“To the Righteous and the wise will be given books of joy, of integrity and of great Wisdom. To them shall books be given in which they shall believe. And in which they shall rejoice. …who from these shall acquire the knowledge of every upright path.”
Enoch 104a:10-11, 104b
King James Version of the Bible with a wide margin for notes and cross references if possible. You’ll want to get a good quality book, one that can take “search and research”.
Psalm 19
The Book of Enoch, the Prophet translated by Richard Laurence. Enoch is considered the Father of Prophecy.
The Book of Jasher, the Upright Record. The history of Israel from Adam to Moses, it expands upon Genesis.
The Apocrypha according to the Authorized Version or Goodspeed translation
- The Book of First Esdras
- The Book of Second Esdras
- The Wisdom of Solomon
- The Wisdom of Sirach
- The (First) Book of Baruch
- The Story of Susanna
- The Song of the Three Children
- The Story of Bel and the Dragon
- The Prayer of Manasseh
The Nag Hammadi Library, Harper and Row Publishers, Hardbound
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, Gaza Vermes
The Pseudepigrapha volumes I and II
The Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance