the word of the Lord came to Baruch, the son of Neriah,”
1:2 “And said to him: Have you seen all that this people are doing to me, the evil things which the two tribes which remained have done – more than the ten tribes which were carried away into captivity?”
1:3 “For the former tribes were forced by their kings to sin, but these two have themselves forced and compelled their kings to sin.”
1:4 “Behold, therefore, I shall bring evil upon this city and its inhabitants. And it will be taken away from before my presence for a time. And I shall scatter this people among the nations that they may do good to the nations.”
1:5 “And my people will be chastened, and the time will come that they will look for that which can make their times prosperous.”

Chapter 2

2:1 “This, then, I have said to you that you may say to Jeremiah and all those who are like you that you may retire from this city. For your works are for this city like a firm pillar and your prayers like a strong wall.”

Chapter 3

3:1 “And I said: O Lord, my Lord, have I therefore come into the world to see the evil things of my mother?”
3:2 “No, my Lord. If I have found grace in your eyes, take away my spirit first that I may go to my fathers and I may not see the destruction of my mother.”
3:3 “For from two sides I am hard pressed: I cannot resist you, but my soul also cannot behold the evil of my mother.”
3:4 “But one thing I shall say in your presence, O Lord: Now, what will happen after these things?”
3:5 “For if you destroy your city and deliver up your country to those who hate us, how will the name of Israel be remembered again?”
3:6 “Or how shall we speak again about your glorious deeds? Or to whom again will that which is in your Law be explained?”
3:7 “Or will the universe return to its nature and the world go back to its original silence?”
3:8 “And will the multitude of the souls be taken away and will not the nature of man be mentioned again?”
3:9 “And where is all that which you said to Moses about us?”

Chapter 4

4:1 “And the Lord said to me: This city will be delivered up for a time, And the people will be chastened for a time, And the world will not be forgotten.”
4:2 “Or do you think that this is the city of which I said: On the palms of my hands I have carved you?”
4:3 “It is not this building that is in your midst now; it is that which will be revealed, with me, that was already prepared from the moment that I decided to create Paradise. And I showed it to Adam before he sinned. But when he transgressed the commandment, it was taken away from him – as also Paradise.”
4:4 “After these things I showed it to my servant Abraham in the night between the portions of the victims.”
4:5 “And again I showed it also to Moses on Mount Sinai when I showed him the likeness of the tabernacle and all its vessels.”
4:6 “Behold, now it is preserved with me – as also Paradise.”
4:7 “Now go away and do as I command you.”

Chapter 5

5:1 “And I answered and said: So then I shall be guilty in Zion, that your haters will come to this place and pollute your sanctuary, and carry off your heritage into captivity, and rule over them whom you love. And then they will go away again to the land of their idols, and boast before them. And what have you done to your great name?”
5:2 “And the Lord said to me: My name and my glory shall last unto eternity. My judgment, however shall assert its rights in its own time.”
5:3 “And you shall see with your eyes that the enemy shall not destroy Zion and burn Jerusalem, but that they shall serve the Judge for a time.”
5:4 “You, however, go away and do all which I have said to you.”
5:5 “And I went away and took with me Jeremiah and Adu and Seraiah and Jabish and Gedaliah and all the nobles of the people. And I brought them to the valley of Kidron and told them all which had been said to me.”
5:6 “And they raised their voices and they all lamented.”
5:7 “And we sat there and fasted until the evening.”

Chapter 6

6:1 “Now it happened on the following day that, behold, an army of the Chaldeans surrounded the city. And in the evening I, Baruch, left the people, went outside, and set myself by an oak.”
6:2 “And I was grieving over Zion and sighed because of the captivity which had come upon the people.”
6:3 “And behold, suddenly a strong spirit lifted me and carried me above the wall of Jerusalem.”
6:4 “And I say, and behold, there were standing four angels at the four corners of the city, each of them with a burning torch in his hands.”
6:5 “And another angel came down from heaven and said to them, “Hold your torches and do not light them before I say it to you.”
6:6 “Because I was sent first to speak a word to the earth and then to deposit in it what the Lord, the Most High, has commanded me.”
6:7 “And I saw that he descended in the Holy of Holies and that he took from there the veil, the holy ephod, the mercy seat, and two tablets, the holy raiment of the priests, the altar of incense, the forty-eight precious stones with which the priests were clothed, and all the vessels of the tabernacle.”
6:8 “And said to the earth with a loud voice: Earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the mighty God, and receive the things which I commit to you, and guard them until the last times, so that you may restore them when you are ordered, so that strangers may not get possession of them.”
6:9 “For the time has arrived when Jerusalem will also be delivered up for a time, until the moment that it will be said that it will be restored forever. And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up.”

Chapter 7

7:1 “And after these things I heard this angel saying to the angels who held the torches: Now destroy the walls and overthrow them to their foundation so that the enemies do not boast and say, “We have overthrown the wall of Zion and we have burnt down the place of the mighty God.” And they restored me to the place where I once stood.”

Chapter 8

8:1 “Now the angels did as he had commanded them; and when they had broken up the corners of the wall, a voice was heard from the midst of the temple after the wall had fallen, saying:”
8:2 “Enter, enemies, and come, adversaries, because he who guarded the house has left it.”
8:3 “And I, Baruch, went away.”
8:4 “And it happened after these things that the army of the Chaldeans entered and seized the house and all that is around it.”
8:5 “And they carried away the people into captivity and killed some of them. And they put King Zedekiah in irons and sent him to the king of Babylon.”

Chapter 9

9:1 “And I, Baruch, came with Jeremiah, whose heart was found to be pure from sins, and who was not captured during the seizure of the city;”
9:2 “And we rent our garments, and wept and mourned, and fasted for seven days.”

Chapter 10

10:1 “And it happened after seven days that the word of God came to me and said to me:”
10:2 “Tell Jeremiah to go away in order to support the captives unto Babylon.”
10:3 “You, however, stay here in the desolation of Zion and I shall show you after these days what will happen at the end of days.”
10:4 “And I spoke to Jeremiah as the Lord commanded me.”
10:5 “He, then, went away with the people, but I, Baruch, came back and sat in front of the doors of the Temple, and I raised the following lamentations over Zion and said:”
10:6 “Blessed is he who was not born, or he who was born and died.”
10:7 “But we, the living, woe to us, because we have seen these afflictions of Zion, and that which has befallen Jerusalem.”
10:8 “I shall call the Sirens from the sea, and you, Lilin, come from the desert, and you, demons and dragons from the woods. Awake and gird up your loins to mourn, and raise lamentations with me, and mourn with me.”
10:9 “You, farmers, sow not again. And you, O earth, why do you give the fruit of your harvest? Keep within you the sweetness of your sustenance.”
10:10 “And you, vine, why do you still give your wine? For an offering will not be given again from you in Zion, and the firstfruits will not again be offered.”
10:11 “And you, heaven, keep your dew within you, and do not open the treasuries of rain.”
10:12 “And you, sun, keep the light of your rays within you. And you, moon, extinguish the multitude of your light. For why should the light rise again, where the light of Zion is darkened?”
10:13 “And you, bridegrooms, do not enter, and do not let the brides adorn themselves. And you, wives, do not pray to bear children,”
10:14 “For the barren will rejoice more. And those who have children will be sad.”
10:15 “For why do they bear in pains only to bury in grief?”
10:16 “Or why should men have children again? Or why should the generation of their kind be named again, where this mother is lonely, and her children have been carried away in captivity?”
10:17 “Henceforth, do not speak anymore of beauty, and do not talk about gracefulness.”
10:18 “You, priests, take the keys of the sanctuary, and cast them to the highest heaven, and give them to the Lord and say, “Guard your house yourself, because, behold, we have been found to be false stewards.”
10:19 “And you, virgins who spin fine linen, and silk with gold of Ophir, make haste and take all things, and cast them into the fire, so that it may carry them to him who made them. And the flame sends them to him who created them, so that the enemies do not take possession of them.”

Chapter 11

11:1 “Now this I, Baruch, say to you, O Babylon: if you had lived in happiness and Zion in its glory, it would have been a great sorrow to us that you had been equal to Zion.”
11:2 “But now, behold, the grief is infinite and the lamentation is immeasurable, because, behold, you are happy and Zion has been destroyed.”
11:3 “Who will judge over these things? Or to whom shall we complain about that which has befallen us?”
11:4 “O Lord, how have you borne it? Our fathers went to rest without grief and behold, the righteous sleep at rest in the earth.”
11:5 “For they did not know this anguish nor did they hear that which has befallen us.”
11:6 “Would that you had ears, O earth, and would that you had a heart, O dust, so that you might go and announce in the realm of death and say to the dead,”
11:7 “You are more happy than we who live.”

Chapter 12

12:1 “But I shall say as I think and I shall speak to you, O land, that which is happy.”
12:2 “The afternoon will not always burn nor will the rays of the sun always give light.”
12:3 “Do not think and do not expect that you will always have happiness and joy, and do not raise yourself too much and do not oppress.”
12:4 “For surely wrath will arise against you in its own time, because long-suffering is now held back, as it were, by reins.”
12:5 “And having said these things, I fasted for seven days.”

Chapter 13

13:1 “And after these things, it happened that I, Baruch, was standing on Mount Zion and, behold, a voice came from the high heavens, saying to me:”
13:2 “Stand upon your feet, Baruch, and hear the word of the mighty God.”
13:3 “Because you have been astonished at that which has befallen Zion, you will surely be preserved until the end of times to be for a testimony.”
13:4 “This means that if these happy cities will ever say, “Why has the mighty God brought upon us this retribution?”
13:5 “You and those who are like you, those who have seen this evil and retribution coming over you and your nation in their own time, may say to them that the nations will be thoroughly punished.”
13:6 “And this they may expect.”
13:7 “And when they say in that time, “When?”, you will say to them:”
13:8 “You who have drunk the clarified wine, you now drink its dregs, for the judgment of the Most High is impartial.”
13:9 “Therefore, he did not spare his own sons first, but he afflicted them as his enemies because they sinned.”
13:10 “Therefore, they were once punished, that they might be forgiven.”
13:11 “But now, you nations and tribes, you are guilty, because you have trodden the earth all this time, and because you have used creation unrighteously.”
13:12 “For I have always benefited you, and you have always denied the beneficence.”

Chapter 14

14:1 “And I answered and said: Behold, you have shown me the course of times, and that which will happen after these things.”
14:2 “And you have told me that the retribution of that which has been spoken by you will come upon the nations. And now, I know there are many who have sinned and who have lived in happiness and who have left the world, but there will be few nations left in those times to which those words can be spoken which you said.”
14:3 “For what is the advantage of this, or what evil worse than that which we have seen befall us can we expect to see?”
14:4 “But I will continue to speak before you.”
14:5 “What have they profited who have knowledge before you, and who did not walk in vanity like the rest of the nations, and who did not say to the dead: “Give life to us,” but always feared you and did not leave your ways?”
14:6 “And, behold, they have been diligent, and nevertheless, you had no mercy on Zion on their account.”
14:7 “And if there are others who did evil, Zion should have been forgiven on account of the works of those who did good works and should not have been overwhelmed because of the works of those who acted unrighteously.”
14:8 “O Lord, my Lord, who can understand your judgment? Who can explore the depth of your way?”
14:9 “Or who can discern the majesty of your path? Or who can discern your incomprehensible counsel? Or who of those who are born has ever discovered the beginning and the end of your wisdom?”
14:10 “For we all have been made like breath.”
14:11 “For as breath ascends without human control and vanishes, so it is with the nature of men, who do not go away according to their own will, and who do not know what will happen to them in the end.”
14:12 “For the righteous justly have good hope for the end and go away from this habitation without fear because they possess with you a store of good works which is preserved in treasuries.”
14:13 “Therefore, they leave this world without fear and are confident of the world which you have promised to them with an expectation full of joy.”
14:14 “But woe to those of us who have also now been treated shamefully and who await evils at that time.”
14:15 “But you know exactly what you have made of your servants, for we are not able to understand that which is good like you, our Creator.”
14:16 “I shall continue to speak before your presence, O Lord, my Lord.”
14:17 “When in the beginning the world did not exist with its inhabitants, you devised and spoke by means of your word and at the same time the works of your creation stood before you.”
14:18 “And you said that you would make a man for this world as a guardian over your works that it should be known that he was not created for the world, but the world for him.”
14:19 “And now, I see that the world which was made for us, behold, it remains; but we, for whom it was made, depart.”

Chapter 15

15:1 “And the Lord answered and said to me: You are rightly astonished about man’s departure, but your judgment about the evils which befell those who sin is incorrect.”
15:2 “And with regard to what you say about the righteous who are taken away and the wicked ones who are happy,”
15:3 “And with regard to what you say that man does not know your judgment,”
15:4 “For this reason, now, listen and I shall speak to you; pay attention and I shall let my words be heard.”
15:5 “It is true that man would not have understood my judgment if he had not received the Law and if he were not instructed with understanding.”
15:6 “But now, because he trespassed, having understanding, he will be punished because he has understanding.”
15:7 “And with regard to the righteous ones, those whom you said the world has come on their account, yes, also that which is coming is on their account.”
15:8 “For this world is to them a struggle and an effort with much trouble. And that accordingly which will come, a crown with great glory.”

Chapter 16

16:1 “And I answered and said: O Lord, my Lord, behold, the present years are few and evil, and who can inherit that which is immeasurable in this short time?”

Chapter 17

17:1 “And the Lord answered and said to me: With the Most High no account is taken of much time and of few years.”
17:2 “For what did it profit Adam that he lived nine hundred and thirty years and transgressed that which he was commanded?”
17:3 “Therefore, the multitude of time that he lived did not profit him, but it brought death and cut off the years of those who were born from him.”
17:4 “Or what did it harm Moses that he lived only one hundred and twenty years and, because he subjected himself to him who created him, he brought the Law to the descendants of Jacob and he lighted a lamp to the generations of Israel?”

Chapter 18

18:1 “And I answered and said: He who lighted took from the light, and there are few who imitated him.”
18:2 “But many whom he illuminated took from the darkness of Adam and did not rejoice in the light of the lamp.”

Chapter 19

19:1 “And he answered and said to me: Therefore he appointed a covenant for them at that time and said, “Behold, I appoint for you life and death,” and he called heaven and earth as a witness against them.”
19:2 “For he knew that his time was short, but that heaven and earth will stay forever.”
19:3 “They, however, sinned and trespassed after his death, although they knew that they had the Law to reprove them and that light in which nothing could err, apart from the spheres, which witnessed, and me. And I judge everything that exists.”
19:4 “You, however, should not think about this in your heart and you should not be afflicted because of the things which have been.”
19:5 “For now the end of times is at stake whether it be property, happiness, or shame; and not its beginning.”
19:6 “For when a man is happy in his youth and is treated badly in his old age, he forgets all happiness he possessed.”
19:7 “And further, when a man is badly treated in his youth but will be happy in the end, he does not remember his disgrace anymore.”
19:8 “And further, listen: Even if everyone had been happy continually since the day death was decreed against those who trespassed, but was destroyed in the end, everything would have been in vain.”

Chapter 20

20:1 “Therefore, behold, the days will come and the times will hasten, more than the former, and the periods will hasten more than those which are gone, and the years will pass more quickly than the present ones.”
20:2 “Therefore, I now took away Zion to visit the world in its own time more speedily.”
20:3 “Now, however, remember everything which I commanded you and seal it in the interior of your mind.”
20:4 “And then I shall show you my strong judgment and my unexplorable ways.”
20:5 “Therefore, go away and sanctify yourself for seven days and do not eat bread and do not drink water and do not speak to anybody.”
20:6 “And after this time come to this place, and I shall reveal myself to you, and I shall speak to you true things, and I shall command you with regard to the course of times, for they will come and will not tarry.”

Chapter 21

21:1 “I went from there and sat in the valley of Kidron in a cave of the earth and sanctified myself there and ate no bread, but I was not hungry; I drank no water, but I was not thirsty. And I stayed there until the seventh day as he had commanded me.”
21:2 “And after this I came to the place where he had spoken with me.”
21:3 “And it happened at sunset that my soul received many thoughts, and I began to speak in the presence of the Mighty One, and said:”
21:4 “O hear me, you who created the earth, the one who fixed the firmament by the word and fastened the height of heaven by the spirit, the one who in the beginning of the world called that which did not yet exist and they obeyed you.”
21:5 “You who gave commandments to the air with your sign and have seen the things which are to come as well as those which have passed.”
21:6 “You who reign with great thoughts over the powers which stand before you, and who rules with indignation the countless holy beings, who are flame and fire, whom you created from the beginning, those who stand around your throne.”
21:7 “For you alone all this exists so that you may create at once all that you want.”
21:8 “You are the one who causes the rain to fall on earth with a specific number of raindrops. You alone know the end of times before it has arrived. Hear my prayer.”
21:9 “For only you can sustain those who exist, those who have gone and those who will come, those who sin and those who have proved themselves to be righteous, since you are the Living One, the Inscrutable One.”
21:10 “For you are the only Living One, the Immortal One and the Inscrutable One, and you know the number of men.”
21:11 “And while many have sinned once, many others have proved themselves to be righteous.”
21:12 “You know where you have preserved the end of those who have sinned or the fulfillment of those who have proved themselves to be righteous.”
21:13 “For if only this life exists which everyone possesses here, nothing could be more bitter than this.”
21:14 “For of what help is strength which changes into weakness, or food in abundance which changes into famine, or beauty which changes into ugliness?”
21:15 “For the nature of men is always changeable.”
21:16 “For as we were once, we are no longer, and as we are now, we shall not remain in the future.”
21:17 “For if an end of all things had not been prepared, their beginning would have been senseless.”
21:18 “But let me know all that which comes from you, and regarding that which I ask you, enlighten me.”
21:19 “How long will corruption remain, and until when will the time of mortals be in this world?”
21:20 “Therefore, command mercifully and confirm all that you have said that you would do so that your power will be recognized by those who believe that your long-suffering means weakness”
21:21 “And now show it to them, those who do not know, but who have seen that which has befallen us and our city, up to now, that it is in agreement with the long-suffering of your power, because you called us a beloved people on account of your name.”
21:22 “From now, therefore, everything is in a state of dying.”
21:23 “Therefore, reprove the angel of death, and let your glory appear, and let the greatness of your beauty be known, and let the realm of death be sealed so that it may not receive the dead from this time, and let the treasuries of the souls restore those who are enclosed in them.”
21:24 “For as many years have passed as those which passed since the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all those who were like them, who sleep in the earth – those on whose account you have said you have created the world.”
21:25 “And now, show your glory soon and do not postpone that which was promised by you.”
21:26 “And it happened that when I had ended the words of this prayer, I became very weak.”

Chapter 22

22:1 “And afterward it happened that, behold, the heaven was opened, and I saw, and strength was given to me, and a voice was heard from on high which said to me:”
22:2 “Baruch, Baruch, why are you disturbed?”
22:3 “Who starts on a journey and does not complete it? Or who will be comforted making a sea voyage unless he can reach a harbor?”
22:4 “Or he who promises to give a present to somebody -is it not a theft, unless it is fulfilled?”
22:5 “Or he who sows the earth – does he not lose everything unless he reaps its harvest in its own time?”
22:6 “Or he who plants a vineyard – does the planter expect to receive fruit from it, unless it grows until its appointed time?”
22:7 “Or a woman who has conceived – does she not surely kill the child when she bears untimely?”
22:8 “Or he who builds a house, can it be called a house, unless it is provided with a roof and is finished? Tell this to me first.”

Chapter 23

23:1 “And I answered and said: No, Lord, my Lord.”
23:2 “And he answered and said to me: Why, then, are you disturbed about that which you do not know, and why are you restless about that of which you do not possess any knowledge?”
23:3 “For as you have not forgotten men who exist and who have passed away, I remember those who will come.”
23:4 “For when Adam sinned and death was decreed against those who were to be born, the multitude of those who would be born was numbered. And for that number a place was prepared where the living ones might live and where the dead might be preserved.”
23:5 “No creature will live again unless the number that has been appointed is completed. For my spirit creates the living, and the realm of death receives the dead.”
23:6 “And further, it is given to you to hear that which will come after these times.”
23:7 “For truly, my salvation which comes has drawn near and is not as far away as before.”

Chapter 24

24:1 “For behold, the days are coming, and the books will be opened in which are written the sins of all those who have sinned, and moreover, also the treasuries in which are brought together the righteousness of all those who have proven themselves to be righteous.”
24:2 “And it will happen at that time that you shall see, and many with you, the long-suffering of the Most High, which lasts from generation to generation, who has been long-suffering toward all who are born, both those who sinned and those who proved themselves to be righteous.”
24:3 “And I answered and said: But, behold, O Lord, a man does not know the number of things which pass away nor those which come.”
24:4 “For behold, I also know what has befallen me; but that which will happen with our enemies, I do not know, or when you will command your works.”

Chapter 25

25:1 “And he answered and said to me: You also will be preserved until that time, namely until that sign which the Most High will bring about before the inhabitants of the earth at the end of days.”
25:2 “This then will be the sign.”
25:3 “When horror seizes the inhabitants of earth, and they fall into many tribulations and further, they fall into great torments.”
25:4 “And it will happen that they will say in their thoughts because of their great tribulations, “The Mighty One does not anymore remember the earth”; It will happen when they lose hope, that the time will awake.”

Chapter 26

26:1 “And I answered and said: That Tribulation which will be will it last a long time; and that distress, will it embrace many years?”

Chapter 27

27:1 “And he answered and said to me: That time will be divided into twelve parts, and each part has been preserved for that for which it was appointed.” (2 Esdras 14:10-12)
27:2 “In the first part: the beginning of commotions.”
27:3 “In the second part: the slaughtering of the great.”
27:4 “In the third part: the fall of many into death.”
27:5 “In the fourth part: the drawing of the sword.”
27:6 “In the fifth part: famine and the withholding of rain.”
27:7 “In the sixth part: earthquakes and terrors.”
(the seventh part is absent)
27:9 “In the eighth part: a multitude of spirits and the appearances of demons.”
27:10 “In the ninth part: the fall of fire.”
27:11 “In the tenth part: rape and much violence.”
27:12 “In the eleventh part: injustice and unchastity.”
27:13 “In the twelfth part: disorder and a mixture of all that has been before.”
27:14 “These parts of that time will be preserved and will be mixed, one with another, and they will minister to each other.”
27:15 “For some of these parts will withhold a part of themselves and take from others and will accomplish that which belongs to them and to others; hence, those who live on earth in those days will not understand that it is the end of times.”

Chapter 28

28:1 “But everyone who will understand will be wise at that time.”
28:2 “For the measure and the calculation of that time will be two parts: two weeks of seven days.”
28:3 “And I answered and said: It is good that man should come so far and see, but it is better that he should not come so far lest he fall.”
28:4 “But I shall also say this:”
28:5 “Will he who is incorruptible despise those who are corruptible, and will he despise what happens with those who are corruptible so that he might only look to those who are not corruptible?”
28:6 “But when, O Lord, these things will surely come of which you spoke to me before, let me also know this, if I have found grace in your eyes:”
28:7 “Is it in one place or in one part of the earth that these things will come or will they be noticed by the whole earth?”

Chapter 29

29:1 “And he answered and said to me: That which will happen at that time bears upon the whole earth. Therefore, all who live will notice it.”
29:2 “For at that time I shall only protect those found in this land at that time.”
29:3 “And it will happen that when all that which should come to pass in these parts has been accomplished, the Anointed One will begin to be revealed.”
29:4 “And Behemoth will reveal itself from its place, and Leviathan will come from the sea, the two great monsters which I created on the fifth day of creation and which I shall have kept until that time. And they will be nourishment for all who are left.”
29:5 “The earth will also yield fruits ten thousandfold. And on one vine will be a thousand branches, and one branch will produce a thousand clusters and one cluster will produce a thousand grapes, and one grape will produce a cor of wine.”
29:6 “And those who are hungry will enjoy themselves and they will, moreover, see marvels every day.”
29:7 “For winds will go out in front of me every morning to bring the fragrance of aromatic fruits and clouds at the end of the day to distill the dew of health.”
29:8 “And it will happen at that time that the treasury of manna will come down again from on high, and they will eat of it in those years because these are they who will have arrived at the consummation of time.”

Chapter 30

30:1 “And it will happen after these things when the time of the appearance of the Anointed One has been fulfilled and he returns with glory, that then all who sleep in hope of him will rise.”
30:2 “And it will happen at that time that those treasuries will be opened in which the number of the souls of the righteous were kept, and they will go out and the multitudes of the souls will appear together, in one assemblage, of one mind. And the first ones will enjoy themselves and the last ones will not be sad.”
30:3 “For they know that the time has come of which it is said that it is the end of times.”
30:4 “But the souls of the wicked will the more waste away when they shall see all these things.”
30:5 “For they know that their torment has come and that their perditions have arrived.”

Chapter 31

31:1 “And it happened after these things, that I went to the people and said to them: Assemble to me all our elders and I shall speak words to you.”
31:2 “And they all assembled in the valley of Kidron.”
31:3 “And I began to speak and said to them: Hear, O Israel, and I shall speak to you, and you, O seed of Jacob, pay attention, and I shall teach you.”
31:4 “Do not forget Zion but remember the distress of Jerusalem.”
31:5 “For, behold, the days are coming, that all that has been will be taken away to be destroyed, and it will become as though it had not been.”

Chapter 32

32:1 “You, however, if you prepare your minds to sow into them the fruits of the law, he shall protect you in the time in which the Mighty One shall shake the entire creation.”
32:2 “For after a short time, the building of Zion will be shaken in order that it will be rebuilt.”
32:3 “That building will not remain; but it will again be uprooted after some time and will remain desolate for a time.”
32:4 “And after that it is necessary that it will be renewed in glory and that it will be perfected into eternity.”
32:5 “We should not, therefore, be so sad regarding the evil which has come now, but much more distressed regarding that which is in the future.”
32:6 “For greater than the two evils will be the trial when the Mighty One will renew his creation.”
32:7 “And now, do not draw near to me for some days and do not call upon me until I shall come to you.”
32:8 “And it happened after having said all these words to them that I, Baruch, went my way. And when the people saw that I went away, they raised their voices and lamented and said:”
32:9 “Where are you going from us, Baruch, and do you leave us as a father who leaves his children as orphans and goes away from them?”

Chapter 33

33:1 “These are the commands which your friend Jeremiah, the prophet, gave to you. And he said to you,”
33:2 “Look to this people during the time I am absent, while I help the rest of our brothers in Babylon, against whom has been declared the sentence that they should be carried away into captivity.”
33:3 “And now, if you abandon us too, it would have been better for all of us that we shall die first, and then you should abandon us.”

Chapter 34

34:1 “And I answered and said to the people: Heaven forbid that I should abandon you or that I should go away from you. But I shall go to the Holy of Holies to ask from the Mighty One on behalf of you and Zion so that I may receive in some ways more light and after that I shall return to you.”

Chapter 35

35:1 “And I, Baruch, went to the holy place and sat on the ruins and wept and said:”
35:2 “O that my eyes were springs, and my eyelids, that they were a fountain of tears.”
35:3 “For how shall I be sad over Zion,”
35:4 “And lament over Jerusalem? For at the place where now I am prostrate, the high priests used to offer holy sacrifices, and placed thereon incense of fragrant spices. Now, however, that of which we are proud has become dust, and that which our soul desired is ashes.”

Chapter 36

36:1 “And when I had said this, I fell asleep at that place and saw a vision in the night.”
36:2 “And behold there was a forest with trees that was planted on the plain and surrounded by high mountains and rugged rocks. And the forest occupied much space.”
36:3 “And behold, over against it a vine arose, and from under it a fountain ran peacefully.”
36:4 “And that fountain came to the forest and changed into great waves, and those waves submerged the forest and suddenly uprooted the entire forest and overthrew all the mountains which surrounded it.”
36:5 “And the height of the forest became low, and that top of the mountains became low. And that fountain became so strong that it left nothing of the great forest except one cedar.”
36:6 “When it had also cast that one down, it destroyed the entire forest and uprooted it so that nothing was left of it, and its place was not even known anymore. Then that vine arrived with the fountain in peace and in great tranquillity and arrived at a place which was not far away from the cedar, and they brought to him that cedar which had been cast down.”
36:7 “And I saw, and behold, that vine opened its mouth and spoke and said to the cedar, “Are you not that cedar which remained of the forest of wickedness? Because of you, wickedness remained and has been done during all these years, but never goodness.”
36:8 “And you possessed power over that which did not belong to you; you did not even show compassion to that which did belong to you. And you extended your power over those who were living far from you, and you keep those who are close to you in the nets of your wickedness, and you uplift your soul always like one who could not be uprooted.”
36:9 “But now your time has hastened and your hour has come.”
36:10 “Therefore O cedar, follow the forest which has departed before you and become ashes with it, and let your earth be mixed together.”
36:11 “And now, sleep in distress and rest in pain until your last time comes in which you will return to be tormented even more.”

Chapter 37

37:1 “And after these things I saw that the cedar was burning and the vine growing, while it and all around it became a valley full of unfading flowers. And I awoke and arose.”

Chapter 38

38:1 “And I prayed and said: O Lord, my Lord, you are the one who has enlightened those who conduct themselves with understanding.”
38:2 “Your Law is life, and your wisdom is the right way.”
38:3 “Now, show me the explanation of this vision.”
38:4 “For you know that my soul has always been associated with your Law, and that I did not depart from your wisdom from my earliest days.”

Chapter 39

39:1 “And he answered and said to me: Baruch, this is the explanation of the vision which you have seen.”
39:2 “As you have seen the great forest surrounded by high and rocky mountains, this is the word:”
39:3 “Behold, the days come when this kingdom that destroyed Zion once will be destroyed and that it will be subjected to that which will come after it.”
39:4 “This again will also be destroyed after some time. And another, a third, will rise and also that will possess power in its own time and will be destroyed.”
39:5 “After that a fourth kingdom arises whose power is harsher and more evil than those which were before it, and it will reign a multitude of times like the trees on the plain, and it will rule the times and exalt itself more than the cedars of Lebanon.”
39:6 “And the truth will hide itself in this and all who are polluted with unrighteousness will flee to it like the evil beasts flee and creep into the forest.”
39:7 “And it will happen when the time of its fulfillment is approaching in which it will fall, that at that time the dominion of my Anointed One which is like the fountain and the vine, will be revealed. And when it has revealed itself, it will uproot the multitude of its host.”
39:8 “And that which you have seen, namely the tall cedar, which remained of that forest, and with regard to the words which the vine said to it which you heard, this is the meaning.”

Chapter 40

40:1 “The last ruler who is left alive at that time will be bound, whereas the entire host will be destroyed. And they will carry him on Mount Zion, and my Anointed One will convict him of all his wicked deeds and will assemble and set before him all the works of his hosts.”
40:2 “And after these things he will kill him and protect the rest of my people who will be found in the place that I have chosen.”
40:3 “And his dominion will last forever until the world of corruption has ended and until the times which have been mentioned before have been fulfilled.”
40:4 “This is your vision, and this is its explanation.”

Chapter 41

41:1 “And I answered and said: For whom and for how many will these things be? Or who will be worthy to live in that time?”
41:2 “I shall now say before you everything that I think, and I shall ask you about the things of which I meditate.”
41:3 “For behold, I see many of your people who separated themselves from your statutes and who have cast away from them the yoke of the Law.”
41:4 “Further, I have seen others who left behind their vanity and who have fled under your wings.”
41:5 “What will, therefore, happen with those? Or how will that last time receive them?”
41:6 “Their time will surely not be weighed exactly, and they will certainly not be judged as the scale indicates?”

Chapter 42

42:1 “And he answered and said to me:”
42:2 “Also these things I shall show you. As for what you said: “To whom and to how many will these things be?” The good that was mentioned before will be to those who have believed, and the opposite of these things will be to those who have despised.”
42:3 “And as for that which you said with regard to those who have drawn near and to those who have withdrawn, this is the explanation.”
42:4 “As for those who have first subjected themselves and have withdrawn later and who mingled themselves with the seed of the mingled nations, their first time will be considered as mountains.”
42:5 “And those who first did not know life and who later knew it exactly and who mingled with the seed of the people who have separated themselves, their first time will be considered as mountains.”
42:6 “And times will inherit times, and periods periods, and they will receive from one another. And then, with a view to the end, all will be compared according to the length of times and the hours of periods.”
42:7 “For corruption will take away those who belong to it, and life those who belong to it.”
42:8 “And dust will be called, and told, “Give back that which does not belong to you and raise up all that you have kept until its own time.”

Chapter 43

43:1 “You, however, Baruch, strengthen your heart with a view to that which has been said to you, and understand that which has been revealed to you because you have many consolations which will last forever.”
43:2 “For you will go away from this place and leave the regions which are now before your eyes. And you shall forget that which is corruptible and not again remember that which is among the mortal ones.”
43:3 “Go away, therefore, and command your people and come to this place and afterward fast seven days. And then I shall come to you and speak with you.”

Chapter 44

44:1 “And I, Baruch, went from there and came to my people and called my firstborn son and the Gedaliahs, my friends, and seven of the elders of the people and said to them:”
44:2 “Behold, I go to my fathers in accordance with the way of the whole earth.”
44:3 “You, however, do not withdraw from the way of the Law, but guard and admonish the people who are left lest they withdraw from the commandments of the Mighty One.”
44:4 “For you see that he whom we serve is righteous and that our Creator is impartial.”
44:5 “And see what has befallen Zion and what happened to Jerusalem.”
44:6 “That the judgment of the Mighty One will be made known, as well as his ways which are inscrutable and right.”
44:7 “For when you endure and persevere in his fear and do not forget his Law, the time again will take a turn for the better for you. And they will participate in the consolation of Zion.”
44:8 “For that which is now is nothing. But that which is in the future will be very great.”
44:9 “For everything will pass away which is corruptible, and everything that dies will go away, and all present time will be forgotten, and there will be no remembrance of the present time which is polluted by evils.”
44:10 “For he who runs now runs in vain and he who is happy will fall quickly and be humiliated.”
44:11 “For that which will be in the future, that is what one will look for, and that which comes later, that is what we shall hope for. For there is a time that does not pass away.”
44:12 “And that period is coming which will remain forever; and there is the new world which does not carry back to corruption those who enter into its beginning, and which has no mercy on those who come into torment or those who are living in it, and it does not carry to perdition.”
44:13 “For those are the ones who will inherit this time of which it is spoken, and to these is the heritage of the promised time.”
44:14 “These are they who prepared for themselves treasures of wisdom. And stores of insight are found with them. And they have not withdrawn from mercy and they have preserved the truth of the Law.”
44:15 “For the coming world will be given to these, but the habitation of the many others will be in the fire.”

Chapter 45

45:1 “You, therefore, admonish the people as much as you can. For this is our work.”
45:2 “For, when you instruct them, you will make them alive.”

Chapter 46

46:1 “And my son and the elders of the people said to me: Did the Mighty One humiliate us to such an extent that he will take you away from us quickly?”
46:2 “And shall we truly be in darkness, and will there be no light anymore for that people who are left?”
46:3 “For where shall we again investigate the Law, or who will distinguish between death and life for us?”
46:4 “And I said to them: I cannot resist the throne of the Mighty One. But Israel will not be in want of a wise man, nor the tribe of Jacob, a son of the Law.”
46:5 “But only prepare your heart so that you obey the Law, and be subject to those who are wise and understanding with fear. And prepare your soul that you shall not depart from them.”
46:6 “If you do this, those good tidings will come to you of which I spoke to you earlier, and you will not fall into the torment of which I spoke to you earlier.”
46:7 “But with regard to the word that I shall be taken up, I did not let it be known to them at that time, not even to my son.”

Chapter 47

47:1 “And after I had left, having dismissed them, I returned from there and said to them: Behold, I go to Hebron, for to there the Mighty One has sent me.”
47:2 “And I arrived at that place where the word was spoken to me, and I sat there and fasted seven days.”

Chapter 48

48:1 “And it happened after seven days that I prayed before the Mighty One and said:”
48:2 “O Lord, you summon the coming of the times, and they stand before you. You cause the display of power of the worlds to pass away and they do not resist you. You arrange the course of the periods, and they obey you.”
48:3 “Only you know the length of the generations, and you do not reveal your secrets to many.”
48:4 “You make known the multitude of the fire, and you weigh the lightness of the wind.”
48:5 “You investigate the end of the heights, and you scrutinize the depths of darkness.”
48:6 “You command the number which will pass away, and which will be preserved. And you prepare a house for those who will be.”
48:7 “You remember the beginning which you created, and you do not forget that destruction which will come.”
48:8 “With signs of fear and threat you command the flames, and they change into winds. And with the word you bring to life that which does not exist, and with great power you hold that which has not yet come.”
48:9 “You instruct the creation with your understanding, and you give wisdom to the spheres so that they minister according to their positions.”
48:10 “Innumerable hosts stand before you, and serve peacefully your sign according to their positions.”
48:11 “Hear your servant, and regard my appeal.”
48:12 “For we are born in a short time, and in a short time we return.”
48:13 “With you, however, the hours are like times, and the days like generations.”
48:14 “Be, therefore, not angry at man because he is nothing; and do not take count of our works; for what are we?”
48:15 “For behold, by your gift we come into the world, and we do go not of our own will.”
48:16 “For we did not say to our parents: “Beget us,” nor have we sent to the realm of death saying “Receive us.”
48:17 “What therefore is our strength that we can bear your wrath, or what are we that we can endure your judgment?”
48:18 “Protect us in your grace, and in your mercy help us.”
48:19 “Look at the small ones who submit to you, and save all those who come to you. And do not take away the hope of our people, and do not make short the times of our help.”
48:20 “For these are the people whom you have elected, and this is the nation of which you found no equal.”
48:21 “But I shall speak to you now, and I shall say as my heart thinks.”
48:22 “In you we have put our trust, because, behold, your Law is with us, and we know that we do not fall as long as we keep your statutes.”
48:23 “We shall always be blessed; at least, we did not mingle with the nations. For we are all a people of the Name;”
48:24 “We, who received one Law from the One. And that Law that is among us will help us, and that excellent wisdom which is in us will support us.”
48:25 “And when I had prayed these things I became very weak.”
48:26 “And he answered and said to me: You have prayed honestly, Baruch, and all your words have been heard.”
48:27 “But my judgment asks for its own, and my Law demands its right.”
48:28 “For from your words I shall answer you, and from your prayer I shall speak with you.”
48:29 “Because it is as follows: There is nothing that will be destroyed unless it acted wickedly, if it had been able to do something without remembering my goodness and accepting my long-suffering.”
48:30 “For this reason surely you will be taken up, as I said to you before.”
48:31 “And the time will come of which I spoke to you and that time is appearing which brings affliction. For it will come and pass away with enormous vehemence; and arriving in the heat of indignation, it will be turbulent.”
48:32 “And it will be in those days that all inhabitants of the earth will live with each other in peace [or: shall be moved one against the other], because they do not know that my judgment has come near.”
48:33 “For in that time there will not be found many wise men and there will also not be many intelligent ones, but, in addition, they who know will be silent more and more.”
48:34 “And there will be many tidings and not a few rumors, and the works of the phantoms will be visible, and not a few promises will be told, some idle and others affirmed.”
48:35 “And honor will change itself into shame, and strength will be humiliated to contempt, and the strong one will be broken down, and beauty will become contemptible.”
48:36 “And many will say to many in that time, “Where did the multitude of intelligence hide itself and where did the multitude of wisdom depart?”
48:37 “And when one thinks about these things, jealousy will arise in those who did not think much of themselves, and passion will take hold of those who were peaceful, and many will be agitated by wrath to injure many, and they will raise armies to shed blood; and they will perish with those at the end.”
48:38 “And it will happen in that time that a change of times will reveal itself openly for the eyes of everyone because they polluted themselves in all those times and caused oppression, and each one walked in his own works and did not remember the Law of the Mighty One.”
48:39 “Therefore, a fire will consume their thoughts, and with a flame the meditations of their innermost self will be examined. For the Judge will come and will not hesitate.”
48:40 “For each of the inhabitants of the earth knew when he acted unrighteously, and they did not know my Law because of their pride.”
48:41 “But many will surely weep at that time – more, however, because of the living ones than of the dead.”
48:42 “And I answered and said: O Adam, what did you do to all who were born after you? And what will be said of the first Eve who obeyed the serpent,”
48:43 “So that this whole multitude is going to corruption? And countless are those whom the fire devours.”
48:44 “But again I shall speak before you.”
48:45 “You, O Lord, my Lord, you know that which is in your creation.”
48:46 “For you commanded the dust one day to produce Adam; and you knew the number of those who are born from him and how they sinned before you, those who existed and who did not recognize you as their Creator.”
48:47 “And concerning all of those, their end will put them to shame, and your Law which they transgressed will repay them on your day.”
48:48 “But now, let us cease talking about the wicked and inquire about the righteous.”
48:49 “And I will tell about their blessedness and I shall not be silent about their glory which is kept for them.”
48:50 “For surely, as you endured much labor in the short time in which you live in this passing world, so you will receive great light in that world which has no end.”

Chapter 49

49:1 “But further, I ask you, O Mighty One; and I shall ask grace from him who created all things.”
49:2 “In which shape will the living live in your day? Or how will remain their splendor which will be after that?”
49:3 “Will they, perhaps, take again this present form, and will they put on the chained members which are in evil and by which evils are accomplished? Or will you perhaps change these things which have been in the world, as also the world itself?”

Chapter 50

50:1 “And he answered and said to me: Listen, Baruch, to this word and write down in the memory of your heart all that you shall learn.”
50:2 “For the earth will surely give back the dead at that time; it receives them now in order to keep them, not changing anything in their form. But as it has received them so it will give them back. And as I have delivered them to it so it will raise them.”
50:3 “For then it will be necessary to show those who live that the dead are living again, and that those who went away have come back.”
50:4 “And it will be that when they have recognized each other, those who know each other at this moment, then my judgment will be strong, and those things which have been spoken of before will come.”

Chapter 51

51:1 “And it will happen after this day which he appointed is over that both the shape of those who are found to be guilty as also the glory of those who have proved to be righteous will be changed.”
51:2 “For the shape of those who now act wickedly will be made more evil than it is (now) so that they shall suffer torment.”
51:3 “Also, as for the glory of those who proved to be righteous on account of my law, those who possessed intelligence in their life, and those who planted the root of wisdom in their heart – their splendor will then be glorified by transformations, and the shape of their face will be changed into the light of their beauty so that they may acquire and receive the undying world which is promised to them.”
51:4 “Therefore, especially they who will then come will be sad, because they despised my Law and stopped their ears lest they hear wisdom and receive intelligence.”
51:5 “When they, therefore, will see that those over whom they are exalted now will then be more exalted and glorified than they, then both these and those will be changed, these into the splendor of angels and those into startling visions and horrible shapes; and they will waste away even more.”
51:6 “For they will first see and then they will go away to be tormented.”
51:7 “Miracles, however, will appear at their own time to those who are saved because of their works and for whom the Law is now a hope, and intelligence, expectation, and wisdom a trust.”
51:8 “For they shall see that world which is now invisible to them, and they will see a time which is now hidden to them.”
51:9 “And time will no longer make them older.”
51:10 “For they will live in the heights of that world and they will be like the angels and be equal to the stars. And they will be changed into any shape which they wished, from beauty to loveliness, and from light to the splendor of glory.”
51:11 “For the extents of Paradise will be spread out for them, and to them will be shown the beauty of the majesty of the living beings under the throne, as well as all the hosts of the angels, those who are held by my word now lest they show themselves, and those who are withheld by my command so that they may stand at their places until their coming has arrived.”
51:12 “And the excellence of the righteous will then be greater than that of the angels.”
51:13 “For the first will receive the last, those whom they expected; and the last, those of whom they had heard that they had gone away.”
51:14 “For they have been saved from this world of affliction and have put down the burden of anguishes.”
51:15 “Because of which men lost their life and for what have those who were on the earth exchanged their soul?”
51:16 “For once they chose for themselves that time which cannot pass away without afflictions. And they chose for themselves that time of which the end is full of lamentations and evils. And they have denied the world that does not make those who come to it older. And they have rejected the time which causes glory so that they are not coming to the glory of which I spoke to you before.”

Chapter 52

52:1 “And I answered and said:”
52:2 “How shall we forget those for whom at that time woe is preserved? And why are we again sad for those who die? Or why do we weep for those who go into the realm of death?”
52:3 “The lamentations should be kept for the beginning of that coming torment; let the tears be laid down for the coming of that destruction which will then come.”
52:4 “But with a view of these things, I shall also speak.”
52:5 “And concerning the righteous ones, what will they do now?”
52:6 “Enjoy yourselves in the suffering which you suffer now. For why do you look for the decline of your enemies?”
52:7 “Prepare your souls for that which is kept for you, and make ready your souls for the reward which is preserved for you. And when I had said this I fell asleep there.”

Chapter 53

53:1 “And I saw a vision. And behold, a cloud was coming up from the great sea. And I was looking at it, and behold, it was entirely filled with black water and there were many colors in that water. And something like great lightning appeared at its top.”
53:2 “And I saw that the cloud was rapidly passing in a quick run and covering the whole earth.”
53:3 “And it happened after this that the cloud began to pour the water that it contained upon the earth.”
53:4 “And I saw that the water which descended from it was not of the same likeness.”
53:5 “For at first, it was very black until a certain time. And then, I saw that the water became bright, but there was not much of it. And after this, I saw black water again, and after this bright again, and black again and bright again.”
53:6 “This, now, happened twelve times, but the black were always more than the bright.”
53:7 “And it happened at the end of the cloud that, behold, it poured black water and it was much darker than all the water that had been before. And fire was mingled with it. And where that water descended, it brought about devastation and destruction.”
53:8 “And after this I saw how the lightning which I had seen at the top of the cloud seized it and pressed it down to the earth.”
53:9 “That lightning shone much more, so that it lighted the whole earth and healed the regions where the last waters had descended and where it had brought about destruction.”
53:10 “And it occupied the whole earth and took command of it.”
53:11 “And after this I saw, behold, twelve rivers came from the sea and surrounded the lightning and became subject to it.”
53:12 “And because of my fear I awoke.”

Chapter 54

54:1 “And I asked the Mighty One and said: You alone, O Lord, knew the heights of the world beforehand and that which will happen in the times which you bring about by your word. And against the works of the inhabitants of the earth you hasten the beginnings of the times. And the ends of the periods you alone know.”
54:2 “You are the one for whom nothing is hard; but you are, however, the one who easily accomplishes all by a sign.”
54:3 “You are the one to whom both the depths and the heights come together, and whose word the beginnings of the periods serve.”
54:4 “You are the one who reveals to those who fear that which is prepared for them so that you may comfort them.”
54:5 “You show your mighty works to those who do not know. You pull down the enclosure for those who have no experience and enlighten the darknesses, and reveal the secrets to those who are spotless, to those who subjected themselves to you and your Law in faith.”
54:6 “You showed this vision to your servant; open to me its exposition also.”
54:7 “For I know that I have received the answer regarding the subjects about which I asked you, and that you gave me a revelation about that which I asked, and that you have let me know with what voice I should honor you or from which members I should cause glory and praise to go up to you.”
54:8 “For if my members should be mouths and the hairs of my head voices, even so I should not be able to honor you properly; and I should not be able to utter your glory or to express the excellence of your beauty.”
54:9 “For who am I among men or what is my significance among those who are more excellent than I that I have heard all these marvelous things from the Most High and innumerable promises from him who created me?”
54:10 “Blessed is my mother among those who bear, and praised among women is she who bore me.”
54:11 “For I shall not be silent in honoring the Mighty One but with the voice of glory I shall narrate his marvelous works.”
54:12 “For who is able to imitate your miracles, O God, or who understands your deep thoughts of life?”
54:13 “For with your counsel, you reign over all creation which your right hand has created, and you have established the whole fountain of light with yourself, and you have prepared under your throne the treasures of wisdom.”
54:14 “And those who do not love your Law are justly perishing. And the torment of judgment will fall upon those who have not subjected themselves to your power.”
54:15 “For, although Adam sinned first and has brought death upon all who were not in his own time, yet each of them who has been born from him has prepared for himself the coming torment. And further, each of them has chosen for himself the coming glory.”
54:16 “For truly, the one who believes will receive reward.”
54:17 “But now, turn yourselves to destruction, you unrighteous ones who are living now, for you will be visited suddenly, since you have once rejected the understanding of the Most High.”
54:18 “For his works have not taught you, nor has the artful work of his creation which has existed always persuaded you.”
54:19 “Adam is, therefore, not the cause, except only for himself, but each of us has become our own Adam.”
54:20 “You, however, O Lord, explain to me what you have revealed to me. And inform me about that which I asked you.”
54:21 “For at the end of the world, a retribution will be demanded with regard to those who have done wickedly in accordance with their wickedness, and you will glorify the faithful ones in accordance with their faith.”
54:22 “For those who are among your own, you rule; and those who sin, you blot out among your own.”

Chapter 55

55:1 “And it happened that when I had finished the words of this prayer, I sat down there under a tree to rest in the shadow of branches.”
55:2 “And I was surprised and astonished, and I pondered in my thoughts about the multitude of the goodness which the sinners who are on earth have rejected from them, and about the great punishment which they have despised, when they knew that they should be punished because of the sins they have committed.”
55:3 “And while I was pondering these and similar things, behold, Ramael, the angel who is set over true visions, was sent to me and said to me:”
55:4 “Why does your heart trouble you, Baruch, and why are you disturbed by your thought?”
55:5 “For if you are already disturbed, only hearing about the judgment, what about when you see it with your eyes openly?”
55:6 “And if you are already so disturbed by the expectation with which you expect the day of the Mighty One, what about when you arrive at its coming?”
55:7 “And if you are so fully terrified by the words of the announcement of the punishment of those who have transgressed, how much more when this event itself will reveal marvelous things?”
55:8 “And if you have heard the names of the good and evil things which will come at that time, and if you are grieved, what about when you will see what the Majesty will reveal, who will convince some and cause others to rejoice?”

Chapter 56

56:1 “But now, since you have asked the Most High to reveal to you the explanation of the vision which you have seen, I have been sent to say to you:”
56:2 “That the Mighty One has let you know the course of times, namely those which have passed and those which in his world will come to pass, from the beginning of his creation until the end, (the times) which are known by deceit and by truth.”
56:3 “For as you saw a great cloud which came up from the sea and went and covered the earth; this is the length of the world which the Mighty One has created when he took counsel in order to create the world.”
56:4 “And it happened when the word had gone out from him, that the length of the world was standing as something small, and it was established in accordance with the abundance of the intelligence of him who let it go forth.”
56:5 “And as you first saw the black waters on the top of the cloud which first came down upon the earth; this is the transgression which Adam, the first man, committed.”
56:6 “For when he transgressed, untimely death came into being, mourning was mentioned, affliction was prepared, illness was created, labor accomplished, pride began to come into existence, the realm of death began to ask to be renewed with blood, the conception of children came about, the passion of parents was produced, the loftiness of men was humiliated, and goodness vanished.”
56:7 “What could, therefore, have been blacker and darker than these things?”
56:8 “This is the beginning of the black waters which you have seen.”
56:9 “And from these black waters again black were born, and very dark darkness originated.”
56:10 “For he who was a danger to himself was also a danger to the angels.”
56:11 “For they possessed freedom in that time in which they were created.”
56:12 “And some of them came down and mingled themselves with women.”
56:13 “At that time they who acted like this were tormented in chains.”
56:14 “But the rest of the multitude of angels, who have no number, restrained themselves.”
56:15 “And those living on earth perished together through the waters of the flood.”
56:16 “Those are the first black waters.”

Chapter 57

57:1 “And after these you saw the bright waters; that is the fountain of Abraham and his generation, and the coming of his son, and the son of his son, and of those who are like them.”
57:2 “For at that time the unwritten law was in force among them, and the works of the commandments were accomplished at that time, and the belief in the coming judgment was brought about, and the hope of the world which will be renewed was built at that time, and the promise of the life that will come later was planted.”
57:3 “Those are the bright waters which you have seen.”

Chapter 58

58:1 “And the third black waters which you have seen; that is the mingling of all sins which the nations committed afterward, after the death of those righteous men, and the wickedness of the land of Egypt, in which they acted wickedly in the oppression with which they oppressed their sons.”
58:2 “But also these perished at the end.”

Chapter 59

59:1 “And the fourth bright waters which you have seen; that is the coming of Moses, and of Aaron, and of Miriam, and of Joshua, the son of Nun, and of Caleb, and all those who are like these.”
59:2 “For at that time the lamp of the eternal law which exists forever and ever illuminated all those who sat in darkness. This lamp will announce to those who believe the promise of their reward and to those who deny the punishment of the fire which is kept for them.”
59:3 “But also the heaven will be shaken from its place at that time; that is, the heavens which are under the throne of the Mighty One were severely shaken when he took Moses with him.”
59:4 “For he showed him many warnings together with the ways of the Law and the end of time, as also to you; and then further, also the likeness of Zion with its measurements which was to be made after the likeness of the present sanctuary.”
59:5 “But he also showed him, at that time, the measures of fire, the depths of the abyss, the weight of the winds, the number of the raindrops,”
59:6 “The suppression of wrath, the abundance of long-suffering, the truth of judgment,”
59:7 “The root of wisdom, the richness of understanding, the fountain of knowledge,”
59:8 “The height of the air, the greatness of Paradise, the end of the periods, the beginning of the day of judgment,”
59:9 “The number of offerings, the worlds which have not yet come,”
59:10 “The mouth of hell, the standing place of vengeance, the place of faith, the region of hope,”
59:11 “The picture of the coming punishment, the multitude of the angels which cannot be counted, the powers of the flame, the splendor of lightnings, the voice of the thunders, the orders of the archangels, the treasuries of the light, the changes of the times, and the inquiries into the Law.”
59:12 “These are the fourth bright waters.”

Chapter 60

60:1 “And the fifth black waters which you have seen poured down; those are the works which the Amorites have done, and the invocations of their incantations which they wrought, and the wickedness of their mysteries, and the mingling of their pollutions.”
60:2 “But even Israel was polluted with sins in these days of the judges, although they saw many signs which were from him who created them.”

Chapter 61

61:1 “And the sixth bright waters which you have seen; this is the time in which David and Solomon were born.”
61:2 “And at that time the building of Zion took place, and the dedication of the sanctuary, and the shedding of much blood of the nations which sinned at that time, and the many offerings which were offered at that time at the inauguration of the sanctuary.”
61:3 “And rest and peace reigned at that time.”
61:4 “And wisdom was heard in the assembly, and the richness of understanding was magnified in the congregations.”
61:5 “And the holy festivals were fulfilled in happiness and much joy.”
61:6 “And the judgment of the rulers was seen at that time without deceit, and the righteousness of the commandments of the Mighty One was accomplished in truth.”
61:7 “And the land which then received mercy, since its inhabitants did not sin, was praised above all countries, and the city of Zion ruled over all countries and regions at that time.”
61:8 “These are those bright waters you have seen.”

Chapter 62

62:1 “And the seventh black waters you have seen; that is the perversion of the ideas of Jeroboam who planned to make two golden calves.”
62:2 “And all the iniquities accomplished by the kings who succeeded him,”
62:3 “And the curse of Jezebel, and the idolatry which Israel practiced at that time,”
62:4 “And the withholding of rain, and the famines of such a kind that the women ate the fruits of their womb,”
62:5 “And the time of their exile which befell the nine and a half tribes because they lived in many sins.”
62:6 “And Salmanassar, the king of the Assyrians, came and carried them away into captivity.”
62:7 “And concerning the nations much could be said: how they acted unrighteously and wickedly, and how they never proved themselves to be righteous.”
62:8 “These are those seventh black waters you have seen.”

Chapter 63

63:1 “And the eighth bright waters you have seen; that is the righteousness and the integrity of Hezekiah, King of Judah, and the grace which came upon him.”
63:2 “For at that time Sennacherib was moved to destroy, and his wrath roused him, and also the multitude of the nations which were with him in order to destroy;”
63:3 “When Hezekiah the king heard that which the Assyrian king devised, namely, to come and seize and destroy his people – the two and a half tribes which were left – and that he also wanted to destroy Zion, then Hezekiah trusted upon his works, and hoped upon his righteousnesses, and spoke with the Mighty One and said:”
63:4 “Pay attention, behold, Sennacherib is ready to destroy us, and he will boast and be uplifted when he has destroyed Zion.”
63:5 “And the Mighty One heard him for Hezekiah was wise, and he paid attention to his prayers for he was righteous.”
63:6 “And the Mighty One then commanded Ramael, his angel who speaks with you.”
63:7 “And I went away and destroyed their multitude, of which the number of the chiefs alone was one hundred and eighty-five thousand, and each of them had an equal number.”
63:8 “And at that time I burned their bodies within, but I preserved their clothes and their arms on the outside so that still more of the marvelous words of the Mighty One might be seen, and so that his name might be mentioned throughout the entire earth.”
63:9 “Thus Zion was saved, and Jerusalem was delivered from its tribulations.”
63:10 “And all those who were in the holy land rejoiced, and the name of the Mighty One was praised so that it was spoken of.”
63:11 “These are those bright waters which you have seen.”

Chapter 64

64:1 “And the ninth black waters you have seen; that is the wickedness that existed in the days of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah.”
64:2 “For he acted very wickedly, and killed the righteous, and perverted judgment, and shed innocent blood, and violently polluted married women, and overturned altars, and abolished their offerings, and drove away the priests lest they minister in the sanctuary.”
64:3 “And he made a statue with five faces; Four of them looked into the direction of the four winds, and the fifth was on the top of the statue so as to challenge the zeal of the Mighty One.”
64:4 “And then the wrath of the Mighty One went out so that Zion should be uprooted as has also happened in your days.”
64:5 “But also the judgment went out against the two and a half tribes so that they also should be carried away into captivity as you have now seen.”
64:6 “And the impiety of Manasseh increased to such a degree that the glory of the Most High removed itself from the sanctuary.”
64:7 “Therefore, Mannasseh was called the impious one in that time, and finally his habitation was in the fire.”
64:8 “For although the Most High had heard his prayer, in the end when he fell into the brazen horse and the brazen horse was melted, it became to him as a sign regarding the hour (which was to come).”
64:9 “For he had not lived perfectly since he was not worthy, but (the sign was given to him) that he might know henceforth by whom he should be punished at the end.”
64:10 “For he who is able to benefit is also able to punish.”

Chapter 65

65:1 “This Manasseh sinned and he thought in his time that the Mighty One would not call account for these things.”
65:2 “These are those ninth black waters you have seen.”

Chapter 66

66:1 “And the tenth bright waters you have seen; that is the purity of the generation of Josiah, the king of Judah, who was the only one in his time who subjected himself to the Mighty One with his whole heart and his whole soul.”
66:2 “He purified the country from the idols, sanctified all the vessels which were polluted, restored the offerings to the altar, raised the horn of the holy, exalted the righteous, and honored all those who were wise with understanding. He brought the priests back to their ministry, and destroyed and removed the magicians, enchanters, and diviners from the land.”
66:3 “And he not only killed the impious who were living, but also the bones were taken from the graves of the dead and burned with fire.”
66:4 “And he established the festivals and the sabbaths with their holy practices, and he burned the polluted with fire, and as for the lying prophets who deceived the people, also these he burned with fire. He cast the people who obeyed them, as long as they lived, into the Kidron valley, and heaped stones upon them.”
66:5 “And he was zealous with the zeal of the Mighty One with his whole soul, and he alone was strong in the Law at that time so that he left no one uncircumcised or anyone who acted wickedly in the whole country all the days of his life.”
66:6 “He, then, is one who shall receive reward forever and ever and be honored with the Mighty One more than many in the last time.”
66:7 “For on his account and on account of those who are like him, the precious glories have been created and prepared which were spoken to you earlier.”
66:8 “These are those bright waters which you have seen.”

Chapter 67

67:1 “And the eleventh black waters you have seen; that is the disaster which has befallen Zion now.”
67:2 “Do you think that there is no mourning among the angels before the Mighty One, that Zion is delivered up in this way? Behold, the nations rejoice in their hearts, and the multitudes are before their idols and say, She who has trodden others down for such a long time has been trodden down; and she who has subjugated has been subjugated.”
67:3 “Do you think that the Most High rejoices in these things or that his name has been glorified?”
67:4 “But how will it be with his righteous judgment?”
67:5 “But after these things those scattered among the nations will be taken hold of by tribulations and live in shame in every place.”
67:6 “For so far as Zion has been delivered up and Jerusalem laid waste, the idols in the cities of the nations are happy and the flavor of the smoke of the incense of the righteousness of the Law has been extinguished everywhere in the region of Zion; behold, the smoke of the impiety is there.”
67:7 “But the king of Babylon will arise, the one who now has destroyed Zion, and he will boast over the people and speak haughtily in his heart before the Most High.”
67:8 “And he too will fall finally.”
67:9 “These are those black waters.”

Chapter 68

68:1 “And the twelfth bright waters which you have seen; this is the word.”
68:2 “For there will come a time after these things, and your people will fall into such a distress so that they are all together in danger of perishing.”
68:3 “They, however, will be saved, and their enemies will fall before them.”
68:4 “And to them will fall much joy one day.”
68:5 “And at that time, after a short time, Zion will be rebuilt again, and the offerings will be restored, and the priests will again return to their ministry.”
68:6 “And the nations will again come to honor it.”
68:7 “But not as fully as before.”
68:8 “But it will happen after these things that there will be a fall of many nations.”
68:9 “These are the bright waters you have seen.”

Chapter 69

69:1 “With regard to the last waters you have seen which are blacker than all those preceding which came after the twelfth, those which were brought together; they apply to the whole world.”
69:2 “For the Most High made a division at the beginning for only he knows what will happen in the future.”
69:3 “For with regard to the evils of the coming impieties which occurred before him, he saw six kinds.”
69:4 “And of the good works of the righteous which would be accomplished before him, he foresaw six kinds, with the exclusion of that which he should accomplish himself at the end of the world.”
69:5 “These are, therefore, not black waters with black, nor bright with bright. For that is the end.”

Chapter 70

70:1 “Therefore, hear the exposition of the last black waters which will come after the black waters. This is the word.”
70:2 “Behold, the days are coming and it will happen when the time of the world has ripened and the harvest of the seed of the evil ones and the good ones has come that the Mighty One will cause to come over the earth and its inhabitants and its rulers confusion of the spirit and amazement of the heart.”
70:3 “And they will hate one another and provoke one another to fight. And the despised will rule over the honorable, and the unworthy will raise themselves over the illustrious.”
70:4 “And many will be delivered to the few, those who were nothing will rule over the strong, the poor will be greater in number than the rich, and the impious will exalt themselves over the brave.”
70:5 “The wise will be silent, and the foolish will speak. And the thought of men will not be realized then, nor the counsel of the strong, and the hope of those who hope will not be realized.”
70:6 “Then it will happen when those things occur which have been said before will come to pass, that confusion will fall upon all men. And some of them will fall in war, and others will perish in tribulations, and again others of them will be troubled by their own.”
70:7 “The Most High will then give a sign to those nations which he has prepared before, and they will come and wage war with the rulers who will then remain.”
70:8 “And it will happen that everyone who saves himself from the war will die in an earthquake, and he who saves himself from the earthquake will be burned by fire, and he who saves himself from the fire will perish by famine.”
70:9 “And it will happen that everyone who will save himself and escape from all things which have been said before – both those who have won and those who have been overcome – that all will be delivered into the hands of my Servant, the Anointed One.”
70:10 “For the whole earth will devour its inhabitants.”

Chapter 71

71:1 “And the holy land will have mercy on its own and will protect its inhabitants at that time.”
71:2 “This is the vision which you have seen, and this is its explanation. For I have come to tell you these things since your prayer has been heard by the Most High.”

Chapter 72

72:1 “Now hear also about the bright waters which come at the end after these black ones. This is the word.”
72:2 “After the signs have come of which I have spoken to you before, when the nations are moved and the time of my Anointed One comes, he will call all nations, and some of them he will spare, and others he will kill.”
72:3 “These things will befall the nations which will be spared by him.”
72:4 “Every nation which has not known Israel and which has not trodden down the seed of Jacob will live.”
72:5 “And this is because some from all nations have been subjected to your people.”
72:6 “All those, now, who have ruled over you or have known you, will be delivered up to the sword.”

Chapter 73

73:1 “And it will happen that after he has brought down everything which is in the world, and has sat down in eternal peace on the throne of the kingdom, then joy will be revealed and rest will appear.”
73:2 “And then health will descend in dew, and illness will vanish, and fear and tribulation and lamentation will pass away from among men, and joy will encompass the earth.”
73:3 “And nobody will again die untimely, nor will any adversity take place suddenly.”
73:4 “Judgment, condemnations, contentions, revenges, blood, passions, zeal, hate, and all such things will go into condemnation since they will be uprooted.”
73:5 “For these are the things that have filled this earth with evils, and because of them life of men came in yet greater confusion.”
73:6 “And the wild beasts will come from the wood and serve men, and the asps and dragons will come out of their holes to subject themselves to a child.”
73:7 “And women will no longer have pain when they bear, nor will they be tormented when they yield the fruits of their womb.”

Chapter 74

74:1 “And it will happen in those days that the reapers will not become tired, and the farmers will not wear themselves out, because the products of themselves will shoot out speedily, during the time that they work on them in full tranquility.”
74:2 “For that time is the end of that which is corruptible and the beginning of that which is incorruptible.”
74:3 “Therefore, the things which were said before will happen in it. Therefore, it is far away from the evil things and near to those which do not die.”
74:4 “Those are the last bright waters which have come after the last dark waters.”

Chapter 75

75:1 “And I answered and said: Who can equal your goodness, O Lord? for it is incomprehensible.”
75:2 “Or who can fathom your grace which is without end?”
75:3 “Or who can understand your intelligence?”
75:4 “Or who can narrate the thoughts of your spirit?”
75:5 “Or who of those born can hope to arrive at these things, apart from those to whom you are merciful and gracious?”
75:6 “For if you were not merciful to men, those who are under your right hand, they were not able to come to them, apart from those who are named among the famous number.”
75:7 “But we who exist, when we know why we have come, and then subject ourselves to him who brought us out of Egypt, we shall come again and remember those things which have passed away, and rejoice with regard to the things which have been.”
75:8 “But if we do not know now why we have come, and do not recognize the sovereignty of him who brought us up from Egypt, we will come again and ask for that which has now occurred, and shall be severely grieved because of that which has happened.”

Chapter 76

76:1 “And he answered and said to me: Since the revelation of this vision has been explained to you as you prayed for, hear the word of the Most High that you know that which will happen to you after these things.”
76:2 “For you will surely depart from this world, nevertheless not to death but to be kept unto (the end) of times.”
76:3 “Therefore, go up to the top of this mountain and all the countries of this earth will pass before you, as well as the likeness of the inhabited world, and the top of the mountains, and the depths of the valleys, and the depths of the seas, and the number of rivers, so that you may see that which you leave and where you go.”
76:4 “This will happen after forty days.”
76:5 “Go, therefore, now during these days and instruct the people as much as you can so that they may learn lest they die in the last times, but may learn so that they live in the last times.”

Chapter 77

77:1 “And I, Baruch, went away from there and came to the people, and assembled them from the smallest to the greatest and said to them:”
77:2 “Hear, O children of Israel, behold how many are left from the twelve tribes of Israel.”
77:3 “To you and your fathers the Lord gave the Law above all nations.”
77:4 “And because your brothers have transgressed the commandments of the Most High, he brought vengeance upon you and upon them and did spare the ancestors, but he also gave the descendants into captivity and did not leave a remnant of them.”
77:5 “And, behold, you are here, with me.”
77:6 “If, therefore, you will make straight your ways, you will not go away as your brothers went away, but they will come to you.”
77:7 “For he is merciful whom you honor, and gracious in whom you hope, and true so that he will do good to you and not evil.”
77:8 “Have you not seen what has befallen Zion?”
77:9 “Or do you think that the place has sinned and that it has been destroyed for this reason, or that the country has done some crime and that it is delivered that reason?”
77:10 “And do you not know that because of you who sinned the one who did not sin was destroyed, and that because of those who acted unrighteously, the one who has not gone astray has been delivered up to the enemies?”
77:11 “And the whole people answered and they said to me: Everything which we can remember of the good things which the Mighty One has done to us we shall remember, and that which we do not remember he knows in his grace.”
77:12 “But do this for us, your people: Write also to our brothers in Babylon a letter of doctrine and a roll of hope so that you might strengthen them also before you go away from us.”
77:13 “For the shepherds of Israel have perished, and the lamps which gave light are extinguished, and the fountains from which we used to drink have withheld their streams.”
77:14 “Now we have been left in the darkness and in the thick forest and in the aridness of the desert.”
77:15 “And I answered and said to them: Shepherds and lamps and fountains came from the Law and when we go away, the Law will abide.”
77:16 “If you, therefore, look upon the Law and are intent upon the wisdom, then the lamp will not be wanting and the shepherd will not give way and the fountain will not dry up.”
77:17 “Nevertheless, I shall also write to your brothers in Babylon, as you have said to me, and I shall send it by means of men. Also I shall write to the nine and a half tribes, and send it by means of a bird.”
77:18 “And it happened on the twenty-first day of the ninth month that I, Baruch, came and sat down under the oak in the shadow of the branches, and nobody was with me; I was alone.”
77:19 “And I wrote two letters. One I sent by means of an eagle to the nine and a half tribes, and the other I sent by means of three men to those who were in Babylon.”
77:20 “And I called an eagle and said to him these words:”
77:21 “You have been created by the Most High that you should be higher than any other bird.”
77:22 “But now go and do not stay in any place, do not go into a nest, do not sit on any tree until you have flown over the breadth of the many waters of the river Euphrates and have come to the people that live there and cast down to them this letter.”
77:23 “Remember that Noah at the time of the flood received the fruit of the olive tree from a dove when he sent it away from the ark.”
77:24 “And also the ravens served Elijah when they brought food to him as they were commanded.”
77:25 “Also Solomon, in the time of his kingship, commanded a bird whither he wanted to send a letter and in whatever he was in need of and it obeyed him as he commanded it.”
77:26 “And do not be reluctant and do not deviate to the right nor to the left, but fly and go straight away that you may preserve the command of the Mighty One as I said to you.”

Chapter 78

78:1 “The letter of Baruch, the son of Neriah which he wrote to the nine and a half tribes. And these are the words of the letter which Baruch, the son of Neriah, sent to the nine and a half tribes which were across the river in which were written the following things.”
78:2 “Thus speaks Baruch, the son of Neriah, to the brothers who were carried away in captivity:”
78:3 “Grace and peace be with you. I remember, my brothers, the love of him who created me, who loved us from the beginning and who never hated us but, on the contrary, chastised us.”
78:4 “And truly I know: Are we not all, the twelve tribes, bound by one captivity as we also descend from one father?”
78:5 “Therefore, I have been the more diligent to leave you the words of this letter before I die so that you may be comforted regarding the evils which have befallen you, and you may also be grieved with regard to the evils which have befallen your brothers, and them further, so that you may consider the judgment of him who decreed it against you to be righteous, namely, that you should be carried away into captivity, for what you have suffered is smaller than what you have done, in order that you may be found worthy of your fathers in the last times.”
78:6 “Therefore, if you think about the things you have suffered now for your good so that you may not be condemned at the end and be tormented, you shall receive hope which lasts forever and ever, particularly if you remove from your hearts the idle error for which you went away from here.”
78:7 “For if you do these things in this way, he shall continually remember you. He is the one who always promised on our behalf to those who are more excellent than we that he will not forever forget or forsake our offspring, but with much mercy assemble all those again who were dispersed.”

Chapter 79

79:1 “Therefore, my brothers, learn first what befell Zion, namely, that Nebucadnezzar, the king of Babylon, came up against us.”
79:2 “For we had sinned against him who created us, and had not observed the commandments which he ordered us.”
79:3 “And yet he has not chastised us as we deserved.”
79:4 “For what befell you, we suffered even more, for it befell us also.”

Chapter 80

80:1 “And now, my brothers, when the enemies had surrounded the city, angels were sent from the Most High. And they demolished the fortification of the strong wall, and he destroyed their solid iron corners which could not be loosened.”
80:2 “Nevertheless, they hid the holy vessels lest they be polluted by the enemies.”
80:3 “And when they had done these things, they left the demolished wall, the looted house, the burned temple, and the people who were overcome to the enemies, for they were delivered up lest the enemies should boast and say, “We have overcome to such an extent that we have even destroyed the house of the Most High.”
80:4 “They have also bound your brothers and carried them away to Babylon and have caused them to live there.”
80:5 “And we have been left here with very few.”
80:6 “That is the affliction about which I write to you.”
80:7 “For truly I know that the inhabitants of Zion were a comfort to you. As long as you knew that they were happy, this was more important than the affliction you endured being separated from them.”

Chapter 81

81:1 “But also hear the word of consolation.”
81:2 “For I mourned with regard to Zion and asked grace from the Most High and said.”
81:3 “Will these things exist for us until the end?”
81:4 “And will these evils befall us always? And the Mighty One did according to the multitude of his grace, and the Most High according to the magnitude of his mercy, and he revealed to me a word that I might be comforted, and showed me visions that I might not be again sorrowful, and made known to me the mysteries of the times, and showed me the coming of the periods.”

Chapter 82

82:1 “My brothers, therefore I have written to you that you may find consolation with regard to the multitude of tribulations.”
82:2 “But you ought to know that our Creator will surely avenge us on all our brothers according to everything which they have done against us and among us; in particular that the end which the Most High prepared is near, and that his grace is coming, and that the fulfillment of his judgment is not far.”
82:3 “For now we see the multitude of the happiness of the nations although they have acted wickedly; but they are like a vapor.”
82:4 “And we behold the multitude of their power while they act impiously; but they will be made like a drop.”
82:5 “And we see the strength of their power while they resist the Mighty One every hour, but they will be reckoned like spittle.”
82:6 “And we will ponder about the glory of their majesty while they do not keep the statutes of the Most High; but as smoke they will pass away.”
82:7 “And we think about the beauty of their gracefulness (life) while they go down in impurities; but like grass which is withering, they will fade away.”
82:8 “And we ponder about the strength of their cruelty while they themselves do not think about the end; but they will be broken like a passing wave.”
82:9 “And we notice the pride of their power while they deny the goodness of God by whom it was given to them; but as a passing cloud they will vanish.”

Chapter 83

83:1 “For the Most High will surely hasten his times, and he will certainly cause his periods to arrive.”
83:2 “And he will surely judge those who are in his world, and will truly inquire into everything with regard to all their works which were sins.”
83:3 “He will certainly investigate the secret thoughts and everything which is lying in the inner chambers of all their members which are in sin. And he will make them manifest in the presence of everyone with blame.”
83:4 “Therefore, nothing of the present things should come into your heart, but they should, on the contrary, be expected, since that which was promised will come.”
83:5 “And we should not look upon the delights of the present nations, but let us think about that which has been promised to us regarding the end.”
83:6 “For the ends of the times and the periods will surely pass away and all which is in them together.”
83:7 “The end of the world will then show the great power of our Ruler since everything will come to judgment.”
83:8 “You should, therefore, prepare your hearts for that which you have believed before, lest you should be excluded from both worlds, namely, that you were carried away into captivity here and tormented there.”
83:9 “For that which exists now or that which has passed away or that which will come, in all of that, neither the evil in it is fully evil, nor the good is even fully good.”
83:10 “For all sorts of health which exist now changes into illnesses.”
83:11 “And every might which exists now changes into weakness, and every power that exists now changes into miseries,”
83:12 “And every youthful energy changes into old age and consummation. And every beauty of gracefulness which exists now changes into withering and ugliness.”
83:13 “And every infantile pride which exists now changes into lowliness and shame. And every glory of haughtiness which exists now changes into the shame of silence.”
83:14 “And every delight and all splendor which exists now changes into ruin of silence.”
83:15 “And every joy and every delight which exist now changes into rejection and ruin.”
83:16 “And every clamor of pride changes into silent dust.”
83:17 “And every possession of richness which exists now changes into the realm of death alone.”
83:18 “And every seizing desire which exists now changes into involuntary death, and every desire of lust changes into the judgment of punishment.”
83:19 “And every capability of deceit which exists now changes into refutation by truth.”
83:20 “And every sweetness of ointments which exists now changes into judgment and condemnation.”
83:21 “And every friendship changes into silent defamations.”
83:22 “Since all these things happened now, do you think that they will not be avenged?”
83:23 “But the end of everything will come to light.”

Chapter 84

84:1 “Now, I gave you knowledge, while I still live. For I have said that you should particularly learn my mighty commandments which he has instructed you. And I shall set before you some of the commandments of his judgment before I die.”
84:2 “Remember that once Moses called heaven and earth to witness against you and said, “If you trespass the law, you shall be dispersed. And if you shall keep it, you shall be planted.”
84:3 “And also other things he said to you when you were in the desert as twelve tribes together.”
84:4 “And after his death you cast it away from you and, therefore, that which has been said before has come upon you.”
84:5 “And now, Moses spoke to you before it befell you and, behold, it has befallen you for you have forsaken the Law.”
84:6 “Also I, behold, I say to you after you suffered that if you obey the things which I have said to you, you shall receive from the Mighty One everything which has been prepared and has been preserved for you.”
84:7 “Therefore, let this letter be a witness between me and you that you may remember the commandments of the Mighty One, and that it also may serve as my defense in the presence of him who has sent me.”
84:8 “And remember Zion and the Law and the holy land and your brothers and the covenant and your fathers, and do not forget the festivals and the sabbaths.”
84:9 “And give this letter and the traditions of the Law to your children after you as also your fathers handed down to you.”
84:10 “And ask always and pray seriously with your whole soul that the Mighty One may accept you in mercy and that he may not reckon the multitude of your sinners, but remember the integrity of your fathers.”
84:11 “For if he judges us not according to the multitude of his grace, woe to all us who are born.”

Chapter 85

85:1 “Further, know that our fathers in former times and former generations had helpers, righteous prophets and holy men.”
85:2 “But we were also in our country, and they helped us when we sinned, and they intervened for us with him who has created us since they trusted in their works. And the Mighty One heard them and purged us from our sins.”
85:3 “But now, the righteous have been assembled, and the prophets are sleeping. Also we have left our land, and Zion has been taken away from us, and we have nothing now apart from the Mighty One and his Law.”
85:4 “Therefore, if we direct and dispose our hearts, we shall receive everything which we lost again by many times.”
85:5 “For that which we lost was subjected to corruption, and that which we receive will not be corruptible.”
85:6 “We also have written to our brothers in Babylon so that I may attest to them these things also.”
85:7 “And these things which I have said earlier should be before your eyes always, since we are still in the spirit of the power of our liberty.”
85:8 “And further, the Most High is also long-suffering to us hear and has shown to us that which comes and has not concealed from us what will happen at the end.”
85:9 “Therefore, before his judgment exacts his own and truth of that which is its due, let us prepare ourselves that we may possess and not be possessed, and that we may hope and not be put to shame, and that we may rest with our fathers and not be punished with those who hate us.”
85:10 “For the youth of this world has passed away, and the power of creation is already exhausted, and the coming of the times is very near and has passed by. And the pitcher is near the well, and the ship to the harbor, and the journey to the city, and life to its end.”
85:11 “Further, prepare yourselves so that, when you sail and ascend from the ship, you may have rest and not be condemned when you have gone away.”
85:12 “For behold, the Most High will cause all these things to come. There will not be an opportunity to repent anymore, nor a limit to the times, nor a duration of the periods, nor a change to rest, nor an opportunity to prayer, nor sending up petition, nor giving knowledge, nor giving love, nor opportunity of repentance, nor supplicating for offenses, nor prayers of the fathers, nor intercessions of the prophets, nor help of the righteous.”
85:13 “There is the proclamation of judgment to corruption, regarding the way to the fire and the path that leads to the glowing coals.”
85:14 “Therefore, there is one Law by One, one world and an end for all those who exist.”
85:15 “Then he will make alive those whom he has found, and he will purge them from sins, and at the same time he will destroy those who are polluted with sins.”

Chapter 86

86:1 “When you, therefore, receive the letter, read it carefully in your assemblies. And think about it, in particular, however, on the days of your fasts. And remember me by means of this letter in the same way as I remember you by means of this, and always.”

Chapter 87

87:1 “And it happened when I had finished all the words of this letter and had written it carefully until the end, I folded it, sealed it cautiously, and bound it to the neck of the eagle. And I let it go and sent it away.”

The end of the letter of Baruch, the son of Neriah.

The Second Book of Baruch Read More »

The Apocryphon of James

Apoc of James :1   “James writes to […]thos: Peace [be with you from] Peace, [love from] Love, [grace from] Grace, [faith] from Faith, life from Holy Life!”

Apoc of James :2   “Since you asked that I send you a secret book which was revealed to me and Peter by the Lord, I could not turn you away or gainsay () you; but I have written it in the Hebrew alphabet and sent it to you, and you alone.  But since you are a minister of the salvation of the saints, endeavor earnestly and take care not to rehearse this text to many – this that the Savior did not wish to tell to all of us, his twelve disciples.  But blessed will they be who will be saved through the faith of this discourse.”

Apoc of James :3   “I also sent you, ten months ago, another secret book which the Savior had revealed to me. Under the circumstances, however, I regard that one as revealed to me, James; but this one […].”

Apoc of James :4   “Now when the twelve disciples were all sitting together and recalling what the Savior had said to each one of them, whether in secret or openly, and [setting it in order] in books – but I was writing that which was in [my book] – lo, the Savior appeared, [after] he had departed from us, and we had waited for him.  And after five hundred and fifty days since he had risen from the dead, we said to him, “Have you departed and removed yourself from us?”

Apoc of James :5   “But Jesus said, “No, but I shall go to the place from whence I came.  If you wish to come with me, come!”

Apoc of James :6   “They all answered and said, “If you bid us, we come.”

Apoc of James :7   “He said, “Verily I say unto you, no one will ever enter the kingdom of heaven at my bidding, but (only) because you yourselves are full.  Leave James and Peter to me that I may fill them.”  And having called these two he drew them aside and bade the rest occupy themselves with that which they were about.

Apoc of James :8   “The Savior said, “You have received mercy […]. Do you not, then, desire to be filled?  And your heart is drunken; do you not, then, desire to be sober?  Therefore be ashamed! Henceforth, waking or sleeping, remember that you have seen the Son of Man, and spoken with him in person, and listened to him in person.  Woe to those who have seen the son of man; blessed will they be who have not seen the man, and they who have not consorted with him, and they who have not spoken with him, and they who have not listened to anything from him: yours is life!  Know, then, that he healed you when you were ill that you might reign.  Woe to those who have found relief from their illness, for they will relapse into illness.  Blessed will they be who have not been ill, and have known relief before falling ill: yours is the kingdom of God.  Therefore I say to you, become full and leave no space within you empty, for he who is coming can mock you.”

Apoc of James :9   “Then Peter replied, “Lo, three times you have told us, ‘Become filled’; [but] we are full.”

Apoc of James :10   “[The Savior answered] and said, “[For this cause I have said] to you, ‘[Become filled]’ that [you] may not [be in want.  They who are in want], however, will not [be saved].  For it is good to be full, and bad to be in want.  Hence, just as it is good that you (sing.) be in want and, conversely, bad that you be full, so he who is full is in want, and he who is in want does not become full as he who is in want becomes full, and he who has been filled, in turn, attains due perfection.  Therefore you must be in want while it is possible to fill you (pl.), and be full while it is possible for you to be in want, so that you may be able [to fill] yourselves the more.  Hence become full of the Spirit, but be in want of reason, for it is reason; the soul, in turn, is soul.”

Apoc of James :11   “But I answered and said to him, “Lord, we can obey you if you wish, for we have forsaken our fathers and our mothers and our villages and followed you.  Grant us not to be tempted by the devil, the evil one.”

Apoc of James :12   “The Lord answered and said, “What is your merit if you do the will of the Father and it is not given to you from him as a gift while you are tempted by Satan?  But if you are oppressed by Satan and persecuted and you do his (the Father’s) will, I [say] that he will love you, and make you equal with me, and reckon [you] to become beloved through his providence by your own choice.  So will you not cease loving the flesh and being afraid of sufferings?  Or do you not know that you have yet to be abused and to be accused unjustly; and have yet to be shut up in prison, and condemned unlawfully, and crucified <without> reason, and buried <shamefully>, as (was) I myself, by the evil one?  Do you dare to spare the flesh, you for whom the Spirit is an encircling wall?  If you consider how long the world existed <before> you, and how long it will exist after you, you will find that your life is one single day and your sufferings one single hour.  For the good will not enter into the world.  Scorn death, therefore, and take thought for life!  Remember my crucifixion and my death, and you will live!”

Apoc of James :13   “But I answered and said to him, “Lord, do not mention to us the crucifixion and death, for they are far from you.”

Apoc of James :14   “The Lord answered and said, “Verily I say unto you, none will be saved unless they believe in my crucifixion.  But those who have believed in my crucifixion, theirs is the kingdom of God.  Therefore become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life, for that which they seek is revealed to them.  And what is there to trouble them?  As for you, when you examine death, it will teach you election.  Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear death will be saved; for the kingdom of God belongs to those who put themselves to death.  Become better than I; make yourselves like the son of the Holy Spirit!”

Apoc of James :15   “Then I asked him, “Lord, how shall we be able to prophesy to those who request us to prophesy to them?  For there are many who ask us, and look to us to hear an oracle from us.”

Apoc of James :16   “The Lord answered and said, “Do you not know that the head of prophesy was cut off with John?”

Apoc of James :17   “But I said, “Lord, can it be possible to remove the head of prophecy?”

Apoc of James :18   “The Lord said to me, “When you come to know what ‘head’ means, and that prophecy issues from the head, (then) understand the meaning of ‘Its head was removed.’  At first I spoke to you in parables and you did not understand; now I speak to you openly, and you (still) do not perceive.  Yet it was you who served me as a parable in parables, and as that which is open in the (words) that are open.”

Apoc of James :19   “Hasten to be saved without being urged! Instead, be eager of your own accord and, if possible, arrive even before me, for thus the Father will love you.”

Apoc of James :20   “Come to hate hypocrisy and the evil thought; for it is the thought that gives birth to hypocrisy; but hypocrisy is far from truth.”

Apoc of James :21   “Do not allow the kingdom of heaven to wither; for it is like a palm shoot whose fruit has poured down around it. It put forth leaves, and after they had sprouted they caused the pith to dry up.  So it is also with the fruit which had grown from this single root; when it had been picked (?), fruit was borne by many (?).  It (the root) was certainly good, (and) if it were possible to produce the new plants now, you (sing.) would find it(?)”

Apoc of James :22   “Since I have already been glorified in this fashion, why do you (pl.) hold me back in my eagerness to go?  For after the [end] you have compelled me to stay with you another eighteen days for the sake of the parables.  It was enough for some <to listen> to the teaching and understand ‘The Shepherds’ and ‘The Seed’ and ‘The Building’ and ‘The Lamps of the Virgins’ and ‘The Wage of the Workmen’ and ‘The Didrachmae’ and ‘The Woman.’

Apoc of James :23   “Become earnest about the word!  For as to the word, its first part is faith, the second, love, the third, works; for from these comes life.  For the word is like a grain of wheat: when someone had sown it, he had faith in it; and when it had sprouted, he loved it because he had seen many grains in place of one.  And when he had worked, he was saved because he had prepared it for food, (and) again he left (some) to sow.  So also can you yourselves receive the kingdom of heaven; unless you receive this through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.”

Apoc of James :24   “Therefore I say to you, be sober; do not be deceived!  And many times have I said to you all together, and also to you alone, James, have I said, be saved!  And I have commanded you (sing.) to follow me, and I have taught you what to say before the archons.  Observe that I have descended and have spoken and undergone tribulation and carried off my crown after saving you (pl.). For I came down to dwell with you so that you in turn might dwell with me. And, finding your houses unceiled, I have made my abode in the houses that could receive me at the time of my descent.”

Apoc of James :25   “Therefore trust in me, my brethren; understand what the great light is.  The Father has no need of me, for a father does not need a son; but it is the son who needs the father.  To him I go, for the Father of the Son has no need of you.”

Apoc of James :26   “Hearken to the word; understand knowledge; love life, and no one will persecute you, nor will anyone oppress you, other than you yourselves.”

Apoc of James :27   “O you wretches; O you unfortunates; O you pretenders to the truth; O you falsifiers of knowledge; O you sinners against the Spirit: can you still bear to listen when it behooved you to speak from the first?  Can you still bear to sleep, when it behooved you to be awake from the first, so that the kingdom of heaven might receive you?  Verily I say unto you, it is easier for a pure one to fall into defilement, and for a man of light to fall into darkness, than for you to reign or not reign.”

Apoc of James :28   “I remembered your tears and your mourning and your anguish; they are far behind us.  But now, you who are outside of the Father’s inheritance, weep where it is necessary, and mourn and preach what is good, as the Son is ascending as he should. Verily I say to you, had I been sent to those who listen to me, and had I spoken with them, I would never have come down to earth.  So, then, be ashamed before (?) them now!”

Apoc of James :29   “Behold, I shall depart from you and go away, and do not wish to remain with you any longer, just as you yourselves have not wished it.  Now, therefore, follow me quickly.  This is why I say to you, for your sakes I came down.  You are the beloved; you are they who will be the cause of life in many.  Invoke the Father, implore God often, and he will give to you.  Blessed is he who has seen you with Him when He was proclaimed among the angels, and glorified among the saints; yours is life.  Rejoice and be glad as sons of God.  Keep (his) will that you may be saved; accept reproof from me and save yourselves. I intercede on your behalf with the Father, and he will forgive you much.”

Apoc of James :30   “And when we had heard these words, we became glad, for we had been grieved at the words we have mentioned before. But when he saw us rejoicing, he said, “Woe to you, you who lack an advocate!  Woe to you, you who stand in need of grace!  Blessed will they be who have spoken out and obtained grace for themselves.  Liken yourselves to foreigners; of what sort are they in the eyes of your city?  Why are you disturbed when you cast yourselves away of your own accord and separate yourselves from your city?  Why do you abandon your dwelling place of your own accord, making it ready for those who want to dwell in it?  O you outcasts and fugitives: woe to you, for you will be caught!  Or do you perhaps think that the Father is a lover of mankind, or that he is won over without prayers, or that he grants remission to one on another’s behalf, or that he bears with one who asks? – For he knows the desire and also what it is that the flesh needs! – (Or do you think) that it is not this (flesh) that desires the soul?  For without the soul the body does not sin, just as the soul is not saved without spirit.  But if the soul is saved (when it is) without evil, and the spirit is also saved, then the body becomes free from sin.  For it is the spirit that quickens the soul, but the body that kills it; that is, it is it (the soul) which kills itself.  Verily I say unto you, he will not forgive the soul the sin by any means, nor the flesh the guilt; for none of those who have worn the flesh will be saved.  For do you think that many have found the kingdom of heaven?  Blessed is he who has seen himself as a fourth one in heaven!”

Apoc of James :31   “When we heard these words, we were distressed. But when he saw that we were distressed, he said, “For this cause I tell you this, that you may know yourselves.  For the kingdom of heaven is like an ear of grain after it had sprouted in a field.  And when it had ripened, it scattered its fruit and again filled the field with ears for another year.  You also: hasten to reap an ear of life for yourselves that you may be filled with the kingdom!”

Apoc of James :32   “And as long as I am with you, give heed to me and obey me; but when I depart from you, remember me.  And remember me because I was with you (and) you did not know me.  Blessed will they be who have known me; woe to those who have heard and have not believed.  Blessed will they be who have not seen yet [have believed].

Apoc of James :33   “And once more I prevail upon you, for I am revealed to you building a house which is of great value to you since you find shelter beneath it, just as it will be able to stand by your neighbors’ house when it threatens to fall.  Verily I say unto you, woe to those for whose sakes I was sent down to this place; blessed will they be who ascend to the Father.  Once more I reprove you, you who are: become like those who are not, that you may be with those who are not.”

Apoc of James :34   “Do not make the kingdom of heaven a desert within you.  Do not be proud because of the light that illumines, but be to yourselves as I myself am to you.  For your sakes I have placed myself under the curse, that you may be saved.”

Apoc of James :35   “But Peter replied to these words and said, “Sometimes you urge us on to the kingdom of heaven, and then again you turn us back, Lord; sometimes you persuade and draw us to faith and promise us life, and then again you cast us forth from the kingdom of heaven.”

Apoc of James :36   “But the Lord answered and said to us, “I have given you (pl.) faith many times; moreover, I have revealed myself to you (sing.), James, and you (pl.) have not known me.  Now again I see you (pl.) rejoicing many times; and when you are elated at the promise of life, are you yet sad, and do you grieve when you are instructed in the kingdom?  But you, through faith [and] knowledge, have received life. Therefore, disdain the rejection when you hear it, but when you hear the promise, rejoice the more.  Verily I say unto you, he who will receive life and believe in the kingdom will never leave it, not even if the Father wishes to banish him.”

Apoc of James :37   “These are the things that I shall tell you so far; now, however, I shall ascend to the place from whence I came. But you, when I was eager to go, have cast me out, and instead of accompanying me, you have pursued me.  But pay heed to the glory that awaits me and, having opened your heart, listen to the hymns that await me up in the heavens; for today I must take (my place at) the right hand of the Father.  But I have said (my) last word to you, and I shall depart from you, for a chariot of spirit has borne me aloft, and from this moment on I shall strip myself that I may clothe myself.  But give heed: blessed are they who have proclaimed the Son before his descent that, when I have come, I might ascend again). Thrice blessed are they who [were] proclaimed by the Son before they came to be, that you might have a portion among them.”

Apoc of James :38   Having said these words, he departed. But we bent (our) knee(s), I and Peter, and gave thanks and sent our heart(s) upward to heaven.  We heard with our ears, and saw with our eyes, the noise of wars and a trumpet blare and a great turmoil.”

Apoc of James :39   “And when we had passed beyond that place, we sent our mind(s) farther upward and saw with our eyes and heard with our ears hymns and angelic benedictions and angelic rejoicing. And heavenly majesties were singing praises, and we too rejoiced.”

Apoc of James :40   “After this again we wished to send our spirit upward to the Majesty, and after ascending we were not permitted to see or hear anything, for the other disciples called us and asked us, “What did you hear from the Master?  And what did he say to you?  And where has he gone?”

Apoc of James :41   “But we answered them, “He has ascended, and he has given us pledge and promised life to us all and revealed to us children who are to come after us, after bidding [us] love them, as we would be, [saved] for their sakes.”

Apoc of James :42   “And when they heard (this), they indeed believed the revelation, but were displeased about those to be born. And so, not wishing to arouse their resentment, I sent each one to another place.  But I myself went up to Jerusalem, praying that I might obtain a portion among the beloved, who will appear.”

Apoc of James :43   “And I pray that the beginning may come from you, for thus I shall be capable of salvation, since they will be enlightened through me, by my faith – and through another light that is better than mine, for I would that mine be the lesser. Endeavor earnestly, then, to make yourself like them and I pray that you may obtain a portion among them.  For apart from the persons I have mentioned, the Savior did not give us the revelation. For their sake we proclaim indeed, a portion among those for whom the proclamation was made, those whom the Lord has made his children.”

“For the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the children of God.”

Romans 8:19

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The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles

Acts of Peter :1   “[…] which […] purpose [… after …] us […] apostles […].  We sailed […] of the body. [Others] were not anxious in [their hearts].  And in our hearts, we were united.  We agreed to fulfill the ministry to which the Lord appointed us.  And we made a covenant with each other.”

Acts of Peter :2   “We went down to the sea at an opportune moment, which came to us from the Lord.  We found a ship moored at the shore ready to embark, and we spoke with the sailors of the ship about our coming aboard with them.  They showed great kindliness toward us as was ordained by the Lord.  And after we had embarked, we sailed a day and a night.  After that, a wind came up behind the ship and brought us to a small city in the midst of the sea.”

Acts of Peter :3   “And I, Peter, inquired about the name of this city from residents who were standing on the dock.  [A man] among [them] answered [saying, “The name] of this [city is Habitation, that is], Foundation […] endurance.”  And the leader [among them … holding] the palm branch at the edge of [the dock].  And after we had gone ashore [with the] baggage, I [went] into [the] city, to seek [advice] about lodging.”

Acts of Peter :4   “A man came out wearing a cloth bound around his waist, and a gold belt girded [it].  Also a napkin was tied over [his] chest, extending over his shoulders and covering his head and his arms.”

Acts of Peter :5   “I was staring at the man, because he was beautiful in his form and stature.  There were four parts of his body which I saw: the tops of his feet, and a part of his chest, and the palm of his hand, and his visage.  These things I was able to see.  A book cover like (those of) my books was in his left hand.  A staff of styrax wood was in his right hand.  His voice was resounding as he slowly spoke, crying out in the city, “Pearls!  Pearls!”

<Jesus said,> “Do not give what is holy to the dogs, lest they throw them on the dung-heap.  Do not throw the pearls to swine, lest they grind it [to bits].”

Gospel of Thomas :93 & Matthew 7:6

Acts of Peter :6   “I, indeed, thought he was a man [of] that city. I said to him “My brother and my friend!”  [He answered] me, [then, saying, “Rightly] did you say, ‘[My brother and] my friend.’ What is it you [seek] from me?” I said to him, “[I ask] you [about] lodging for me [and the] brothers also, because we are strangers here.” He said [to] me, “For this reason have I myself just said, ‘My brother and my friend,’  because I also am a fellow stranger like you.”

Acts of Peter :7   “And having said these things, he cried out, “Pearls!  Pearls!” The rich men of that city heard his voice.  They came out of their hidden storerooms.  And some were looking out from the storerooms of their houses. Others looked out from their upper windows.  And they did not see (that they could gain) anything from him, because there was no pouch on his back, nor bundle inside his cloth  and napkin.  And because of their disdain they did not even acknowledge him.  He for his part, did not reveal himself to them.  They returned to their storerooms, saying, “This man is mocking us.”

Acts of Peter :8   “And the poor [of that city] heard [his voice, and they came to] the man [who sells pearls.  They said, “We] beseech you to [show us a] pearl [so that we may], then, [see] it with our (own) eyes.  For we are [poor].  And we do not have this price to pay for it.  But [allow us] to say to our friends that [we saw] a pearl with our (own) eyes.”  He answered, saying to them, “If it is possible, come to my city, so that I may not only show it before your (very) eyes, but give it to you for nothing.”

Acts of Peter :9   “And indeed they, the poor of that city, heard and said, “Since we are beggars, we surely know that a man does not give a pearl to a beggar, but (it is) bread and money that is usually received.  Now then, the kindness which we want to receive from you (is) that you show us the pearl before our eyes. And we will say to our friends proudly that we saw a pearl with our (own) eyes”, because it is not found among the poor, especially such beggars (as these).  He answered (and) said to them, “If it is possible, you yourselves come to my city, so that I may not only show you it, but give it to you for nothing.”  The poor and the beggars rejoiced because of the man [who gives for] nothing.”

Acts of Peter :10   “[The men asked Peter] about the hardships. Peter answered [that it was impossible to tell] those things that he had heard about the hardships of [the] way, because [interpreters were] difficult […] in their ministry.”

Acts of Peter :11   “He said to the man who sells this pearl, “I want to know your name and the hardships of the way to your city because we are strangers and servants of God. It is necessary for us to spread the word of God in every city harmoniously.”  He answered and said, “If you seek my name, Lithargoel is my name, the interpretation of which is, the light, gazelle-like(?) stone.”  (“gazelle” in Hebrew is #6643, “splendor/splendid” in the sense of “prominent” – Grk #3037, lithos; “stone” + #696, argos: “shining”) =>  shining stone of God

Acts of Peter :12   “And also (concerning) the road to the city, which you asked me about, I will tell you about it.  No man is able to go on that road, except one who has forsaken everything that he has and has fasted daily from stage to stage.  For many are the robbers and wild beasts on that road.  The one who carries bread with him on the road, the black dogs kill because of the bread. The one who carries a costly garment of the world with him, the robbers kill [because of the] garment.  [The one who carries] water [with him, the wolves kill because of the water], since they were thirsty [for] it. [The one who] is anxious about [meat] and green vegetables, the lions eat because of the meat.  [If] he evades the lions, the bulls devour him because of the green vegetables.”

Acts of Peter :13   “When he had said [these] things to me, I sighed within myself saying, “[Great] hardships are on the road! If only Jesus would give us power to walk it!”  He looked at me since my face was sad, and I sighed.  He said to me, “Why do you sigh, if you, indeed, know this name ‘Jesus’ and believe him?  He is a great power for giving strength.  For I too believe in the Father who sent him.”

Acts of Peter :14   “I replied, asking him, “What is the name of the place to which you go, your city?”  He said to me, “This is the name of my city, ‘Nine Gates.’  Let us praise God as we are mindful that the tenth is the head.” After this I went away from him in peace.”

Acts of Peter :15   “As I was about to go and call my friends, I saw waves and large high walls surrounding the bounds of the city.  I marveled at the great things I saw. I saw an old man sitting and I asked him if the name of the city was really [Habitation].  He […], “[Habitation …].”  He said to me, “[You speak] truly, for we [inhabit] here because [we] endure.”

Acts of Peter :16   “[I responded], saying, “Justly […] have men named it […], because (by) everyone [who] endures his trial, cities are inhabited; and a precious kingdom comes from them, because they endure in the midst of the apostasies and the difficulties of the storms.  So that in this way, the city of everyone who endures the burden of his yoke of faith will be inhabited, and he will be included in the kingdom of heaven.”

Acts of Peter :17   “I hurried and went and called my friends so that we might go to the city which he, Lithargoel, appointed for us.  In a bond of faith we forsook everything as he had said (to do).  We evaded the robbers, because they did not find their garments with us.  We evaded the wolves, because they did not find the water with us for which they thirsted.  We evaded the lions, because they did not find the desire for meat with us.  [We evaded the bulls … they did not find] green vegetables.”

Acts of Peter :18   “A great joy [came upon] us [and a] peaceful carefreeness [like that of] our Lord. We [rested ourselves] in front of the gate, [and] we talked with each other [about that] which is not a distraction of this [world].  Rather we continued in contemplation of the faith.”

Acts of Peter :19   “As we discussed the robbers on the road, whom we evaded, behold Lithargoel, having changed, came out to us.  He had the appearance of a physician, since an unguent box was under his arm, and a young disciple was following him, carrying a pouch full of medicine.  We did not recognize him.”

Acts of Peter :20   “Peter responded and said to him, “We want you to do us a favor, because we are strangers, and take us to the house of Lithargoel before evening comes.”  He said, “In uprightness of heart I will show it to you.  But I am amazed at how you knew this good man.  For he has not revealed himself to every man, because he himself is the son of a great king.  Rest yourselves a little so that I may go and heal this man and come (back).”  He hurried and came (back) quickly.”

Acts of Peter :21   “He said to Peter, “Peter!”  And Peter was frightened, for how did he know that his name was Peter?  Peter responded to the Savior, “How do you know me, for you called my name?”  Lithargoel answered, “I want to ask you who gave the name Peter to you?” He said to him, “It was Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.  He gave this name to me.”  He answered and said, “It is I!  Recognize me, Peter.” He loosened his garment, which clothed him, the one into which he had changed himself because of us, revealing to us in truth that it was he.”

Acts of Peter :22   “We prostrated ourselves on the ground and worshipped him.  We comprised eleven disciples.  He stretched forth his hand and caused us to stand.  We spoke with him humbly.  Our heads were bowed down in unworthiness as we said, “What you wish we will do.  But give us power to do what you wish at all times.”

Acts of Peter :23   “He gave them the unguent box and the pouch that was in the hand of the young disciple.  He commanded them like this, saying, “Go into [the] city from which you came, which is called Habitation.  Continue in endurance as you teach all those who have believed in my name, because I have endured in hardships of the faith. I will give you your reward. To the poor of that city give what they need in order to live until I give them what is better, which I told you that I will give you for nothing.”

Acts of Peter :24   “Peter answered and said to him, “Lord, you have taught us to forsake the world and everything in it. We have renounced them for your sake.  What we are concerned about (now) is the food for a single day.  Where will we be able to find the needs that you ask us to provide for the poor?”

Acts of Peter :25   “The Lord answered and said,  “O Peter, it was necessary that you understand the parable that I told you!  Do you not understand that my name, which you teach, surpasses all riches, and the wisdom of God surpasses gold, and silver, and precious stone(s)?”

Acts of Peter :26   “He gave them the pouch of medicine and said, “Heal all the sick of the city who believe [in] my name.” Peter was afraid [to] reply to him for the second time.  He signaled to the one who was beside him, who was John: “You talk this time.”  John answered and said, “Lord, before you we are afraid to say many words. But it is you who asks us to practice this skill. We have not been taught to be physicians. How then will we know how to heal bodies as you have told us?”

Acts of Peter :27   “He answered him, “Rightly have you spoken, John, for I know that the physicians of this world heal what belongs to the world.  The physicians of souls, however, heal the heart.  Heal the bodies first, therefore, so that through the real powers of healing for their bodies, without medicine of the world, they may believe in you, that you have power to heal the illnesses of the heart also.”

Acts of Peter :28   “The rich men of the city, however, those who did not see fit even to acknowledge me, but who reveled in their wealth and pride, with such as these, therefore, do not dine in [their] house nor be friends with them, lest their partiality influence you. For many in the churches have shown partiality to the rich, because they also are sinful, and they give occasion for others to do (likewise).  But judge them with uprightness, so that your ministry may be glorified, and (so that) I too, and my name, may be glorified in the churches.”  The disciples answered and said, “Yes, truly this is what is fitting to do.”

Acts of Peter :29   “They prostrated themselves on the ground and worshipped him.  He caused them to stand and departed from them in peace.  Amen.”

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The Damascus Document

From the Dead Sea Scrolls in English

Chapter 1


DD 1:1   “Hear now, all you who know righteousness, and consider the works of God; for He has a dispute with all flesh and will condemn all those who despise Him.”

DD 1:2   “For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword.  But remembering the Covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed.  And in the age of wrath, three hundred and ninety years after He had given them into the hand of king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for twenty years they were like blind men groping for the way.”

DD 1:3   “And God observed their deeds, that they sought Him with a whole heart, and He raised for them a Teacher of Righteousness to guide them in the way of His heart.  And he made known to the latter generations that which God had done to the latter generation, the congregation of traitors, to those who departed from the way.  This was the time of which it is written, Like a stubborn heifer thus was Israel stubborn (Hos 4:16), when the Scoffer arose who shed over Israel the waters of lies.  He caused them to wander in a pathless wilderness, laying low the everlasting heights, abolishing the ways of righteousness and removing the boundary with which the forefathers had marked out their inheritance that he might call down on them the curses of His Covenant and deliver them up to the avenging sword of the Covenant. For they sought smooth things and preferred illusions (Isa 30:10) and they watched for breaks (Isa 30:13) and chose the fair neck; and they justified the wicked and condemned the just, and they transgressed the Covenant and violated the Precept.  They banded together against the life of the righteous (Ps 94:21) and loathed all who walked in perfection; they pursued them with the sword and exulted in the strife of the people.  And the anger of God was kindled against their congregation so that He ravaged all their multitude; and their deeds were defilement before Him.”

Chapter 2

DD 2:1   “Hear now, all you who enter the Covenant, and I will unstop your ears concerning the ways of the wicked.”

DD 2:2   “God loves knowledge.  Wisdom and understanding He has set before Him, and prudence and knowledge serve Him.  Patience and much forgiveness are with Him towards those who turn from transgression; but power, might, and great flaming wrath by the hand of all the Angels of Destruction towards those who depart from the way and abhor the Precept.  They shall have no remnant or survivor.  For from the beginning God chose them not; He knew their deeds before ever they were created and He hated their generations, and He hid His face from the Land until they were consumed.  For He knew the years of their coming and the length and exact duration of their times for all ages to come and throughout eternity.  He knew the happenings of their time throughout all the everlasting years.  And in all of them He raised for Himself men called by name, that a remnant might be left to the Land, and that the face of the earth might be filled with their seed.  And He made known His Holy Spirit to them by the hand of His anointed ones, and He proclaimed the truth (to them).  But those whom He hated He led astray.”

Chapter 3

DD 3:1   “Hear now, my sons, and I will uncover your eyes that you see and understand the works of God, that you choose that which pleases Him and reject that which He hates, that you may walk perfectly in all His ways and not follow after thoughts of the guilty inclination and after eyes of lust.  For through them, great men have gone astray and mighty heroes have stumbled from former times till now.  Because they walked in the stubbornness of their heart the Heavenly Watchers fell; they were caught because they did not keep the commandments of God. And their sons also fell who were tall as cedar trees and whose bodies were like mountains.  All flesh on dry land perished; they were as though they had never been because they did their own will and did not keep the commandment of their Maker so that His wrath was kindled against them.  Through it, the children of Noah went astray, together with their kin, and were cut off.  Abraham did not walk in it, and he was accounted a friend of God because he kept the commandments of God and did not choose his own will.  And he handed them down to Isaac and Jacob, who kept them, and were recorded as friends of God and party to the Covenant for ever.”

DD 3:2   “The children of Jacob strayed through them and were punished in accordance with their error.  And their sons in Egypt walked in the stubbornness of their hearts, conspiring against the commandments of God and each of them doing that which seemed right in his own eyes.  They ate blood, and He cut off their males in the wilderness.”

DD 3:3   “And at Kadesh He said to them, Go up and possess the land (Deut 9:23).  But they chose their own will and did not heed the voice of their Maker, the commands of their Teacher, but murmured in their tents; and the anger of God was kindled against their congregation.  Through it their sons perished, and through it their kings were cut off; through it their mighty heroes perished and through it their land was ravaged.  Through it the first members of the Covenant sinned and were delivered up to the sword, because they forsook the Covenant of God and chose their own will and walked in the stubbornness of their hearts each of them doing his own will.”

DD 3:4   “But with the remnant which held fast to the commandments of God He made His Covenant with Israel for ever, revealing to them the hidden things in which all Israel had gone astray.  He unfolded before them His holy Sabbaths and his glorious feasts, the testimonies of His righteousness and the ways of His truth, and the desires of His will which a man must do in order to live.  And they dug a well rich in water, and he who despises it shall not live. Yet they wallowed in the sin of man and in ways of uncleanness, and they said, ‘This is our (way).’  But God, in His wonderful mysteries, forgave them their sin and pardoned their wickedness; and He built them a sure house in Israel whose like has never existed from former times till now.  Those who hold fast to it are destined to live for ever and all the glory of Adam shall be theirs.  As God ordained for them by the hand of the Prophet Ezekiel, saying, The Priests, the Levites, and the sons of Zadok who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel strayed from me, they shall offer me fat and blood (Ezek 44:15).”

DD 3:5   “The Priests are the converts of Israel who departed from the land of Judah, and (the Levites are) those who joined them.  The sons of Zadok are the elect of Israel, the men called by name who shall stand at the end of days.  Behold the exact list of their names according to their generations, and the time when they lived, and the number of their trials, and the years of their sojourn, and the exact list of their deeds . . .”

DD 3:6   “(They were the first men) of holiness whom God forgave, and who justified the righteous and condemned the wicked.  And until the age is completed, according to the number of those years, all who enter after them shall do according to that interpretation of the Law in which the first were instructed.  According to the Covenant which God made with the forefathers, forgiving their sins, so shall He forgive their sins also.  But when the age is completed, according to the number of those years, there shall be no more joining the house of Judah, but each man shall stand on his watchtower: The wall is built, the boundary far removed (Mic 7:11).”

DD 3:7   “During all those years Satan shall be unleashed against Israel, as He spoke by the hand of Isaiah, son of Amoz, saying, Terror and the pit and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of the land (Isa 24:17).  Interpreted, these are the three nets of Satan with which Levi son of Jacob said that he catches Israel by setting them up as three kinds of righteousness.  The first is fornication, the second is riches, and the third is profanation of the Temple.  Whoever escapes the first is caught in the second, and whoever saves himself from the second is caught in the third (Isa 24:18).”

DD 3:8   “The ‘builders of the wall’ (Ezek 13:10) who have followed after ‘Precept’ – ‘Precept’ was a spouter of whom it is written, They shall surely spout (Mic 2:6) – shall be caught in fornication twice by taking a second wife while the first is alive, whereas the principle of creation is, Male and female created He them (Gen 1:27).  Also, those who entered the Ark went in two by two.  And concerning the prince it is written, He shall not multiply wives to himself (Deut 17:17); but David had not read the sealed book of the Law which was in the ark (of the Covenant), for it was not opened in Israel from the death of Eleazar and Joshua, and the elders who worshiped Ashtoreth.  It was hidden and (was not) revealed until the coming of Zadok.  And the deeds of David rose up, except for the murder of Uriah, and God left them to him.”

DD 3:9   “Moreover, they profane the Temple because they do not observe the distinction (between clean and unclean) in accordance with the Law, but lie with a woman who sees her bloody discharge.”

DD 3:10   “And each man marries the daughter of his brother or sister, whereas Moses said, You shall not approach your mother’s sister; she is your mother’s near kin (Lev 18:13).  But although the laws against incest are written for men, they also apply to women.  When, therefore, a brother’s daughter uncovers the nakedness of her father’s brother, she is (also his) near kin.”

DD 3:11   “Furthermore, they defile their holy spirit and open their mouth with a blaspheming tongue against the laws of the Covenant of God saying, ‘They are not sure.’  They speak abominations concerning them; they are all kindlers of fire and lighters of brands (Isa 50:11), their webs are spiders’ webs and their eggs are vipers’ eggs (Isa 59:5).  No man that approaches them shall be free from guilt; the more he does so, the guiltier shall he be, unless he is pressed.  For (already) in ancient times God visited their deeds and His anger was kindled against their works; for it is a people of no discernment (Isa 27:11), it is a nation void of counsel inasmuch as there is no discernment in them (Deut 32:28).  For in ancient times, Moses and Aaron arose by the hand of the Prince of Lights and Satan in his cunning raised up Jannes and his brother when Israel was first delivered.”

DD 3:12   “And at the time of the desolation of the Land there arose removers of the bound who led Israel astray.  And the land was ravaged because they preached rebellion against the commandments of God given by the hand of Moses and of His holy anointed ones, and because they prophesied lies to turn Israel away from following God.  But God remembered the Covenant with the forefathers, and he raised from Aaron men of discernment and from Israel men of wisdom, and He caused them to hear.  And they dug the Well: the well which the princes dug, which the nobles of the people delved with the stave (Num 21:18).”

DD 3:13   “The Well is the Law, and those who dug it were the converts of Israel who went out of the land of Judah to sojourn in the land of Damascus.  God called them all princes because they sought Him, and their renown was disputed by no man.  The Stave is the Interpreter of the Law of whom Isaiah said, He makes a tool for His work (Isa 54:16); and the nobles of the people are those who come to dig the Well with the staves with which the Stave ordained that they should walk in all the age of wickedness – and without them they shall find nothing – until he comes who shall teach righteousness at the end of days.”

DD 3:14   “None of those brought into the Covenant shall enter the Temple to light His altar in vain.  They shall bar the door, forasmuch as God said, Who among you will bar its door?  And, You shall not light my altar in vain (Mal 1:10).  They shall take care to act according to the exact interpretation of the Law during the age of wickedness.  They shall separate from the sons of the Pit, and shall keep away from the unclean riches of wickedness acquired by vow or anathema or from the Temple treasure; they shall not rob the poor of His people, to make of widows their prey and of the fatherless their victim (Isa 10:2).  They shall distinguish between clean and unclean, and shall proclaim the difference between holy and profane.  They shall keep the Sabbath day according to its exact interpretation, and the feasts and the Day of Fasting according to the finding of the members of the New Covenant in the land of Damascus.  They shall set aside the holy things according to the exact teaching concerning them.  They shall love each man his brother as himself; they shall succor the poor, the needy, and the stranger.”

DD 3:15   “A man shall seek his brother’s well-being and shall not sin against his near kin.  They shall keep from fornication according to the statute.  They shall rebuke each man his brother according to the commandment and shall bear no rancor from one day to the next.  They shall keep apart from every uncleanness according to the statutes relating to each one, and no man shall defile his holy spirit since God has set them apart.  For all who walk in these (precepts) in perfect holiness, according to all the teaching of God, the Covenant of God shall be an assurance that they shall live for thousands of generations (Ms. B: as it is written, Keeping the Covenant and grace with those who love me and keep my commandments to a thousand generations, Deut 7:9).”

DD 3:16   “And if they live in camps according to the rule of the Land (Ms B: as it was from ancient times), marrying (Ms. B according to the custom of the Law) and begetting children, they shall walk according to the Law and according to the statute concerning binding vows, according to the rule of the Law which says, Between a man and his wife and between a father and his son (Num 30:17).  And all those who despise (Ms. B the commandments and the statutes) shall be rewarded with the retribution of the wicked when God shall visit the Land, when the saying shall come to pass which is written* among the words of the Prophet Isaiah son of Amoz: He will bring upon you, and upon your people, and upon your father’s house, days such as have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah (Isa 7:17). When the two houses of Israel were divided, Ephraim departed from Judah. And all the apostates were given up to the sword, but those who held fast escaped to the land of the north; as God said, I will exile the tabernacle of your king and the bases of your statues from my tent to Damascus (Amos 5:26‑7)”

* Ms. B continues: by the hand of the prophet Zechariah: Awake, O Sword, against my shepherd, and against my companion, says God, Strike the shepherd that the flock may be scattered and I will stretch my hand over the little ones (Zech 8:7).  The humble of the flock are those who watch for Him.  They shall be saved at the time of the Visitation whereas the others shall be delivered up to the sword when the Anointed of Aaron and Israel shall come, as it came to pass at the time of the former Visitation concerning which God said by the hand of Ezekiel: They shall put a mark on the foreheads of those who sigh and groan (Ezek 9:4).  But the others were delivered up to the avenging sword of the Covenant. 

DD 3:17   “The Books of the Law are the tabernacle of the king; as God said, I will raise up the tabernacle of David which is fallen (Amos 9:11).  The king is the congregation; and the bases of the statues are the Books of the Prophets whose sayings Israel despised.  The star is the Interpreter of the Law who shall come to Damascus; as it is written, A star shall come forth out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel (Num 24:17).  The scepter is the Prince of the whole congregation, and when he comes he shall smite all the children of Seth (Num. 24:17).”

DD 3:18   “At the time of the former Visitation they were saved, whereas the apostates were given up to the sword; and so shall it be for all the members of His Covenant who do not hold steadfastly to these (Ms. B: to the curse of the precepts).  They shall be visited for destruction by the hand of Satan.  That shall be the day when God will visit.  (Ms. B: As He said,) The princes of Judah have become (Ms. B: like those who remove the bound); wrath shall be poured upon them (Hos 5:10).  For they shall hope for healing but He will crush them.  They are all of them rebels, for they* have not turned from the way of traitors but have wallowed in the ways of whoredom and wicked wealth.  They have taken revenge and borne malice, every man against his brother, and every man has hated his fellow, and every man has sinned against his near kin, and has approached for unchastity, and has acted arrogantly for the sake of riches and gain.  And every man has done that which seemed right in his eyes and has chosen the stubbornness of his heart.  They have not kept apart from the people (Ms. B: and their sin) and have willfully rebelled by walking in the ways of the wicked of whom God said, Their wine is the venom of serpents, the cruel poison (or head) of asps (Deut 32:33).”

* Ms. B inserts: they have entered the Covenant of repentance but they have not turned, etc.

DD 3:19   “The serpents are the kings of the peoples and their wine is their ways.  And the head of asps is the chief of the kings of Greece who came to wreak vengeance upon them.  But all these things the builders of the wall and those who daub it with plaster (Ezek 13:10) have not understood because a follower of the wind, one who raised storms and rained down lies, had preached to them (Mic 2:11), against all of whose assembly the anger of God was kindled.”

DD 3:20   “And as for that which Moses said, You enter to possess these nations not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your hearts (Deut 9:5) but because God loved your fathers and kept the oath (Deut 7:8) thus shall it be with the converts of Israel who depart from the way of the people.  Because God loved the first who* testified in His favor, so will He love those who come after them, for the Covenant of the fathers is theirs.  But He hated the builders of the wall and His anger was kindled (Ms. B against them and against all those who followed them); and so shall it be for all who reject the commandments of God and abandon them for the stubbornness of their hearts.  This is the word which Jeremiah spoke to Baruch son of Neriah, and which Elisha spoke to his servant Gehazi.”

* Ms. B adds: bore witness against the people, so will He love, etc

DD 3:21   “None of the men who enter the New Covenant in the land Damascus, and who again betray it and depart from the fountain of living waters, shall be reckoned with the Council of the people or inscribed in its Book from the day of the gathering in of the Teacher of the Community until the coming of the Messiah out of Aaron and Israel.”

DD 3:22   “And thus shall it be for every man who enters the congregation of men of perfect holiness but faints in performing the duties of the upright.  He is a man who has melted in the furnace (Eze 22:22); when his deeds are revealed he shall be expelled from the congregation as though his lot had never fallen among the disciples of God.  The men of knowledge shall rebuke him in accordance with his sin against the time when he shall stand again before the Assembly of the men of perfect holiness.  But when his deeds are revealed, according to the interpretation of the Law in which the men of perfect holiness walk, let no man defer to him with regard to money or work, for all the Holy Ones of the Most High have cursed him.”

DD 3:23   “And thus shall it be for all among the first and the last who reject (the precepts), who set idols upon their hearts and walk in the stubbornness of their hearts; they shall have no share in the house of the Law.  They shall be judged in the same manner as their companions were judged who deserted to the Scoffer.  For they have spoken wrongly against the precepts of righteousness and have despised the Covenant and the Pact – the New Covenant – which they made in the land of Damascus.  Neither they nor their kin shall have any part in the house of the Law.”

DD 3:24   “From the day of the gathering in of the Teacher of the Community until the end of all the men of war who deserted to the Liar there shall pass about forty years (Deut 2:14).  And during that age the wrath of God shall be kindled against Israel; as He said, There shall be no king, no prince, no judge, no man to rebuke with justice (Hos 3:4).  But those who turn from the sin of Jacob, who keep the Covenant of God, shall then speak each man to his fellow, to justify each man his brother, that their step may take the way of God.  And God will heed their words and will hear, and a Book of Reminder shall be written before Him of them that fear God and worship His Name, against the time when salvation and righteousness shall be revealed to them that fear God.  And then shall you distinguish once more between the just and the wicked, between one that serves God and one that serves Him not (Mal 3:18); and He will show loving kindness to thousands, to them that love Him and watch for Him, for a thousand generations (Exo 20:6).”

DD 3:25   “And every member of the House of Separation who went out of the Holy City and leaned on God at the time when Israel sinned and defiled the Temple, but returned again to the way of the people in small matters, shall be judged according to his spirit in the Council of Holiness.  But when the glory of God is made manifest to Israel, all those members of the Covenant who have breached the bound of the Law shall be cut off from the midst of the camp, and with them all those who condemned Judah in the days of its trials.”

DD 3:26   “But all those who hold fast to these precepts, going and coming in accordance with the Law, who heed the voice of the Teacher and confess before God (saying), ‘Truly we have sinned, we and our fathers, by walking counter to the precepts of the Covenant, Your judgements upon us are justice and truth’; who do not lift their hand against His holy precepts or His righteous statutes or His true testimonies; who have learned from the former judgements by which the members of the Community were judged; who have listened to the voice of the Teacher of Righteousness and have not despised the precepts of righteousness when they heard them; they shall rejoice and their hearts shall be strong, and they shall prevail over all the sons of the earth.  God will forgive them and they shall see His salvation because they took refuge in His holy Name.”

Chapter 4


DD 4:1   “. . . (He shall not) swear by (the Name), nor by Aleph and Lamed (Elohim), nor by Aleph and Daleth (Adonai), but a binding oath by the curses of the Covenant.”

DD 4:2   “He shall not mention the Law of Moses for . . . were he to swear and then break (his oath) he would profane the Name.”

DD 4:3   “But if he has sworn an oath by the curses of the Covenant before the judges and has transgressed it, then he is guilty and shall confess and make restitution; but he shall not be burdened with a capital sin.”

DD 4:4   “And when the children of all those who have entered Covenant, granted to all Israel for ever, reach the age of enrollment, they shall swear with the oath of the Covenant.  And thus shall it be during all the age of wickedness for every man who repents of his corrupted way.  On the day that he speaks to the Guardian of the congregation, they shall enroll him with the oath of the Covenant which Moses made with Israel, the Covenant to return to the Law of Moses with a whole heart and soul, to whatever is found should be done at that time.  No man shall make known the statutes to him until he has stood before the Guardian lest when examining him the Guardian be deceived by him.  But if he transgresses after swearing to return to the Law of Moses with a whole heart and soul, then retribution shall be exacted from him . . . And all that is revealed of the Law . . . the Guardian shall examine him and shall issue directions concerning him . . . for a full year according to . . .”

DD 4:5   “No madman, or lunatic, or simpleton, or fool, no blind man or maimed, or lame, or deaf man, and no minor, shall enter into the Community, for the Angels of Holiness are with them . . .”

DD 4:6   “(For God made) a Covenant with you and all Israel; therefore a man shall bind himself by oath to return to the Law of Moses, for in it all things are strictly defined.”

DD 4:7   “As for the exact determination of their times to which Israel turns a blind eye, behold it is strictly defined in the Book of the Divisions of the Times into their Jubilees and Weeks.  And on the day that a man swears to return to the Law of Moses, the Angel of Persecution shall cease to follow him provided that he fulfills word: for this reason Abraham circumcised himself on the day that he knew.”

DD 4:8   “And concerning the saying, You shall keep your vow by fulfilling it (Deut 23:24), let no man, even at the price of death, annul any binding oath by which he has sworn to keep a commandment of the Law.”

DD 4:9   “But even at the price of death, a man shall fulfil no vow which he has sworn to depart from the Law.”

Chapter 5

Concerning the oath of a woman

DD 5:1   “Inasmuch as He said, It is for her husband to cancel her oath (Num 30:9), no husband shall cancel an oath without knowing whether it should be kept or not.  Should it be such as to lead to transgression of the Covenant, he shall cancel it and shall not let it be kept.  The rule for her father is likewise.”

Chapter 6

Concerning the statute for free-will offerings

DD 6:1   “No man shall vow to the altar anything unlawfully acquired. Also, no Priest shall take from Israel anything unlawfully acquired.”

DD 6:2   “And no man shall consecrate the food of his house to God, for it is as He said, Each hunts his brother with a net (or votive-offering: Mic 7:2).”

DD 6:3   “Every man who vows another to destruction by the laws of the Gentiles shall himself be put to death.”

DD 6:4   “And concerning the saying, You shall not take vengeance on the children of your people, nor bear any rancor against them (Lev 19:18), if any member of the Covenant accuses his companion without first rebuking him before witnesses; if he denounces him in the heat of his anger or reports him to his elders to make him look contemptible, he is one that takes vengeance and bears rancor, although it is expressly written, He takes vengeance upon His adversaries and bears rancor against His enemies (Nah 1:2). If he holds his peace towards him from one day to another, and thereafter speaks of him in the heat of his anger, he testifies against himself concerning a capital matter because he has not fulfilled the commandment of God which tells him: You shall rebuke your companion and not be burdened with sin because of him (Lev 19:17).”

Chapter 7

Concerning the oath with reference to that which He said, You shall not take the law into your own hands (1 Sam 25:26)

DD 7:1   Whoever causes another to swear in the field instead of before the Judges, or at their decree, takes the law into his own hands.  When anything is lost, and it is not known who has stolen it from the property of the camp in which it was stolen, its owner shall pronounce a curse, and any man who, on hearing (it), knows but does not tell, shall himself be guilty.”

DD 7:2   “When anything is returned which is without an owner, whoever returns it shall confess to the Priest, and apart from the ram of the sin-offering, it shall be his.”

DD 7:3   “And likewise, everything which is found but has no owner shall go to the Priests, for the finder is ignorant of the rule concerning it.  If no owners are discovered they shall keep it.”

DD 7:4   “Every sin which a man commits against the Law, and which his companion witnesses, he being alone, if it is a capital matter he shall report it to the Guardian, rebuking him in his presence, and the Guardian shall record it against him in case he should commit it again before one man and he should report it to the Guardian once more.  Should he repeat it and be taken in the act before one man, his case shall be complete.”

DD 7:5   “And if there are two (witnesses), each testifying to a different matter, the man shall be excluded from the pure Meal provided that they are trustworthy and that each informs the Guardian on the day that they witnessed (the offense).  In matters of property, they shall accept two trustworthy witnesses and shall exclude (the culprit) from the pure Meal on the word of one witness alone.”

DD 7:6   “No Judge shall pass sentence of death on the testimony of a witness who has not yet attained the age of enrollment and who is not God-fearing.”

DD 7:7   “No man who has willfully transgressed any commandment shall be declared a trustworthy witness against his companion until he is purified and able to return.”

Chapter 8

And this is the Rule for the Judges of the Congregation

DD 8:1   Ten shall be elected from the congregation for a definite time, four from the tribe of Levi and Aaron, and six from Israel.  (They shall be) learned in the Book of Meditation and in the constitutions of the Covenant, and aged between twenty-five and sixty years.  No man over the age of sixty shall hold office as Judge of the Congregation, for ‘because man sinned his days have been shortened, and in the heat of His anger against the inhabitants of the earth God ordained that their understanding should depart even before their days are completed’ (Jubilees 23:11)”

Chapter 9

Concerning purification by water

DD 9:1   No man shall bathe in dirty water or in an amount too shallow to cover a man.  He shall not purify himself with water contained in a vessel.  And as for the water of every rock-pool too shallow to cover a man, if an unclean man touches it he renders its water as unclean as water contained in a vessel.”

Chapter 10

Concerning the Sabbath to observe it according to its law

DD 10:1   “No man shall work on the sixth day from the moment when the sun’s orb is distant by its own fullness from the gate (wherein

it sinks); for this is what He said, Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Deut 5:12).  No man shall speak any vain or idle word on the Sabbath day.  He shall make no loan to his companion.  He shall make no decision in matters of money and gain.  He shall say nothing about work or labor to be done on the morrow.”

DD 10:2   “No man shall walk abroad to do business on the Sabbath.  He shall not walk more than one thousand cubits beyond his town.”

DD 10:3   “No man shall eat on the Sabbath day except that which is already prepared.  He shall eat nothing lying in the fields.  He shall not drink except in the camp.  If he is on a journey and goes down to bathe, he shall drink where he stands, but he shall not draw water into a vessel.  He shall send out no stranger on his business on the Sabbath day.”

DD 10:4   “No man shall wear soiled garments, or garments brought to the store, unless they have been washed with water or rubbed with incense.”

DD 10:5   “No man shall willingly mingle (with others) on the Sabbath.”

DD 10:6   “No man shall walk more than two thousand cubits after a beast to pasture it outside his town.  He shall not raise his hand to strike it with his fist.  If it is stubborn he shall not take it out of his house.”

DD 10:7   “No man shall take anything out of the house or bring anything in.  And if he is in a booth, let him neither take anything out nor bring anything in.  He shall not open a sealed vessel on the Sabbath.”

DD 10:8   “No man shall carry perfumes on himself while going and coming on the Sabbath.  He shall lift neither sand nor dust in his dwelling.  No man minding a child shall carry it while going and coming on the Sabbath.”

DD 10:9   “No man shall chide his manservant or maidservant or laborer on the Sabbath.”

DD 10:10   “No man shall assist a beast to give birth on the Sabbath day. And if it should fall into a cistern or pit, he shall not lift it out on the Sabbath.”

DD 10:11   No man shall spend the Sabbath in a place near to Gentiles on the Sabbath.”

DD 10:12   “No man shall profane the Sabbath for the sake of riches or gain on the Sabbath day.  But should any man fall into water or fire, let him be pulled out with the aid of a ladder or rope or (some such) utensil.”

DD 10:13   “No man on the Sabbath shall offer anything on the altar except the Sabbath burnt‑offering; for it is written thus: Except your Sabbath offerings (Lev. 23:38).”

DD 10:14   “No man shall send to the altar any burnt‑offering, or cereal offering, or incense, or wood, by the hand of one smitten with any uncleanness, permitting him thus to defile the altar.  For it is written, The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination, but the prayer of the just is as an agreeable offering (Prov 15:8).”

DD 10:15   “No man entering the house of worship shall come unclean and in need of washing.  And at the sounding of the trumpets for assembly, he shall go there before or after (the meeting), and shall not cause the whole service to stop, for it is a holy service.”

DD 10:16   “No man shall lie with a woman in the city of the Sanctuary to defile the city of the Sanctuary with their uncleanness.”

DD 10:17   “Every man who preaches apostasy under the dominion of the spirits of Satan shall be judged according to the law relating to those possessed by a ghost or familiar spirit (Lev 20:27). But no man who strays so as to profane the Sabbath and the feasts shall be put to death; it shall fall to men to keep him in custody.  And if he is healed of his error, they shall keep him in custody for seven years and he shall afterwards approach the Assembly.

Chapter 11

DD 11:1   “No man shall stretch out his hand to shed the blood of a Gentile for the sake of riches and gain.  Nor shall he carry off of theirs, lest they blaspheme, unless so advised by the company of Israel.”

DD 11:2   “No man shall sell clean beasts or birds to the Gentiles lest they offer them in sacrifice.  He shall refuse, with all his power, to sell them anything from his granary or wine‑press, and he shall not sell them his manservant or maidservant inasmuch as they have been brought by him into the Covenant of Abraham.”

DD 11:3   “No man shall defile himself by eating any live creature or creeping thing, from the larvae of bees to all creatures which creep in water.  They shall eat no fish unless split alive and their blood poured out.  And as for locusts, according to their various kinds they shall plunge them alive into fire or water, for this is what their nature requires.”

DD 11:4   “All wood and stones and dust defiled by the impurity of a man shall be reckoned like men with regard to conveying defilement.  And whoever touches them shall be defiled by their defilement.  And every nail or peg in the wall of a house in which a dead man lies shall become unclean as any working tool becomes unclean (Lev 11:32).”

DD 11:5   “The Rule for the assembly of the towns of Israel shall be according to these precepts that they may distinguish between unclean and clean, and discriminate between the holy and the profane.”

DD 11:6   “And these are the precepts in which the Master shall walk in his commerce with all the living in accordance with the statute proper to every age.  And in accordance with this statute shall the seed of Israel walk and they shall not be cursed.”

Chapter 12

This is the Rule for the assembly of the camps

DD 12:1   “Those who follow these statutes in the age of wickedness until the coming of the Messiah of Aaron and Israel shall form groups of at least ten men, by Thousands, Hundreds, Fifties, and Tens (Exod 18:25).  And where the ten are, there shall never be lacking a Priest learned in the Book of Meditation; they shall all be ruled by him.”

DD 12:2   “But should he not be experienced in these matters, whereas one of the Levites is experienced in them, then it shall be determined that all the members of the camp shall go and come according to the latter’s word.”

DD 12:3   “But should there be a case of applying the law of leprosy to a man, then the Priest shall come and shall stand in the camp and the Guardian shall instruct him in the exact interpretation of the Law.”

DD 12:4   “Even if the Priest is a simpleton, it is he who shall lock up (the leper); for theirs is the judgement.”

Chapter 13

This is the Rule for the Guardian of the Camp

DD 13:1   “He shall instruct the Congregation in the works of God.  He shall cause them to consider His mighty deeds and shall recount all the happenings of eternity to them. . . He shall love them as a father loves his children, and shall carry them in all their distress like a shepherd his sheep.  He shall loosen all the fetters which bind them that in his Congregation there may be none that are oppressed or broken.  He shall examine every man entering his Congregation with regard to his deeds, understanding, strength, ability and possessions, and shall inscribe him in his place according to his rank in the lot of Light.”

DD 13:2   “No member of the camp shall have authority to admit a man to the Congregation against the decision of the Guardian of the camp.”

DD 13:3   “No member of the Covenant of God shall give or receive anything from the sons of the Pit except for payment.”

DD 13:4   “No man shall form any association for buying and selling with out informing the Guardian of the camp . . .”

DD 13:5   “This is the Rule for the assembly of the camps during all the age of wickedness, and whoever does not hold fast to these (statutes) shall not be fit to dwell in the Land when the Messiah of Aaron and Israel shall come at the end of days.”

DD 13:6   “And these are the precepts in which the Master shall walk in his commerce with all the living until God shall visit the earth.  As He said, There shall come upon you, and upon your people, and upon your father’s house, days such as have not come since Ephraim departed from Judah (Isa 7:17); but for whoever shall walk in these (precepts), the Covenant of God shall stand firm to save him from all the snares of the Pit, whereas the foolish shall be punished.”

Chapter 14

The Rule for the assembly of all the camps

DD 14:1   “They shall all be enrolled by name: first the Priests, second the Levites, third the Israelites, and fourth the proselytes.  And they shall be inscribed by name, one after the other: the Priests first, the Levites second, the Israelites third, and the proselytes fourth.  And thus shall they sit and thus be questioned on all matters.  And the Priest who enrolls the Congregation shall be from thirty to sixty years old, learned in the Book of Meditation and in all the judgements of the Law so as to pronounce them correctly.”

DD 14:2   “The Guardian of all the camps shall be from thirty to fifty years old, one who has mastered all the secrets of men and the languages of all their clans.  Whoever enters the Congregation shall do so according to his word, each in his rank.  And whoever has anything to say with regard to any suit or judgement, let him say it to the Guardian.”

Chapter 15

This is the Rule for the Congregation by which it shall provide for all its needs

DD 15:1   “They shall place the earnings of at least two days out of every month into‑the hands of the Guardian and the Judges, and from it they shall give to the fatherless, and from it they shall succor the poor and the needy, the aged sick and the homeless, the captive taken by a foreign people, the virgin with no near kin, and the maid for whom no man cares . . .”

DD 15:2   “And this is the exact statement of the assembly . . .”

Chapter 16

This is the exact statement of the statutes in which they shall walk until the coming of the Messiah of Aaron and Israel who will pardon their iniquity

DD 16:1   “Whoever deliberately lies in a matter of property . . . and shall do penance for six days . . .”

DD 16:2   “Whoever slanders his companion or bears rancor unjustly shall do penance for one year . . .”

The Damascus Document Read More »

The Community Rule (1QS)

Chapter 1

CR 1:1   I  The Master shall teach the saints to live according to the Book of the Community Rule, that they may seek God with a whole heart and soul, and do what is good and right before Him as He commanded by the hand of Moses and all His servants the Prophets; that they may love all that He has chosen and hate all that he has rejected; that they may abstain from all evil and hold fast to all good; that they may practice truth, righteousness, and justice upon earth and no longer stubbornly follow a sinful heart and lustful eyes committing all manner of evil.  He shall admit into the Covenant of Grace all those who have freely devoted themselves to the observance of God’s precepts, that they may be joined to the counsel of God and may live perfectly before Him in accordance with all that has been revealed concerning their appointed times, and that they may love all the sons of light, each according to his lot in God’s design, and hate all the sons of darkness, each according to his guilt in God’s vengeance.

CR 1:2   All those who freely devote themselves to His truth shall bring all their knowledge, powers, and possessions into the Community of God, that they may purify their knowledge in the truth of God’s precepts and order their powers according to His ways of perfection and all their possessions according to His righteous counsel.  They shall not depart from any command of God concerning their times; they shall be neither early nor late for any of their appointed times, they shall stray neither to right nor to left of any of His true precepts.  All those who embrace the Community Rule shall enter into the Covenant before God to obey all His commandments so that they may not abandon Him during the dominion of Satan because of fear or terror or affliction.

CR 1:3   “On entering the Covenant, the Priests and Levites shall bless the God of salvation and all His faithfulness, and all those entering the Covenant shall say after them, ‘Amen, Amen!’“

CR 1:4   “Then the Priests shall recite the favors of God manifested in His mighty deeds and shall declare all His merciful grace to Israel and the Levites shall recite the iniquities of the children of Israel all their guilty rebellions and sins during the dominion of Satan. And after them, all those entering the Covenant shall confess and say: ‘We have strayed!  We have disobeyed!  We and our fathers before us have sinned and done wickedly in walking counter to the precepts of truth and righteousness. And God has judged us and our fathers also; but He has bestowed His bountiful mercy on us from everlasting to everlasting.’  And the Priests shall bless all the men of the lot of God who walk perfectly in all His ways, saying: ‘May He bless you with all good and preserve you from all evil!  May He lighten your heart with life-giving wisdom and grant you eternal knowledge!  May he raise His merciful face towards you for everlasting bliss!’“

CR 1:5   “And the Levites shall curse all the men of the lot of Satan, saying: ‘Be cursed because of all your guilty wickedness! May He deliver you up for torture at the hands of the vengeful Avengers!  May He visit you with destruction by the hand of all the Wreakers of Revenge!  Be cursed without mercy because of the darkness of your deeds!  Be damned in the shadowy place of everlasting fire!  May God not heed when you call on Him, nor pardon you by blotting out your sin!  May He raise His angry face towards you for vengeance!  May there be no “Peace” for you in the mouth of those who hold fast to the Fathers!’  And after the blessing and the cursing, all those entering the Covenant shall say, ‘Amen, Amen!’“

CR 1:6   “And the Priests and Levites shall continue, saying: ‘Cursed be the man who enters this Covenant while walking among the idols of his heart, who sets up before himself his stumbling-block of sin so that he may backslide!  Hearing the words of this Covenant, he blesses himself in his heart and says, “Peace be with me, even though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart” (Deut. 29:18‑19), whereas his spirit, parched (for lack of truth) and watered (with lies), shall be destroyed without pardon.  God’s wrath and His zeal for His precepts shall consume him in everlasting destruction.  All the curses of the Covenant shall cling to him and God will set him apart for evil. He shall be cut off from the midst of all the sons of light, and because he has turned aside from God on account of his idols and his stumbling-block of sin, his lot shall be among those who are cursed for ever.’  And after them, all those entering the Covenant shall answer and say, ‘Amen, Amen!’

CR 1:7   Thus shall they do, year by year, for as long as the dominion of Satan endures.  The Priests shall enter first, ranked one after another according to the perfection of their spirit; then the Levites; and thirdly, all the people one after another in their Thousands, Hundreds, Fifties, and Tens, that every Israelite may know his place in the Community of God according to the everlasting design.  No man shall move down from his place nor move up from his allotted position.  For according to the holy design, they shall all of them be in a Community of truth and virtuous humility, of loving kindness and good intent one towards the other, and (they shall all of them be) sons of the everlasting Company.

CR 1:8   No man shall be in the Community of His truth who refuses to enter the Covenant of God so that he may walk in the stubbornness of his heart, for his soul detests the Wise teaching of just laws. He shall not be counted among the upright for he has not persisted in the conversion of his life.  His knowledge, powers, and possessions shall not enter the Council of the Community, for whoever ploughs the mud of wickedness returns defiled (?).  He shall not be justified by that which his stubborn heart declares lawful, for seeking the ways of light he looks towards darkness.  He shall not be reckoned among the perfect; he shall neither be purified by atonement, nor cleansed by purifying waters, nor sanctified by seas and rivers, nor washed clean with any ablution.  Unclean, unclean shall he be.  For as long as he despises the precepts of God he shall receive no instruction in the Community of His counsel.

CR 1:9   For it is through the spirit of true counsel concerning the ways of man that all his sins shall be expiated that he may contemplate the light of life.  He shall be cleansed from all his sins by the spirit of holiness uniting him to His truth, and his iniquity shall be expiated by the spirit of uprightness and humility.  And when his flesh is sprinkled with purifying water and sanctified by cleansing water, it shall be made clean by the humble submission of his soul to all the precepts of God.  Let him then order his steps to walk perfectly in all the ways commanded by God concerning the times appointed for him, straying neither to right nor to left and transgressing none of His words, and he shall be accepted by virtue of pleasing atonement before God and it shall be to him a Covenant of the everlasting Community.

Chapter 2

CR 2:1   The Master shall instruct all the sons of light and shall teach them the nature of all the children of men according to the kind of spirit which they possess, the signs identifying their works during their lifetime, their visitation for chastisement, and the time of their reward.

CR 2:2   From the God of Knowledge comes all that is and shall be. Before ever they existed He established their whole design, and when, as ordained for them, they come into being, it is in accord with His glorious design that they accomplish their task without change.  The laws of all things are in His hand and He provides them with all their needs.

CR 2:3   He has created man to govern the world, and has appointed for him two spirits in which to walk until the time of His visitation: the spirits of truth and falsehood.  Those born of truth spring from a fountain of light, but those born of falsehood spring from a source of darkness.  All the children of righteousness are ruled by the Prince of Light and walk in the ways of light, but all the children of falsehood are ruled by the Angel of Darkness and walk in the ways of darkness.

CR 2:4   The Angel of Darkness leads all the children of righteousness astray, and until his end, all their sin, iniquities, wickedness, and all their unlawful deeds are caused by his dominion in accordance with the mysteries of God.  Every one of their chastisements, and every one of the seasons of their distress, shall be brought about by the rule of his persecution; for all his allotted spirits seek the overthrow of the sons of light.

CR 2:5   But the God of Israel and His Angel of Truth will succor all the sons of light.  For it is He who created the spirits of Light and Darkness and founded every action upon them and established every deed upon their ways.  And He loves the one everlastingly and delights in its works for ever; but the counsel of the other He loathes and for ever hates its ways.

CR 2:6   These are their ways in the world for the enlightenment of the heart of man, and that all the paths of true righteousness may be made straight before him, and that the fear of the laws of God may be instilled in his heart: a spirit of humility, patience, abundant charity, unending goodness, understanding, and intelligence; (a spirit of) mighty wisdom which trusts in all the deeds of God and leans on His great loving kindness; a spirit of discernment in every purpose, of zeal for just laws, of holy intent with steadfastness of heart, of great charity/love towards all the sons of truth, of admirable purity which detests all unclean idols, of humble conduct sprung from an understanding of all things, and of faithful concealment of the mysteries of truth.  These are the counsels of the spirit to the sons of truth in this world.

CR 2:7   And as for the visitation of all who walk in this spirit, it shall be healing, great peace in a long life, and fruitfulness, together with every everlasting blessing and eternal joy in life without end, a crown of glory and a garment of majesty in unending light.

CR 2:8   But the ways of the spirit of falsehood are these: greed, and slackness in the search for righteousness, wickedness and lies, haughtiness and pride, falseness and deceit, cruelty and abundant evil, ill-temper and much folly and brazen insolence, abominable deeds (committed) in a spirit of lust, and ways of lewdness in the service of uncleanness, a blaspheming tongue, blindness of eye and dullness of ear, stiffness of neck and heaviness of heart, so that man walks in all the ways of darkness and guile.

CR 2:9   And the visitation of all who walk in this spirit shall be a multitude of plagues by the hand of all the destroying angels, everlasting damnation by the avenging wrath of the fury of God, eternal torment and endless disgrace together with shameful extinction in the fire of the dark regions.  The times of all their generations shall be spent in sorrowful mourning and in bitter misery and in calamities of darkness until they are destroyed without remnant or survivor.

CR 2:10   The nature of all the children of the men is ruled by these (two spirits), and during their life all the hosts of men have a portion of their divisions and walk in (both) their ways.  And the whole reward for their deeds shall be, for everlasting ages, according to whether each man’s portion in their two divisions is great or small. For God has established the spirits in equal measure until the final age, and has set everlasting hatred between their divisions.  Truth abhors the works of falsehood, and falsehood hates all the ways of truth.  And their struggle is fierce in all their arguments for they do not walk together.

CR 2:11   But in the mysteries of His understanding, and in His glorious wisdom, God has ordained an end for falsehood, and at the time of the visitation He will destroy it for ever.  Then truth, which has wallowed in the ways of wickedness during the dominion of falsehood until the appointed time of judgement, shall arise in the world for ever.  God will then purify every deed of man with his truth; He will refine for Himself the human frame by rooting out all spirit of falsehood/injustice from the bounds of his flesh.  He will cleanse him of all wicked deeds with the spirit of holiness; like purifying waters He will shed upon him the spirit of truth (to cleanse him) of all abomination and falsehood.  And he shall be plunged into the spirit of purification that he may instruct the upright in the knowledge of the Most High and teach the wisdom of the sons of heaven to the perfect of way.  For God has chosen them for an everlasting Covenant and all the glory of Adam shall be theirs.  There shall be no more lies and all the works of falsehood shall be put to shame.

CR 2:12   Until now the spirits of truth and falsehood struggle in the hearts of men and they walk in both wisdom and folly.  According to his portion of truth so does a man hate falsehood, and according to his inheritance in the realm of falsehood so is he wicked and so hates truth.  For God has established the two spirits in equal measure until the determined end, and until the Renewal and He knows the reward of their deeds from all eternity.  He has allotted them to the children of men that they may know good and evil, and that the destiny of all the living may be according to the spirit within them at the time of the visitation.

Chapter 3

And this is the Rule for the men of the Community who have freely pledged themselves to be converted from all evil and to cling to all His commandments according to His will.

CR 3:1   They shall separate from the congregation of the men of falsehood/injustice and shall unite, with respect to the Law and possessions, under the authority of the sons of Zadok, the Priests who keep the Covenant, and of the multitude of the men of the Community who hold fast to the Covenant.  Every decision concerning doctrine, property, and justice shall be determined by them.

CR 3:2   They shall practice truth and humility in common, and justice and uprightness and charity/love and modesty in all their ways.  No man shall walk in the stubbornness of his heart so that he strays after his heart and eyes and evil inclination, but he shall circumcise in the Community the foreskin of evil inclination and of stiffness of neck that they may lay a foundation of truth for Israel, for the Community of the everlasting Covenant.  They shall atone for all those in Aaron who have freely pledged themselves to holiness, and for those in Israel who have freely pledged themselves to the House of Truth, and for those who join them to live in community and to take part in the trial and judgement and condemnation of all those who transgress the precepts.

CR 3:3   On joining the Community, this shall be their code of behavior with respect to all these precepts.

CR 3:4   Whoever approaches the Council of the Community shall enter the Covenant of God in the presence of all who have freely pledged themselves.  He shall undertake by a binding oath to return with all his heart and soul to every commandment of the Law of Moses in accordance with all that has been revealed of it to the sons of Zadok, the Keepers of the Covenant and Seekers of His will, and to the multitude of the men of their Covenant who together have freely pledged themselves to His truth and to walking in the way of His delight.  And he shall undertake by the Covenant to separate from all the men of falsehood who walk in the way of wickedness.

CR 3:5   For they are not reckoned in His Covenant.  They have neither inquired nor sought after Him concerning His laws that they might know the hidden things in which they have sinfully erred; and matters revealed they have treated with insolence.  Therefore Wrath shall rise up to condemn, and Vengeance shall be executed by the curses of the Covenant, and great chastisements of eternal destruction shall be visited on them, leaving no remnant.  They shall not enter the water to partake of the pure Meal of the saints, for they shall not be cleansed unless they turn from their wickedness: for all who transgress His word are unclean.  Likewise, no man shall consort with him with regard to his work or property lest he be burdened with the guilt of his sin.  He shall indeed keep away from him in all things: as it is written,  Keep away from all that is false (Exod 23:7).  No member of the Community shall follow them in matters of doctrine and justice, or eat or drink anything of theirs, or take anything from them except for a price; as it is written, Keep away from the man in whose nostrils is breath, for wherein is he counted? (Isa 2:22).  For all those not reckoned in His Covenant are to be set apart, together with all that is theirs.  None of the saints shall lean upon works of vanity: for they are all vanity who know not His Covenant, and He will blot from the earth all them that despise His word.  All their deeds are defilement before Him, and all their possessions unclean.

CR 3:6   But when a man enters the Covenant to walk according to all these precepts that he may join the holy Congregation, they shall examine his spirit in community with respect to his understanding and practice of the Law, under the authority of the sons of Aaron who have freely pledged themselves in the Community to restore His Covenant and to heed all the precepts commanded by Him, and of the multitude of Israel who have freely pledged themselves in the Community to return to His Covenant.  They shall inscribe them in the order, one after another, according to their understanding and their deeds, that every one may obey his companion, the man of lesser rank obeying his superior.  And they shall examine their spirit and deeds yearly, so that each man may be advanced in accordance with his understanding and perfection of way, or moved down in accordance with the offenses committed by him/in accordance with his distortions.

CR 3:7   They shall rebuke one another in truth, humility, and love.  Let no man address his companion with anger, or ill-temper, or obduracy, or with envy prompted by the spirit of wickedness.  Let him not hate him because of his uncircumcised heart, but let him rebuke him on the very same day lest he incur guilt because of him.  And furthermore, let no man accuse his companion before the Congregation without having first admonished him in the presence of witnesses.

CR 3:8   These are the ways in which all of them shall walk, each man with his companion, wherever they dwell.  The man of lesser rank shall obey the greater in matters of work and money.  They shall eat in common and pray in common and deliberate in common.

CR 3:9   Wherever there are ten men of the Council of the Community there shall not lack a Priest among them.  And they shall all sit before him according to their rank and shall be asked their counsel in all things in that order.  And when the table has been prepared for eating, and the new wine for drinking, the Priest shall be the first to stretch out his hand to bless the first-fruits of the bread and new wine.

CR 3:11   And where the ten are, there shall never lack a man among them who shall study the Law continually, day and night, concerning the right conduct of a man with his companion.  And the Congregation shall watch in community for a third of every night of the year, to read the Book and to study Law and to pray together.

Chapter 4

This is the Rule for an Assembly of the Congregation

CR 4:1   Each man shall sit in his place: the Priests shall sit first, and the elders second, and all the rest of the people according to their rank.  And thus shall they be questioned concerning the Law, and concerning any counsel or matter coming before the Congregation, each man bringing his knowledge to the Council of the Community.

CR 4:2   No man shall interrupt a companion before his speech has ended, nor speak before a man of higher rank; each man shall speak in his turn.  And in an Assembly of the Congregation no man shall speak without the consent of the Congregation, nor indeed of the Guardian of the Congregation.  Should any man wish to speak to the Congregation, yet not be in a position to question the Council of the Community, let him rise to his feet and say: ‘I have something to say to the Congregation.’ If they command him to speak, he shall speak.

CR 4:3   Every man, born of Israel, who freely pledges himself to join the Council of the Community shall be examined by the Guardian at the head of the Congregation concerning his understanding and his deeds.  If he is fitted to the discipline, he shall admit him into the Covenant that he may be converted to the truth and depart from all falsehood; and he shall instruct him in all the rules of the Community.  And later, when he comes to stand before the Congregation, they shall all deliberate his case, and according to the decision of the Council of the Congregation he shall either enter or depart.  After he has entered the Council of the Community he shall not touch the pure Meal of the Congregation until one full year is completed, and until he has been examined concerning his spirit and deeds; nor shall he have any share of the property of the Congregation.  Then when he has completed one year within the Community, the Congregation shall deliberate his case with regard to his understanding and observance of the Law.  And if it be his destiny, according to the judgement of the Priests and the multitude of the men of their Covenant, to enter the company of the Community, his property and earnings shall be handed over to the Bursar of the Congregation who shall register it to his account and shall not spend it for the Congregation.  He shall not touch the Drink of the Congregation until he has completed a second year among the men of the Community.  But when the second year has passed, he shall be examined, and if it be his destiny, according to the judgement of the Congregation, to enter the Community, then he shall be inscribed among his brethren in the order of his rank for the Law, and for justice, and for the pure Meal; his property shall be merged and he shall offer his counsel and judgement to the Community.

Chapter 5

These are the Rules by which they shall judge at a Community (Court of) Inquiry according to the cases

CR 5:1   If one of them has lied deliberately in matters of property, he shall be excluded from the pure Meal of the Congregation for one year and shall do penance with respect to one quarter of his food.

CR 5:2   Whoever has answered his companion with obstinacy, or has addressed him impatiently, going so far as to take no account of the dignity of his fellow by disobeying the order of a brother inscribed before him, he has taken the law into his own hand; therefore he shall do penance for one year and shall be excluded.

CR 5:3   If any man has uttered the Most Venerable Name even though frivolously, or as a result of shock or for any other reason whatever, while reading the Book or praying, he shall be dismissed and shall return to the Council of the Community no more.

CR 5:4   If he has spoken in anger against one of the Priests inscribed in the Book, he shall do penance for one year and shall be excluded for his soul’s sake from the pure Meal of the Congregation.  But if he has spoken unwittingly, he shall do penance for six months.

CR 5:5   Whoever has deliberately lied shall do penance for six months.

CR 5:6   Whoever has deliberately insulted his companion unjustly shall do penance for one year and shall be excluded.

CR 5:7   Whoever has deliberately deceived his companion by word or by deed shall do penance for six months.

CR 5:8   If he has failed to care for his companion, he shall do penance for three months.  But if he has failed to care for the property of the Community, thereby causing its loss, he shall restore it in full. And if he be unable to restore it, he shall do penance for sixty days.

CR 5:9   Whoever has borne malice against his companion unjustly shall do penance for six months/one year: and likewise, whoever has  taken revenge in any matter whatever.

CR 5:10   Whoever has spoken foolishly: three months.

CR 5:11   Whoever has interrupted his companion while speaking: ten days.

CR 5:12   Whoever has lain down to sleep during an Assembly of the Congregation: thirty days.  And likewise, whoever has left without reason, an Assembly of the Congregation as many as three times during one Assembly, shall do penance for ten days.  But if he has departed whilst they were standing he shall do penance for thirty days.

CR 5:13   Whoever has gone naked before his companion, without having been obliged to do so, he shall do penance for six months.

CR 5:14   Whoever has spat in an Assembly of the Congregation shall do penance for thirty days.

CR 5:15   Whoever has been so poorly dressed that when drawing his hand from beneath his garment his nakedness has been seen, he shall do penance for thirty days.

CR 5:16   Whoever has guffawed foolishly shall do penance for thirty days.

CR 5:17   Whoever has drawn out his left hand to gesticulate with if shall do penance for ten days.

CR 5:18   Whoever has gone about slandering his companion shall be excluded from the pure Meal of the Congregation for one year and shall do penance.  But whoever has slandered the Congregation shall be expelled from among them and shall return no more.

CR 5:19   Whoever has murmured against the authority of the Community shall be expelled and shall not return.  But if he has murmured against his companion unjustly, he shall do penance for six months.

CR 5:20   Should a man return whose spirit has so trembled before the authority of the Community that he has betrayed the truth and walked in the stubbornness of his heart, he shall do penance for two years.  During the first year he shall not touch the pure Meal of the Congregation, and during the second year he shall not touch the Drink of the Congregation and shall sit below all the men of the Community.  Then when his two years are completed, the Congregation shall consider his case, and if he is admitted he shall be inscribed in his rank and may then question concerning the Law.

CR 5:21   If, after being in the Council of the Community for ten full years, the spirit of any man has failed so that he has betrayed the Community and departed from the Congregation to walk in the stubbornness of his heart, he shall return no more to the Council of the Community.  Moreover, if any member of the Community has shared with him his food or property which . . . of the Congregation, his sentence shall be the same; he shall be expelled.

Chapter 6

CR 6:1   VIII  In the Council of the Community there shall be twelve men and three Priests, perfectly versed in all that is revealed of the Law, whose works shall be truth, righteousness, justice, loving kindness and humility.  They shall preserve the faith in the Land with steadfastness and meekness and shall atone for sin by the practice of justice and by suffering the sorrows of affliction.  They shall walk with all men according to the standard of truth and the rule of the time.  (After 6 days – Barnabas)

CR 6:2   When these are in Israel, the Council of the Community shall be established in truth.  It shall be an Everlasting Plantation, a House of Holiness for Israel, an Assembly of Supreme Holiness for Aaron.  They shall be witnesses to the truth at the Judgement, and shall be the elect of Goodwill who shall atone for the Land and pay to the wicked their reward.  It shall be that tried wall, that precious corner-stone, whose foundations shall neither rock nor sway in their place (Isa 28:16).  It shall be a Most Holy Dwelling for Aaron, with everlasting knowledge of the Covenant of justice, and shall offer up sweet fragrance.  It shall be a House of Perfection and Truth in Israel that they may establish a Covenant according to the everlasting precepts.  And they shall be an agreeable offering, atoning for the Land and determining the judgement of wickedness, and there shall be no more iniquity.  When they have been confirmed for two years in perfection of way by the authority of the Community, they shall be set apart as holy within the Council of the men of the Community.  And the Interpreter shall not conceal from them, out of fear of the spirit of apostasy, any of those things hidden from Israel which have been discovered by him.

CR 6:3   And when these become members of the Community in Israel according to all these rules, they shall separate from the habitation of ungodly men and shall go into the wilderness to prepare the way of Him; as it is written, Prepare in the wilderness the way of. . ., make straight in the desert a path for our God (Isa 40:3).  This (path) is the study of the Law which He commanded by the hand of Moses, that they may do according to all that has been revealed from age to age, and as the Prophets have revealed by His Holy Spirit.

CR 6:4   And no man among the members of the Covenant of the Community who deliberately, on any point whatever, turns aside from all that is commanded, shall touch the pure Meal of the men of holiness or know anything of their counsel until his deeds are purified from all falsehood and he walks in perfection of way.  And then, according to the judgement of the Congregation, he shall be admitted to the Council and shall be inscribed in his rank.  This rule shall apply to whoever enters the Community.

Chapter 7

And these are the rules which the men of perfect holiness shall follow in their commerce with one another

CR 7:1   “Every man who enters the Council of Holiness, (the Council of those) who walk in the way of perfection as commanded by God, and who deliberately or through negligence transgresses one word of the Law of Moses, on any point whatever, shall be expelled from the Council of the Community and shall return no more; no man of holiness shall be associated in his property or counsel in any matter at all.  But if he has acted inadvertently, he shall be excluded from the pure Meal and the Council and they shall interpret the rule (as follows). For two years he shall take no part in judgement or ask for counsel; but if, during that time, his way becomes perfect, then he shall return to the (Court of) Inquiry and the Council, in accordance with the judgement of the Congregation, provided that he commit no further inadvertent sin during two full years.  For one sin of inadvertence (alone) he shall do penance for two years.  But as for him who has sinned deliberately, he shall never return; only the man who has sinned inadvertently shall be tried for two years that his way and counsel may be made perfect according to the judgement of the Congregation.  And afterwards, he shall be inscribed in his rank in the Community of Holiness.”

CR 7:2   “When these become members of the Community in Israel according to all these rules, they shall establish the spirit of holiness according to everlasting truth.  They shall atone for guilty rebellion and for sins of unfaithfulness that they may obtain loving kindness for the Land without the flesh of holocausts and the fat of sacrifice.  And prayer rightly offered shall be as an acceptable fragrance of righteousness, and perfection of way as a delectable free-will offering.  At that time, the men of the Community shall set apart a House of Holiness in order that it may be united to the most holy things and a House of Community for Israel, for those who walk in perfection.  The sons of Aaron alone shall command in matters of justice and property, and every rule concerning the men of the Community shall be determined according to their word.”

CR 7:3   “As for the property of the men of holiness who walk in perfection, it shall not be merged with that of the men of falsehood who have not purified their life by separating themselves from iniquity and walking in the way of perfection.  They shall depart from none of the counsels of the Law to walk in the stubbornness of their hearts, but shall be ruled by the primitive precepts in which the men of the Community were first instructed until there shall come the Prophet and the Messiahs of Aaron and Israel.

Chapter 8

These are the precepts in which the Master shall walk in his commerce with all the living, according to the rule proper to every season and according to the worth of every man

CR 8:1   He shall do the will of God according to all that has been revealed from age to age.

CR 8:2   He shall measure out all knowledge discovered throughout the ages, together with the Precept of the age.

CR 8:3   He shall separate and weigh the sons of righteousness according to their spirit.

CR 8:4   He shall hold firmly to the elect of the time according to His will, as He has commanded.

CR 8:5   He shall judge every man according to his spirit.  He shall admit him in accordance with the cleanness of his hands and advance him in accordance with his understanding.  And he shall love and hate likewise.

CR 8:6   He shall not rebuke the men of the Pit nor dispute with them.

CR 8:7   He shall conceal the teaching of the Law from men of falsehood, but shall impart true knowledge and righteous judgement to those who have chosen the Way.  He shall guide them all in knowledge according to the spirit of each and according to the rule of the age, and shall thus instruct them in the mysteries of marvelous truth that in the midst of the men of the Community they may walk perfectly together in all that has been revealed to them.  This is the time for the preparation of the way into the wilderness, and he shall teach them to do all that is required at that time and to separate from all those who have not turned aside from all ungodliness/injustice.

Chapter 9

These are the rules of conduct for the Master in those times with respect to his loving and hating

CR 9:1   Everlasting hatred in a spirit of secrecy for the men of perdition!  He shall leave to them wealth and earnings like a slave to his lord and like a poor man to his master.

CR 9:2   He shall be a man zealous for the Precept whose time is for the Day of Revenge.  He shall perform the will of God in all his deeds and in all his dominion as He has commanded.  He shall freely delight in all that befalls him and nothing shall please him save God’s will.  He shall delight in all the words of His mouth and shall desire nothing except His command.  He shall watch always for the judgement of God, and shall bless his Maker for all His goodness and declare His mercies in all that befalls.

CR 9:3   He shall bless Him with the offering of the lips at the times ordained by Him: at the beginning of the dominion of light, and at its end when it retires to its appointed place; at the beginning of the watches of darkness when He unlocks their storehouse and spreads them out, and also at their end when they retire before the light; when the heavenly lights shine out from the dwelling-place of Holiness, and also when they retire to the place of Glory; at the entry of the (monthly) seasons on the days of the new moon, and also at their end when they succeed to one another.  Their renewal is a great day for the Holy of Holies, and a sign for the unlocking of everlasting mercies at the beginning of seasons in all times to come.

Chapter 10

CR 10:1   At the beginning of the months of the (yearly) seasons
  and on the holy days appointed for remembrance,
in their seasons I will bless Him
  with the offering of the lips
  according to the Precept engraved for ever:
at the beginning of the years
  and at the end of their seasons
  when their appointed law is fulfilled,
on the day decreed by Him
  that they should pass from one to the other –
the season of early harvest to the summer time,
the season of sowing to the season of grass,
the seasons of years to their weeks (of years)-
and at the beginning of their weeks
  for the season of Jubilee.
All my life the engraved Precept shall be on my tongue
  as the fruit of praise
  and the portion of my lips.

CR 10:2   I will sing with knowledge and all my music
  shall be for the glory of God.
(My) lyre (and) my harp shall sound
  for His holy order
and I will tune the pipe of my lips
  to His right measure.
With the coming of day and night
  I will enter the Covenant of God,
and when evening and morning depart
  I will recite His decrees.
I will place in them my bounds without return.

CR 10:3   I will declare His judgement concerning my sins,
  and my transgressions shall be before my eyes
  as an engraved Precept.
I will say to God, ‘My Righteousness’
  and ‘Author of my Goodness’ to the Most High,
‘Fountain of Knowledge’ and ‘Source of Holiness’,
  ‘Summit of Glory’ and ‘Almighty Eternal Majesty’.
I will choose that which He teaches me
  and will delight in His judgement of me.

CR 10:4   Before I move my hands and feet
  I will bless His Name.
I will praise Him before I go out or enter,
  or sit or rise,
and while I lie on the couch of my bed.
I will bless Him with the offering
  of that which proceeds from my lips
  from the midst of the ranks of men,
and before I lift my hands to eat
  of the pleasant fruits of the earth.
I will bless Him for His exceeding wonderful deeds
  at the beginning of fear and dread
  and in the abode of distress and desolation.
I will meditate on His power
  and will lean on His mercies all day long.
I know that judgement of all the living
  is in His hand,
  and that all His deeds are truth.
I will praise Him when distress is unleashed
  and will magnify Him also because of His salvation.

CR 10:5   I will pay to no man the reward of evil;
  I will pursue him with goodness.
For judgement of all the living is with God
  and it is He who will render to man his reward.
I will not envy in a spirit of wickedness,
  my soul shall not desire the riches of violence.
I will not grapple with the men of perdition
  until the Day of Revenge,
but my wrath shall not turn from the men of falsehood
  and I will not rejoice until judgement is made.
I will bear no rancor
  against them that turn from transgression,
but will have no pity
  on all who depart from the way.
I will offer no comfort to the smitten
  until their way becomes perfect.

CR 10:6   I will not keep Satan within my heart,
and in my mouth shall be heard
  no folly or sinful deceit,
  no cunning or lies shall be found on my lips.
The fruit of holiness shall be on my tongue
  and no abominations shall be found upon it.
I will open my mouth
  in songs of thanksgiving,
and my tongue shall always proclaim
the goodness of God and the sin of men
  until their transgression ends.
I will cause vanities
  to cease from my lips,
uncleanness and crookedness
  from the knowledge of my heart.

CR 10:7   I will impart/conceal knowledge with discretion
  and will prudently hedge it within a firm bound
to preserve faith and strong judgement
  in accordance with the justice of God.
I will distribute the Precept
  by the measuring-cord of the times,
and . . . righteousness
  and loving kindness towards the oppressed,
encouragement to the troubled heart
  and discernment to the erring spirit,
teaching understanding to them that murmur
  that they may answer meekly
  before the haughty of spirit
and humbly before men of injustice
  who point the finger and speak of iniquity
  and who are zealous for wealth.

CR 10:8   As for me,
  my justification is with God.
In His hand are the perfection of my way
  and the uprightness of my heart.
He will wipe out my transgression
  through His righteousness.

CR 10:9   For my light has sprung
  from the source of His knowledge;
my eyes have beheld His marvelous deeds,
  and the light of my heart, the mystery to come.
He that is everlasting
  is the support of my right hand;
the way of my steps is over stout rock
  which nothing shall shake;
for the rock of my steps is the truth of God
  and His might is the support of my right hand.

CR 10:10   From the source of His righteousness
  is my justification,
and from His marvelous mysteries
  is the light in my heart.
My eyes have gazed
  on that which is eternal,
on wisdom concealed from men,
  on knowledge and wise design
  (hidden) from the sons of men;
on a fountain of righteousness
  and on a storehouse of power
on a spring of glory
(hidden) from the assembly of flesh.
God has given them to His chosen ones
  as an everlasting possession,
and has caused them to inherit
  the lot of the Holy Ones.
He has joined their assembly
  to the Sons of Heaven
to be a Council of the Community,
a foundation of the Building of Holiness,
and eternal Plantation throughout all ages to come.

CR 10:11   As for me,
  I belong to wicked mankind,
  to the company of ungodly flesh.
My iniquities, rebellions, and sins,
  together with the perversity of my heart,
belong to the company of worms
  and to those who walk in darkness.
For mankind has no way,
  and man is unable to establish his steps
since justification is with God
  and perfection of way is out of His hand.
All things come to pass by His knowledge;
He establishes all things by His design
  and without Him nothing is done.

CR 10:12   As for me,
  if I stumble, the mercies of God
  shall be my eternal salvation.
If I stagger because of the sin of flesh,
  my justification shall be
  by the righteousness of God which endures for ever.
When my distress is unleashed
  He will deliver my soul from the Pit
  and will direct my steps to the way.
He will draw me near by His grace,
  and by His mercy will He bring my justification.
He will judge me in the righteousness of His truth
  and in the greatness of His goodness
  He will pardon all my sins.
Through His righteousness he will cleanse me
  of the uncleanness of man
  and of the sins of the children of men,
that I may confess to God His righteousness,
  and His majesty to the Most High.

CR 10:13   Blessed are You, my God,
  who opens the heart of Your servant to knowledge!
Establish all his deeds in righteousness,
and as it pleases You to do for the elect of mankind,
  grant that the son of Your handmaid
  may stand before You for ever.

CR 10:14   For without You no way is perfect,
  and without Your will nothing is done.
It is You who has taught all knowledge
  and all things come to pass by Your will.
There is none beside You to dispute Your counsel
  or to understand all Your holy design,
or to contemplate the depth of Your mysteries
and the power of Your might.

CR 10:15   Who can endure Your glory,
  and what is the son of man
  in the midst of Your wonderful deeds?
What shall one born of woman
  be accounted before You?
Kneaded from the dust,
his abode is the nourishment of worms.
He is but a shape, but molded clay,
  and inclines towards dust.
What shall hand-molded clay reply?
What counsel shall it understand?

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